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Show A f, A SUMMER OUTING, i The riMaafM sad Bearflts U It. Uc rtiWI la tba Moaataln. of Colorado. heu one b.g,n3 . The day are here, to make plana for his summer oi.upg, FARM AXI) vsi . at w rowainc. .;. . . A aicfei feed than it now receiver. Good groom A l'biladclpbia aim was arrested cm United Stales The ub government has as aids digestion, Ing undoubtedly and established a branch office in the great In a warrant, charged with digestion tlie promotes body bjng ife, and v as taken to seed establishment of the 3ohn A. Sal. battery on bis people, and Is am excellent substitute the central station for a luarjug. Ilia rer See t Co.. La Crosse, So mme de w little ho ter exercise for those Wife, on her oath, said bo - beat her so large and exteuded is the trade of the OulthHior. cular badly that sh. was detained in bed two saler Seed that the government hen Magistrate South asked lor their own convenience to promptly days. him why he had beaten bis wife, the ma.l matter, located an office jnpuniiuc of (irfru Manuring, at prisoner said, Well, judge, yon see, I expedite The in their mammoth buildings. The ngfhiriuiral department Snl.cr's great plant, opened the door aud threw toy hat in- - editor is told the Side to if it would be welcomed, and seed and grain catalogue is mailed free Washington gathers in a bulb tin following icsulls of experience in the when she threw it out i was mi mad to any one upon receipt of j cents postI age by addressing them at La Cioaae, practice of green manuring for the that wiut inside an. I l.cked lief " GARDEN. THE KINO OVER ALL av-autt - ) MATTERS OF .INTEREST AGRICULTURISTS.- l CURE ''i. 'TO I FOR Rheumatism Neuralgia, .Sciatica, , and studies rail ay maps and questions f i lends to learn of the best spots, and r aru-where the most amuseumis To 8 may b had for the hast out lar Kansas people t,h Koiky mu:nuur-arconveu'.etU and afford opthe most IS 8 ) r portunity for the enjojment of tastes -- ot all shades. Tnentj four hours plact s 8 Uia. the mofct eastern dweller of the sta'e Improvement or the piesn t ation of the r a aril liidml. toj of right in the heart of the great il:"!c land fertility (Til Thl ; lir ii th? Lnti of iiusmke u -- tunes 8 whet worth of are $11X1,000 end ho has enjoyed such siau, s Nearly Gieen ihjininng improves the physi- mftn n a if ). turn out 1(u the rung roate. aa wealthy touiists go aeiot j! produced every year in this lountrr. i lies of the will bj making the Of cal side the n kI propc k ehh ton its ttl,!) ottaa to find. The Dmitr A: K:o fror At Ue soil mote potutis and adding to its sup-pl- v tnaiVidiihl Nilhou AiUsurd, Grande road, the Great Su nk Rente of tkttsUr mdiclues lo ink., dorot humus. It kings np the in rr, ) ht i un N t n the r light relieve llie world, tabes you at'Pueblo ot Hi limant plant food I row deep clou n in side, ftnd t) v road to ns it i.t f u HouMlerto$ ter, and whirls you through canons ? , where there must,. baie beea tm the sofl'.vud ilTpoKiii.it near the' suifa,?, the rein f ut u Hu i sia Irdnry and where giant urnis lian unu rhi utj a him tnala: u b ustcl It b can feeding wjit plants r' . daehsii lha houldi ii. imo their fvreeoai " neai the' surface. fioral Tracery on Mttal rt sting places. Tho rule through tlie SMOKING TOBACCO, huckwli&at. ; Gf'ecn with inthe nianiinng great By chance it bus 1 ei n Jiscovifred tb.it Royal Gorge displays 2 oz. for 5 Cents. and obry other j of delicate-tracethe its the and evefi most Ilmigieekn rias, engineers, of the genuity to of of determination its builders. mous plants udtls piae liculb nothing stinate petals flowers can be leprodi.eed in The rails are placed in almost inaeu-td-blthe soil which was not there before, metal. During the trial of a new fuse There are children of tlio the stream edge i places, along a rnuis of vegetable matiei, the other day a small leaf fr 11 between except which with wonderful shill Yet without food. They cry r torrent, tii all dtvouiilnue u hicT) dec'ajs and goes to til) m humus, a dynamite cartridge and an iron block been forced out of the way to make ( dgrinonp we must see a stoat acl- on which the cartridge was fired. As fov ers peae. for it, and are not an- Green " lias with CKEB.OOTS- -3 for 5 Cent, manuting bed road and the iron room for the rock a result, a perfect imprint of the leaf It should stimulate planting vwitae. beans, of it! C lupines, etc, (leguminous crops), was lej on the iron. swered. The rails. At certain points the tonem Glv pity a Good, Mellow, ITealthy, and actually enrich the soil Ju nitrogen maintains its Supremacy. but the diffi- jlnlaigf cpiantitb s w ilh better Ultra taut Smoke. Try Them. 5 But often nature cries out $ bj being more careful m bfleilipg lluw'i 1hl! and a met is alt These surmounted, drawn from .the plants culty LT01 1 C9. TDEiCtt tfQEU, Mux, L 0. Uiffs j cues, that are beat adapt ei to Our llffer-en- t can grew wiili very 'little in other ways that her $ f hanger being made Into soil We offer Ore Hundred Dollars reward of Catarrh that cannot be soils and lo atious, and above all nitrogen. lhe stoic up the nitrogen for any case ' overhead, to support the bridge work children need nourish- - $ cured by Hall s aturrh Cure nd track. The stream fs still jubilant things don't neglect muichlng. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. of the air as they grow, and w ben ment. Is your child thin; of its power over man, and laughs, In New Jersey and other states wheie ! Wo, the undersigned have known F, plowed under shell up to the soil and booms and' hashes by as the train marsh 15 years, and for last the J. t J0 an Cheney i lie an makes it secured hay It is the cheai actually poor in flesh? $ fll(llr(, Y honorable In all passes, not caring for the queer shadjieve him perfe'-tlit-- 1 - Does- - it get-n- oTIUKATJRA rRBEe bend ows that fall Into It, If It can only excelltnt mulch; In the southern stn'ea means of manuring the soil wilh nitro- - business transaction, and AnanclaUg able to carry out any obligations mad - be supreme at this critical point. The wheie pine (tags) straw is plentiful und gen. i'tirtd with Vefttbi . Then $ Positively Hsv ettiwd Hums ads ot mm Cra mm pt froirf Us food? canon is one of the grandest "in The where labor is bo ch. ap it is uiiticces-sai- y by their firm. SutuKwd ns well as plants, But aniumls. If feast jdkjsfeAsss. Iras lint too WALD1NG. KINNAN MARVIN, to niiuket any dirty .beriies; the ts tvs Saji dnWEpfwsri world, barely wide enough, in certain hot tw thirds ywpliin give something which for food. By feeding" the . Wholesale Druggists, Tol.io, Ohio. nitrogen it fevad fur trm fesofe ftiiax stream ifKPtiRM of and admit the the to 06l of putting it on your berries is parts, Riki v KirtnioM erN, ya Sir's tnu flint ins flesh Catarrh la taken InternalCure t andmaks row etc of Balls , only about mounpea. clover, crops of walls produces giant tracks, the granite worth more than it costs for manure hj Mil If jus ftnfer trial stud Its hi Mmp pmf directly upon the blood and of the fertilizing materials ly, actingsurfaces fNMUMTS. Hi. H. u. OliM Sow, AUmO, Of U rich blood. tains towering above and over all, and alone. I have tried both and know of tho system. Testimucous 4 this sdtsnlwNesst Is u. tnfertrih Is more Btill manure fwt of the crops is lost if the impressive object monials eent free. Pi ice. ?5c per bottle. giving a wheieof I speak. In the west where lesson of the great force of Nature IHH AKKMUTOH CO. dost bslf th VfrtTt properly eared for. As the nitrogen of Sold by U druggists, tfetudmhi tusiiMMi.iMtiMM it bi reduced UjScxmk f all. climb and straw The It is prairie hay Ball's FamllypniUc. which has caused plenty of wheat the air is the cheapest source of nitrofeUtd pbStf to 1 u afesi U KM-It IMS BMif htMfe is thrown away, in no place will it pay a long one, and after leaving Sallda fcotwre. suit suDpits tu cood sod repairs Itlectrleliv on Ilia Sarin. gen for plants, bo it is the cheapest of Cod-livOil, with st jutir door. Ueso suddoss luroufe s ' you think it is over and that as you better than mult hlng straw berries. But source fetdtsr srticM for hus sMotej ios of protein (nitrogen) for animals. Electricity is likely to be an imporenter upon a slight down grade, or a whithever is used, be careful to have otfcwre, it mfcs Ponpioc s4 Hypophosphltcsdoes best utilized tant factor m the agriculture of the fuhssmd. OtssL hsivssissd aniUifig valley, that you are now going the same as free from grass and weeds The leguminous crop is M 111 when It is fed out on the farm, and the ture, according to the Italian profeseor h more , than bjide down Into the great San Luis as Totrere. . possible, that are liable to come up manure saved and applied to the soil. A.'Aoli, who has collected evidence feorel ffesd Cottars sad Fred Valley- - Never were you more misthe unhealthy dFrgmw, changes both terrestrial and atthat w sppltasttoa H wltl ssmssos fgrtndsrs. If you look you will see two among the plants, particularly if the The showing and and Is taken; greatest profit thus secured, of (feres srUtlre Utst W wiU furmMi amU are favorable to action to one of health, Jsnmry M s4 t3 Utfe ttwh jrtos. It sire atta puffing little giants pulling the train plants have to stand over another year. nearly the same fertility is maintained mospheric electricity seeds of the the and howAt For grermicetion sod I hours growth IsiU Pump of sJI kttwts. feuatf fas aaidfus do several length, my advise not yet. part carrying as in green manuring. for thus removing the cause. of plants. . Ndsrji Utfe, UsdtaMI 4 FUIssrt Stftdi, Cliksih ever. when you have begun to wish for a bed over two years. There is a pecuFor renovating worn or barren soils, It acts on the nervous breakfast, the summit Is reached, and liarity about an eld" bed north and south Th Modern Way and for maintaining the fertility when there is a rapid stride down the westI do not understand. In Ohio an old bed to the itself HAIR BALSAM system, which controls not propel ly Commends ern slope, and into the beautiful valfevretiik tre fe s4 to do pleasantly and effectually what will have berries on to pick some days the barnyard manure is (Wr of the KRWioMi all more the miles s feiiMd ftotrlfe. . than the For fifty processes eared for, green manuring with, such was formerly done in the crudest manley. Foils b Bretoro Ortm before hrrre a new in bed. an here but as Virginia and as the arrow, i ir to us Youthfui Color, track is straight leguminous crops as cow pea, clover, ner and disagreeable as well. To cleanse body, toning it up into 0u arsis StreMM S hair train speeds along .hrluging you Into it is the reverse. - Will some one explain an lupines is recommended. A dress- the system and break up colds, headacand sound to me under the for breakfast, right and fever without unpleasant the reason? vigorous iAiamosq will usual- aches, lftwf&w of Blanco, the highest mounafter effects, use the delightful liquid Varieties that nave done best with me ing of potash and phosphates It is food fpr tivity. Manube for sufficient the of All manuring laxative are green around remedy. Syrup Figs. tain in this country. thp past season are many, but I must ly Com California factured and brain. as bone by Pig Syrup the eye can put the four growing smiling' Acids as far Tennessee crop. has been proved Sufficiently that, pany. reach, until vision is Interrupted by Prolific, No leading kinds, and It thin It makes the plump; Name, Lady while Rlx, the mountains which encircle the valclover, peas and other crops of the A Professional l.irhauge. the Thompson, first. These varieties are the ruddy; ley. Some one has said the West pale, ore the most valuable for Life: A doctor who occasionally the. Sangre de Cristo range now thoroughly tested all over fhe leguminous feeds it on at useful most weak, are in crooked and this sever strong; walked use, yet they paths en the east are a ring and that Blanco United "Sta I esrTmd "the plants can be will went to cnurch was called to see a pious and cures. is the setting. These mountains afford bought very reasonably, so that one can least moderately fertile soil, and old orthodox Trade-Mark- s. not grow sufficiently on poor land. For and clergyman who had every variety of amusement and enterafford to plant them even for the garJUST AS GOOD'IS NOT ill. tainment. There is fine trout fishing; den or for commercial such land, then, it Is necessary to grow been taken suddenly Adrlra a W fMta8mir tit as and Ri.nilnoUcM h EMULSION. asked SCOTTS purposes, "Aral going to die, doctor? In season there are plenty of ducks and Hew t IM Inf lavtWw'0wlaL.w tavMtHM. less exacting crops, as buckwheat, or . wosexsis at At usKX mm-JUfoO'CXxrao-oCFOOSand Hill Cranes, Brants, Geese and they all have a perfect blossom, can bo even a crop of weeds, and turn these th partou. 1 sot this time, said ell, Curlew. These are In the valley. If planted alone, and for fertilizing Haver-lansoil with humus tho doctor. guess "WoTi make a bargain Bubach No. 5 and Warfield No. 2 under, thus filling the )fg game is desired you muBt go back on which you keep me out of hell and I'll keep Into the mountains, where Elk, Bear, none are better and few as good. Of and decayed vegetable matters, the nitrogen germs may feed, and thus you out of heaven! Mountain Sheep and Lions, Glouse, etc., new ones for late, Side is simply Sunny prepare the way lor clover and Ita re- - i ire still to be found. Outfit at one of wonderful. Its shape, color and Hurrah toe rnntriauia. the pleasant little hamlets and spend then complete the j is wonderful and bound to la ted crops, which of Pennsylvania are to farmers a month in these mountains and In this I Tte of Improvement. process I notice the New York M. M, Luther, East on be vyWwvr if you want an outing. If you please everyone. congratulated." of The practice green manuring wisfuto meet the gay social parties, experimental station at Geneva in the over 207 bushel Sal-iegrew Is Pa., soil better classes and Troy, of, medium, that make the mountains their home In 1893 reports says it Is the most productSilver Mine Oats on one measured cummer, go to Colorado Springs, Man-Ito- u, ive berry on its grounds that year. It irrational and wasteful. The farmer aero Think of It! Now there are thirty so the that or some other of the delightful will ten quarts to Gandy's one, should mend his system farmers going to try and heat cared thousand on the line of the Denver & Rio and produce so late extends the season so barnyard manure will be as well Mr. Luther and win 200 In gold! and being Giande road. for as any other farm product Loss do It Will you be one of them? We know of no greater advantage to long. Fendrick. This Is a berry not from surface washing, leaching, fer- they'll there is Silver King Barley, Then leath, than may be gained by a sojourn yet introduced. I have It on trial. It , mentation, and decay should be guard- cropped on poor soil 116 bus. per acre healthy-foliagebut the resembles such of business NTlson, and cares the from way of richer In 1895. Isnt that wonderful and corn has a perfect blossom and in ed against. Then the feeding tally duties of the routine of living. manure mean food and bet- 230 bus. and potatoes and grasses and richer will Here there is no routine but a conproductiveness is simply wonderful In ter and clovers, fodder plants, etc., etc. Freight crops. tinued change, of pleasure, resulting cheaper earliness. I have not seen a berry that is cheap on seeds to all points east, west, overtor to tired or a sore profitable The system of soiling body feeding green would pick as many at one picking. or south. north other axed mind than any opportunity crops In the barn in place of pasturage MiIf yon will cot tin oat an within reach. The Denver & Rio Grande Earliest. This is a seedling of to of a number animals enables larger it It with 10 postage to the John A. SalEarly and , resembles Company looks after the comfort of its chael's i a be kept on a given area of land and yer Seed Co.. La Crosae, Wls., you will such ptrons with scrupulous care, and pro- In plant and fruit, manure to be more completely receive their mammoth catalogue and vides the best facilities for observation beautiful shape and color, makes the saved. For This purpose leguminous ten packagei grains and grasses. Inand enjoyment of the ride. If you have I on have had it freely. plants quite cluding above oata, free. lever yet visited these precincts, detrial for twoyears. It has a perfect crops are extremely valuable. ' w.n. ed now to do so This year, and get the blossom. Claronce. This is one of the Hay from' leguminous crops Is about lest and health you have been Jooktng old to valentine lake from rich as' la protein hay Any girl1 enough moat peculiar berries, much needed ow- - twice 88 F. P. BAKER. for. -- In one ease-yhl- s toget prateln (Btriom,y, ing to its firmness and shipping quailrHift 4 ties. It is without exception the best trogen) is obtained very largely from Notlr At a v iliac wedding .in Worcesterthe atmosphere ; 1 n the other It is draw a " asked th shire recently the clergyman II. H. Green &, Sons of Atlanta, shipper I have yet seen. When it comDr. from the fertility of 'the soiL Legumibridegroom the usual question whether mences to ripen it has little scarlet Go., are the greatest dropsy specialists he w t willing to take the woman to streaks running all around it and as nous crops yield larger crops of hay in the world. Cure more patients than he li s wedded wife, and, th rustic, soon as they appear is ready to pick. to the acre than grasses. Hence the the entire army of physician scattered scratch mr hi head for a moment or It will keep for days and ripen all production ot food materials on an acre, over thi beautiful lend of oura A ' uaMe discovery outside any " medical two replied, Ay, I'm .walling, but I d over alike in one or two especially protein, is several days after pickLondon Tele j lather bae her sister. bonk or published opinion. Removes larger with leguminous crops. ing; it has a moBtheantiful light crimall drop&kal symptoms rapidly. Tea graph seed the If of to allowed the ripen, so firm that it can be son color and is sufferPublic Uldi hi Oklihcmv and soja bean furnishes an ex- days treatment mailed to every Sn other shipped hundreds of miles. If you do cowpea er. bee advertisement of the public not wish to A careful investigation feed which column. ship them you can pick tremely rle$ concentrated teeords discloseithe fact that there are them green and they will ripen can be ground and fed In place of exas just A GREAT CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. acres of commercial public The straw several feeds yet mlllpns,of pretty as when picked from the vines. pensiveIs richer Editor: I read how Mr. Jooet mad Ma than lands in Oklahoma yet subject to homeIt for 1 ordlnary 1 1 i hay. i e s h s s at Edith Pistil the. larg-efor monevr-haw) Let tec job taking rrd-r Growmore crops. legumlnous stead entry and pettlenieat. cw They jj, Flirproof Dopant case or x'orin I have yet seen, bukyet SamPol kill, - It has gencrallkbeen understood that uel berry fire. Eve Miller of Bluffton, Mo., writes me or farmer buy. eell for World Mfg o . (V Z6) til the lauds In iklahoma fit for agriSept. 29, 1S95, that he measured one O nn week ZV second, , rleareHJ7 Columb cultural purposedare Biready occupied, that was ten inches one way and sevpn later made AS last week flret montli f'47. to the but such is not tS- faot. Owing selling National Dlab Wuker for same Srat the other in circumferand LUbt, easy work honl firm, antene esn method adopted fr the opening of these ence, and weighed two and three-fourtmake money by writing them. J C BAKRET, as cases In .many lands to wttlemjit. ounces. Havcrland, Bubach No. George Eli lot ia said to haV written high as five or si persona would settle 6 and Warfield No. 2 still have their r'Middtemarcli in four month. race. of th n track the day en a single places as old standard varieties. Carle 1 Cei Ceaglt Bwleaat and rather than and the expense of a is a seedling of Haverland and is simH ll oldfwt and bnt. It will bfwak ap a Cold la alwaya rwiiabla 1 rr O, .of other b risk and It tun leads 'Or wonderful the pacontest, again ply tui tHuu, ua matter nuw nine, in a i nnk nvn to -- each other, rent, both In making plants, producIHLOOO.OOU worth of hide where peachescan be grown, eryy ear ' Again, the main tiveness)! fruit, color and firmness. locality jibanson theta: . w will not fall to raise, occasionally, a tX race fer land at ose openings was for TlmbrelL Luclla, Jessie, Hatfield, Ac- -. lew seedlings for budding. This plan pieo' Cur for Consunu tlon b been a town comae, Btdwell, Bonita, Bowman, Burt, Tracts bear the iea or proposed ! sites and along e lines of railroads. or capL Jack, Dahy, Fulton, Glendale, lay, anrwenow what we have. Be- -. , d are ml e of street nd this many indreds of almost Lady Rusk, Leader, Lydia, Manchester, sides, the operation of budding is Okie-Kultcd But' And many others of the old standard easily learned, easily performed and ral'rod equally as good rmi as are in were yases iver In tbs mad rush sorts .have been plowed under. M. T.' quite interesting to the amateur. In a carkerToei, wfca8wwted liuiai ika. I 8 a S tmorttiinm rowdl-- i f r tor homes. Thompson, 8r., la Farmers Review. recent Issue of Country Gentleman the doaw;lean aad wt txmwa ?iJld w it j army tarw or of the that are directions portion given for prefollowing ft taTrwr.ed large Weekly wage lor skilled labor in Fxg- ic land re more t ret uncial Place land vary Jrom $0 to til. paring the pits for planting: trm Grooming lan for agricultural r stock-raisiHorses on the farm do not have the In moist earth any time after being i ft laderewrw, ta a Sepia rewt-dia.titi9ainiteM.tit a.it'lmll ,atktli IV terposes: yet the iare still hundreds of Aleek look that horses in city liveries taken from the peach, and belter not MI e. Makes waik.n a a' g homes awA g the taking in that Lave. Neither will they accomplish so Jet them become drietL through. It t v the Baby U Cattlag Teeth. f nmtry sad d htcdly a Urge num-- - much work. The difference Is partly desirable that they be placed where Steen II wad me that eU aedweilwied romtdf, Kao. fact that the horse in the they will Jreeze in winter, and If they will taka advanio the eastern le wing p of 'jr the tame wiaaieWt koorroe Srace far Childrea Taetldag. c: coming season. city' has a larger proportion of grain, have been kept moist, the seed o the ce of fill Th will the to took wTlt eix Rite Mot'ey and cavity while the farm horse, even when workwill year freezing pit -! the LuUh Republic, lloawfc ; V ing. gets most of his nutrition from expand the seed so as to open the pit to n the matter c tirchasrair food, th ita has alsp a good preparatory growth. A very good SITS AH FHaatanwmt frkj IT. X llnr'a flm But. grooming hay.' mu a a Nerve Reeuwwr, N Kltaaflrrltte i r with Vekwper superior sleeknessof plan to manage a. few pita Is to place IM.Irfre. arwrlaueeunw, TrpattwanlKlrial t., not trusting th deal Wdohorse'sthe -io market n .- , h on the coat. ,) The them ground only curry comh barely covered is Liebig said of her .is end veretabies the city not so much used as it should be on with earth, and ever them place a Every mas needs a wile to apologir for an ignorant o boy. A little ex-i.- ,r is blm. of good chocolate." AH of Walter ,re will ei e one to learn to farm borsee.f vVe knew many places board, which will sufficiently assure 50pw the best ct f meats, and if the where th brush and curry comb are their moisture and will not prevent-the- lr - A Cocoa Bbocijx Not b NZoiac-rzW ChocoCocoas I Baker his see seldom used except while the horse is Tnwhn are n linp e freezing. At the openjng of spring Brown 'a Brow-hia- l jiketn.xn she mu. and thatch shedding its coat Alt used at any time they will be found sprouted, and can remedy and give immediate relief. Avoid what lates are good, the best, in fact. imitation. with inier.or it promotes the secretion of oil, which be planted where deeired to grow. i, not be ... -rhed J i I her with th est moistens the coat and makes it shine. 9: The word' wheat crop of 1994 ws 2,471,- - I vinical to buy the 742,1'29 bush , . horse is usually well A trinity there stems of principles Waiter Baker & Co., Ltd Dorchester, Mass. eric and meats. A Which ami rule If represent were the led. life; Eut grooming thoroughcr,ni I Jl'iard l for rwond bsu'i. tab ta , Jier and ia more love of ur fellows, and our Jrast onbe a day the horse TheGd. , self, . tbeap. A ph- - to or ed.ire., 1L Or Akiv, b pbangef and vi- - ly done at in '..di'.v ' condition less with ill f nth 1st., Omaha, Ne could goed keep Halley. i work.-Ameri- can , tiit 4ST.jaC0BSfe; 1 r vi CUMLASH 4 i hi-a- , f f t -I : CUMLASH ! e f f f f c I j ! h- ' DR0P-S- - y , re j f i one-four- th ScoHsSnuUalon, iI this.Jt er Moun-taintn- Patents. d, sa h re-lo- rts he et tie 3t3 As good as can'Be'made regardless of price ouraccs: for ,T 1 st - 1 II cents Other Brands Only . one-four- th Vr? hs Ounces I for -- J pr -- mi II cents take our word for it.buf buy a piecel and see for yourself Dont nl-o- - oif dt-t- lIor, y, A Perfect Food lib .n, tt ea-tm- ! m-- That -.i what Baron von & Cos 1 fc-ce- pt io-'- if and |