Show xnBUIIAL li tltnapp ot Oakley was among the viiltors here this week Mlii Kinum Farnsworth came down from the lark this morning Mn John Bbermnnreturned from her Hall Lake vlilt Wedneiday Mn Johanion hui returned from her > lilt to Morgan Ogden a ail tall Lake Dfi IsCompte Wiliunand KJoi were among the arrival from Iark City this uurnlng I Marurlce Fitzgerald brother in law ol herltr Harrington wui In Coal lIIe thli week on builneii batters Sirs Lena Tlmikcray and lister Mlii lllanch Mliian returned to Ciullvllle Monday to rcmulu for the lummer Dunlel Wilde Julm Johnion and Klljali Itanion have gone to Salmon i City Idaho on n tour of Inipcctlon Hon O W Iowern 0 H Vhrian iitcnugraplier 1lke Judge Kill O 11 Tewkeibury and other toll fakers are attending court HIierllT Harrington mado a trip to bait I fake Monday utter 1eter Clark the Slayer 01 iUIII Ho returned with lili I iriiontr Tuetday John Iack Win Archibald Henry Welah our county leleclmen arrived Wednenday lo lay out their fork fur limo following 111 C McUughlln II S Townicnd iRililcn u largo numlvrol jurymen cud wllneiiei are down Irnn the fork In Uttiidancu on the Dlitrlct Court llou deorge Heard returned lait lou urdny from Hilt Lake And Immediately leeward bit dutlei ui iuierinlendent of tow Coop Ha It ptrupvd that Mi I legulatvo lulwra are over for n lime |