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Show BY9.A.D. The main line express! he cried We cant stop. Weve got to go ahead at full speed, and if they turn the switch to let on the main line, we'll run right Into the esprea train. If they dont turn the switch, well be wrecked, and What us! their train will run ln we do? hall Keep blowing the whistle continuand go ously," advised the fireman, ahead Its our only chance." Jefi decided to do this. He fastened the lever that opens the whistle-valv- e In such s way that the whistle would be continuous, and a long drawn out shriek went up from old Seventy si that wa awful to hear. Ttotndffi.th eufve rmlfe fnmrspw ford, Jeff saw the express train coming, perhaps s mile and a quarter from the junction. On came the main line express, and downward ruhedJhe locomotive, followed by the burning train. Will they tee u and stop ?r Jeff ask ed himself, and a moment later he was delighted to have the question answered In the affirmative, for the express begsn slowing up, and presently stopped, re ersed and started backward up the long slope that led down to Spofford from that side. The depot master ran and opened the switch so as to let the locomotive and runaway oil train onto the mala line, and striking it, they shot up the track In pursuit of the express trsln It was up grade now, however, and, having no motive power, the burning cars presently came to atop. Half an hour later they were piles of ashes It wa an exciting adventure, and, although he was an engineer lor year afterward, Jeff never had ajjothrr Jhat qual could approach it In OF FIRE. AYAUNCHE AN CCX. t the top of the From prftcott, ' to Spoflord, etjhe loot of Alleghsoles, of ten distance wa the mountains, ml let ta the crow flic, but by the railroad fourteen. ' This railroad mi only a branch, and had been called into being by the oil coal well, the transportation of olland of the bulne the about only being oad- - Prescott u a small oil and mining while town, coal being mined there, Pdx5KOB0014U b tha Stthe1ocri-wHSpofford.belnf V a place. was larger main Hne, Several oil and coal trains were run was down from Prescott every day. It to we have that former the of one with was four oclock of a very hot Afternoon In August Jhat this particular It oil train pulled out of Prescott. Jeff Callahan, a youth of sixteen, the young est and one of the best engineer on the road, was at the throttle, and every successful run. thing bade fair for a The young eng'neer was desUned to adventure of undergo the most thrilling was his life, however, before the run ended. tank Impossible to close the big as to keep the oil from ooalng if you will out, and, on all oil trains, 1 take the trouble to look, you wl see of the side big oil running down the " tanks. This, In real hot --weather. Is It I to tightly ' - , . f source of danger, as there I danger a! tanks suffways of the sun heating the or, maybe oil on fire; the set to iciently a epark from the smokestack of the locomotive will catch and Ignite the oil. This is what happened on the occasion of which I write. A tank on a car situated at about the middle of the train caught fire, and when first noticed by Jeff, was biasing fiercely. Good heavervs, Tom'" he cried fo the fireman. Look yonder! A tank Ison fire." The fireman looked, and turned pale. What shall we do?" he asked. For answer Jeff shut off steam and causing the wheels to revolve backward. It was bard work, but finally the train wa brought to a rtandstlll. The rear brakeman and conductor seemed to understand what was desired f them, for they uncoupled the cars two Or three behind the one with the burn, lng tank. Jeff, then sent the fireman back to uncouple the car a a point the engine and the burning tank. He could not get closer than within five cars, however, owing to the heat, but he uncoupled them at that point, and returned to the engln Jefl Immediately threw the lever across, opened the throttle, and pulled distance of perhape down the track !u!f a mile. He was on the point of comlngto a atop when a cry from his fireman startled Him. Look yonder, Jeff!" the fireman Criad. The ears are running wlldl The brakeman didnt eet the brakes" - Jeff looked, and, brave thought ai, bis heart grew cold with horror. The burning train fur the tank on all eight of the car were now on fire wa ruth lng down upon them at a speed of nearly a mile a minute! With such s momentum it would be Impossible to stop the runaway train, and to remain where Inthey were would be the means of volving ad In the general ruin. There was really only one thing to do-thwas to put on all ateam and run be-- t lor the runaway outrun it If possible. It wa extremely dangerous, owing to the steepness of the grade and the' crookedness ef the track ws only a chapee, and a slim one at that, but sorth trying, and Jeff pulled the throttly wide open, throwing on a full head qT steam , The engine leaped forward like a thing of life, and the race w4 begum There were eight cars hlth burning tanks on them, and the flame cstended high in the sir, and seemingly back-- ' ward for the distance of n quarter of a mile. It was a terrifying epcctaefc Onward rushed the locomotive, and after her came the car bearing the burning tanks. Presently, one after arother, the tanks bursted, with reports that could beew beard for mite. Suddenly a try ol horror scaped the young engineer. blood-stirrlr- g it lea. VOTING AUSTRALIAN BALLOTS Study this Carefully and Preserve It far Futwrn Brftrrsrr. Schools are being held In different place to educate the voters in the new system ol casting their ballots under the Australian ballot law. The ballot to be used at general elections Is long' and intricate, bet there Is really no difficulty for a careful voter, or for one who would take the time to note the instructions, to get hi vote precisely as he wishes It. The work on his part is very plain and simple, end therefore easily understood. As to the ballot, none but regularly nominated candidates can be placed upon it. This makes nominating conventions of more Importance In the state then heretofore. With the excep tlonof presidential electors, who are put In groups, all names of candidates must he placed In alphabetical order, according to surnames, under the designation of the office which they are intended to fill. Political parties are designated by emblems as well as by names, but no two parties are allowed to use the ume device, In the coming general election, for instance, the first thing on the ticket will be the emblems of the political parties who have named candidates, These party emblems will be placed one under the other, and at the right of each will be printed i blank square, Over or under these emblems the following In struction must appear; To vote a straight ticket, place a cross mark (X) with ink In the square opposite your party emblem." ThU tell the whole etory to the straight party voter. Next come the respective groups of presidential electors, with the name o the pollt party they represent, and the names pt the party candidates for president of the United State. and These latter ore the only names allowed on the ballot except those of candidates regularly nominated according to the state law. All other candidates except presidential elector are placed under the designation of the office for u hleh they are nominated, In alphabetical order. There is nothing in the law which forbids a Hne of clarification such as Congressional ticket," state ticket," county ticket," precinct ticket, etc., for the convenience and Informa'lon of the voter. There may he also printed Instructions such as vote for one," or vote for three," or any other number of candidates for a similar office, such as three county commissioners, or, as In the case of Salt Lake eoyn-y- , (He sens, tors fi.ten representaihes, also the instruction may be Included, if you lcl i- dont liLet, it M. Cl Rowe, Morris, Summerhays Co., msisti c. -- 0 ! 4 0 - IXAYOKING coming vears he-.- re vest Irrit d t civilised people cur brohers coming len how manv of hence5 You should buy the best natket affords ... Oar Goods of this brand are guaranteed equal to the best In the market or MoneyRefnuded. . $20,000 . plan-to- r nai. To every patient beginning or renewing treatment during the coming week will be given at r, lately free of all coat, one full vt treatment and medicine, also care adii-e- , care and treatment absolutely The only condition la that you I1 trouble maW, if you apply to Doctor Snore In person your case will be carefully diagnosed and you will get expert advice The only condition la that besrln or renew your treatment at oweyou The entire cost to will be PHnt A OF CURE1500. CuiT month, until - take Its Mall ItepoKltnr Itw Deposited July coo oc- Special Ti - !. , Its se 4 4 Q S 90 IS DO $60 1 In-a- SPECIALTIES: ea-sll- y DR. G. IV. SHORES, T Home Treatment Cures. 34 East Second Smith Street, Salt Every Mail Brings Scores of Letters Lake City, Utah, of t Efthe Splendid Cures Telling fected by Dr. O. W. Shores Perfect j OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to Treatment. It Cures Others p. m. Evenings, Tuesdays and Fri- and will Cure You. Send Stamp days only, 7 to S p. m. for Dr. Shores' New Symptom List. 1 11 a. m. m. to p. Sundays, i - fan Dean 48 E. Second South -- j SORENSEN - DERGE & CO., o, a,ktm. SALT LAKE CITY. Do You , . tli Atlas HA 1ST LAKE CITY jlld SIEGEL-SANDER- U the only Kansas CltyUHomae that mamtm Brunch Denver and Pueblo t They are Reliable and will give jour btUiuess attention HRITK A. D. uf Oftipf ail Lake all aloug the line fiODRALL, Branch Sous?, Salt LaU Utah Nursery Company ESTAl UISIIFD XSS5 arge stock of fruit and ornr, mental trees, 0 ' ar fru ig roses, shrubs, etc. Make a specialty of supplying commen lal pknts at low prices. Call and examine stock. 3 -- A gigantic ptnelre retrfttl)cut In Pennsylvania scaled 8.033 (eet of lum-be- r It made t7 saw logs, cone less u feet, and some so feet, in length The top end of the butt Inches in diameter. log was 58 it , Tte'od- - "A I XsX. ei. at Hwh Btmp. Atl tskS. a; -- i, MontIomsHt f Caul Salesmen. t J.Eamas, Office. L. 1. AI LKY. J. C. FARRINGTOSr T. C. W- - ct w. Hsxi ai tl h i.f LA.Msr. FAHAN hi in Salesman, Sal tt-Cr.HoE oi The Kansas City Live Stock Commission Company Room t -- Office: Naylor Block- c SALT LAKE CUV UTAH. -- III S Live Stock Commission Co. IMHifa 1 w. rURRIE, AHblYEK, sk.bst Lake. Prokp- -. riven lterihvtnalle I. M. N. IT. 40 1890. Af UTAH Know that the eWeattss Hiix-- two more Schgffer and Spinks balk-lin- e exhibition games at Boston and the wlaardwon both. . INCORPORATED Kook, nd Periodical prepaid to d- -s n ttmt at thihlishnrs Price. bpncur out of tows rite. On Stationary, Office, School. Teacher and emeriti supplies. thjn up In cases of fifu quart The Salt Lake City Soda Water Cr how: FRANK SIEGEL, Genl. Manager, Kansas City. Store, Safe System Agent, fiatt Lake City ch Second-Han- d Orders should be sent to CALYIS HOOD, President. iirh an Investment b found here? if you can draw every eeiinl week In the year rnuh amounting totwtn Ki r cent annually on your investment without the risk yon do In ordmact inrurringare Interested, ernl you Do you tou know we do not lose your money I),, yon have any desire to beeonvineed? 1 hen call at once and ''Investigate tbe w months-treatmen- Ir y . sale during Conference. A R. Hi Oil b ltt Thvri -- She say rilr-as- hand furniture, stove and We must P. A.. $1 JA'E THOMPSON OF PROVO Mary VADLEY, MIDWAY, UTAH, come with gladness in her heart to give Doetor Shore world of uralse. to give Doctor Shores a ""Iwy world of praiaa, for by my exp rienre I know that he U worthy of ft 1 had read many time In the newapap r of the mar veloua cures that ho had effect! but I had been a ruffwrer so long that 1 had concluded that there was no help neirly for me At tae$t, as a drowning person catches &t a straw, and with little hope cured, medicines fur- In my hetut, I decided to give his treat-1 nished free ment a trial I did one month s Pot tor Shores makea this generous offer treatments and I knowI took 44 saved my Mfe, at this time because one month s treatI say, I want to give Doctor and ment at this season of the year la worth Shoreagain, & world of praise 4wo during the winter-mont- hs W M MILLER, ROYVEVILLE, P sides. UTAH, If vodr Bntem Is hroken down and vour aays 1 Wood poisoned by catarrh, you need the legan treating with Doctor Shores for treatment to enable you to prepare for In April 18 At that time I was winter tlememtter that at this season of surrering badly from the effect ef the year Doctor Shores" treatment Is alI had tried several dex tors ways nice esf ul, and e cry cured patient but they only aggravated my trouble My tn a community Is worth a great deal to nose would eonetantly stop up I had a Doctor Shores as they are a walking. Hyconat&nt pain between my eye making ing teatlmontn! to h'a superior skill In the it impossible for mo to read My tr ; I to i"V. I and elite of those eonrmltrated cars were glwajs ringing, ormythink appfUte t diseases that so baffle the skill of physipoor, sleep troubled After four cians who do not make a specialty of with Shore I was entirely cured and treating chronic It has been fourteen If you are sick da not delay but con- months mix although 1 have tojped treating sult Doctor Shores at once He Is the mt had the slightest of catarrh symptoms only graduate in the rt-who mol co a rirKe H's treatment was mild ami n spee-attof treating and outing catarrh I can cheei recommend him and nil chronic to every one, for 1 fully dteases know he can cure them ' M RS EVA MY CATARRH IS CURED. UTAH, writes Dear Doctor send me second "Dortrw Shores permit me to add my month s treatmentPlease nt once so I won t lose testimonial to vour toes list of gratiful any of the good effects by delay I am patients About throe months aeo I left feeling better all the time, am mv Chicago home to go to California In and my appetite fa betur, and in stronger fact, my search of health My family physician condition is Improving regularly general at home told me I had catarrh In the very worst form, and unlesa I got some relief tt was liable to run Into consumption. On mv way to the coast I concluded to over In "Salt Lake City and take In stop the Bights of llie earniial I was 0 delighted with the city and the people that my visit All disease of tbs Eye, Ear, Nose, was prolonged until I became somewhat e Throat, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Bowacquainted My newly-madacquaintT was ances seeing that somewhat of an invalid Inquired Into my trouble When els, Kidneys and Bladder, all ChronI told thftn my trouble was catarrh they ic, Private and Nervous diseases of all adtlsed me to consult Doctor Shores both sexes, and diseases of women before leaving the city, which I finally and children. 00 A MONTH FOR did and 1 am happy to state that after a DISEASES three months course of treatmt nt I am ALL CATARRHAL entirely cured My dry ha king cough MEDICINES FURNISHED FREE Is entirely gone, that troubled me so much mv nose does not any more. I do not take cold discharge o the and spitting has entirily ceased hawking and mv spncttt- - and general health is Jim splendid have galnid eighteen poun Is in weight and feel that I can return to mv Chicago home well and iappv and theie SPECIALIST, will always be a warm snot tn my heart for the good people of Slait City, and especially for Doctor Shores CONSULTING PHYSICIAN MARY SMITH ZIONS MEDICAL INSTIT UTE, carpets to he sold at once. sell to get money. I X. L, S DEA1 t TRV THKiS the i paid v i, dividend dividend paid T Augndl IS, September I, dividend paid . September 15, dividend paid October , dividend paid ... earned an srvtDty.fi vs days EXTRACTS To all sufferers from Catarrh, or any chronic, complicated disease, Dr. Shores desires to make the following generous offer : r Heat, Are Deilclutu. SHOES! A Grateful Custom Manufacture Them, M, M. bhcldon, the Arltxn e ask YOUR DEALER FOR THEM plorer, at the Iowa Midland CHautauqua or send direct to us. Des Molnse, in her lecture From Sul w. Malt Lake City, tan to Sultan," narrated how the nativi-- , alter eating a mange, Invariably madi a little mo.nd of earth and planted the Look Out for Counterfeit Bills seed. She was tola tn they planted worth of new and s econd i thus In order that a brother Ttuipiv THKKK-tBOn'- Y "..'W- - -- bottles each, $7 00 per case. Mr. bum-tw- 4 TREATMENT Contains more Lithia than any other water in The smi Fttsiot tlrysrs iieiidTjriETtfrTtr) FREE Rheumatism, Gout Diabetes and Brights Disease. Put Robinson Bros.. Shoe Builders. . - Are L Utah LithiaM Mineral Water. BuyingV WN Threo Crown Spices SEm-ANNUA- When ncorporated Capital anil GRAND The Wonder of the 19th Century t Reward, OlOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there le at least one dreaded disease that sole nee has been able to eure in all Its stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur 1 the only positive eure now know n to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a eon tltutloual disease, require a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- - T ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system, thereby destroying the toundatioa ot the disease, and giving the patient strength by building dp the constitutive and assisting nature m doing It work. The proprietors ill av so much faith In its curative powers that hey offer On Hundred Dollar for any eaWthat It fails to eure. bend for !ltofTet ihOuh Address F. J. CHENEY A CO ToMo l . Sold by Druggists, 75a. Hall's Family Pills sre th best. T The 1 Try High E-CRO- DR. G. W. SHORES -- & JCOMPANY. POWDER BAKING Best Made JPuest - You probably pay too each name you wlshto vote for In the blank space left for that purpose." Cut much a month for tea; it is no caption or endorsement except there not very good. -to aid the "voter Is permitted on the probably ticket; and no ticket with the candiSchillings Best. If dates of one precinct, county or district your groare allowed in the polling place of you name cer returns your money. another. The arrangement of on the ballot, In their alphabetical order, You may find unexpected . would be a follow In the present election- for Instance, If Wm. H. King i the pleasure and profit in congressional candidate of the demo- A Schilling baa ritwM tn crats and popollsts, and L. Holbrook and that of the republicans IndependPeed on Tret Tops. ents, then Incoming In the alphabet he. A traveler through Kashmir, Aa, tore beginning there, found fn piacthe there a no; el method thus with will come first, of putting fodder rp for winter use. Th country 'ie in a valley among the Representative In Congress; HOLBROOK LAFAYETTE. Republican j Himalay as. The thief Industry of the and j people consists in raising fine wool and fikth WM H , Democrat and Populist. I in making this Into fabric wrhlch has- Is a each line left To the right of carried the name of thecounUy all over In mark case the for the voters the world. space A curious custom In some places," of the three county commissioners, one of five or ten legislators on one ticket, he says, i that of hanging quantities the name will be arranged alphabeti- of hay up among the branches of trees cally, but all mixed up as to party. Why It was done wa more than I Now as to the voter The one who could guess, till my guide Informed me vote his party tlck straight has the that tn winter the snow lies five or tlx least trouble of all He merely makes yard In depth, and that the supplies of a cross opposite his psrty emblem, and hay, which now look onh as If they deposits his ballot with the judge. If were meant for giraffes, are then easily he falls to make the cross hts vote does reached by the flock ef sheep which not count; If he makes a cross opposite abound there the emblem and mother opposite a name below of another party, then his vote is not counted for either candidate of the office marked, but I as to the The person who MASHhACTt IH O Fine Confectionery anti rest of the ticket does not vote a straight ticket must mark Hnlidau Novtltiee . every pame he wants to vote for, and hftksule Only. M rite lor where he want a solid party countv Salt Laka City S. W, Tam pi 9. W commissioners ticket, etc , mv.st pick more names them out. If he marks than necessary for any office, hi vole therefore is not counted; if his mark is an Imperfect or imcomplete cross yet not In exces of what he should ballot for, the mark thus made is counted a SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, perfect, but If there be enough without IiFALi-RIS the name Imperfectly marked the Utter will be Ignored. Hides, Wool, Sheepskins, Deerskins, Each voter mav have assistance to piark hi ballot, if he desires and VLF AI.KNTS FOR It. But no voter can mark his THE i tsii ballot except In the voting booth provided therefor, nor can he secure or When you thip to us you get full mar-se- t official or ballots the ef carfy away any price and quick returns. We solicit have a duplicate thereof. your trade. There 1 one Important provision ot the law, however, which 1 of great asVitalizes sistance to the voter who wishes to se- Prof. Cublas Electro lect hi names. ThU Is that the ballot Improvemer on the Electric Belt. . must be pubtlstied in a newspaper prior Save doctor bilU'and us "le-rrlt- y. to election day. If there I a dslly paper and (.entleiuea, it medicine ha teU published In a county ft may be for si edLadle to cure yoa come to the office and see and of In It licit it cures all trouble differ, be wonderful and tent this paper may days, f roes a bad liver, stomach and kid-- u ent political complexions, hut the ticket resulting If you cant sleep wear e Vitaliser a child. For The voter can the asluleand voa will sleep like must be published. Rbeuinattsm sud Kidney 1 roubles it w a secure a copy of the paper, mark at lire shell. Female eakness and Loss of Manhood it sever fails In intiodnee them home the person he wishes to vote for, here you eua for the next two weeks take tiff in for half and at the voting booth may use h! I he $it) belt for HO, tke flOfor paper a a guide to making the ofhtlal people hi lng out of town Good will be ballot. He Is thus given plenty of time sent to you C- - O. D. by hxprt. to deliberate, 'and at the polling place SALT LAKS CITY, UTAH. 77 WLST FOURTH MOUTH ST, has plenty of time to mark his tii ket Those voters who will read carefullv will, we believe, he able to mark their ballots without difficulty, so they will be counted for the candidates of their choice. Deseret News. DIVIDENDS PAID BYE. - IT 8E HEWLETT BRO.S Grad TH RE) not voted a straight ticket above, place a cross mark (X) with Ink opposite hare e STTLAH.Cima L 8to kIKxclianKe Kansas City Stoclc Veirds. Ooon Co8RseroknwcxynCoxitc,virrsottcrntn ri, Psnvi--r tAPUAU iwxsir 1mm' Acxivs ExrxMiscsL 8tWamxt Errrimig .rmrr iHntovi lUVtA I Sti t bj nl, |