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Show CHASED BY A cheek like rain on, a window pane. Yet the did not mean to give in. and the prestree of theTaaby .ermed o make her all the more determined o escape the late which the tramp ev iJcntly in' tended foius. I wai juat to g'v ' despair when I heard fn niUtf "Thank God, we are here at And on iookinground ! n 'he f.irm-houIhr a few hundred yard- farmer daughter Wa Wed g i" a' doorwey and appeared n.r n r tug u running, so and approat Jitij the t.ui- - ' a iLii Rnn ?4v tramp u ri.s-- t hr u n e 'FT. iili-- . i,sr- Mr. Massle lived in the country and lthln ' npt another house mile of the one occupied h her fan.ll. e tailed The h'gbroad, or turnpike, a ill .uu.nier lime nJ to., b), iUcW . p.uch.Tav !a -- t.k nr HietrcuiiJ"i' then. !' rr - hat! b-- ?M rr w hi'-l- or - . n - '' ' ' " " - ! he did do it Yer uke , i.rr mi., h' ' ' - ha-g- - . work ain't anr work for em to do There plenty to do, if you only lltelrplace.-h1uok for It In How can folk HORSESHOES IN Anoll r 0u of Nature's California A 1 Kr- - aks r Ji The greates natural curm.itt mought to this tily fn many a day arrived Wvi nedav on one of the gasoline . Ive been looking for It for three from Point Reyes, says the San h rands-Ctd he. enonthaand aint ouni It yet," Is composed of a large piece Call. It Then look for It till you do find it, of live Imbedded in which are oak, wald the miaats. and with that the bang-three horseshoe, They kre ot an ar, the door In his face and left him to e ett o d dent pattern and are vert little wtrn center of the shoe are filled with The I thought It a at rather unfeelingly of a or.e knot, and from Its apneara-c- e . Mr. Maaaie to talk like that, but the had would had oi iron the tnat pieces - Keen An a pet over aomethlng or other been judge on a mali branch generahang herself. that morning and waa not quite tion ago and that the tree hail gradWeTl, about an hour after that ahe absorbed them. The shoes are etme to me In quite a good humor and ually now a part and parcel of the wpod, and take the and walk a naked me to go lor In ordr to remove them a hammer and Tabf , raying It would do u poo l o get ihUsl wcdJ hate to b: br night I", o I out a bit. So, of toure, got re dy; rcquisiilon. the freh aoon enjoying and we were The find w as nn fe b. T)i imw I' ' it p ale and the aunshl-- e Foraonie instance of Point Reye. He purchasid a cord before but arc walked on the tonpike, of wood last wee!, an' on Monday set tane which narrow came we long One led to our neareat neighbor, whone i man 'p work splitting i: tt vr tenaciously piece toge'her hung lam waa about a mile away, I The lane, e xdvt for VrJ anJ ! sect, nr. a mdld hid to be u!d When shoes were reseated. a loteitr a place a anr one row'd split open the iltThose wire made for nnile, a not things were we wWr. for. Therefore - tie amrtVd when, on turning a corner, said old Caplal-- f Byrne, a Per an Inspecare hand we came upon a tramp the very navvy tion of the curl 'sity. They Iron Is in them or thev made and good o had rudely whom Mr. Ma1e would not be as well preserved as they tvat morn'rg. Who know where they now. are of thlik a shade In lie waa lying the we pawed. Came from? Perhaps a hundred years kedgeLand be looked up band of Spaniards camped When 1 aw him through the kitchen ago a roy Ing at Point Reyes and one tree the under I he that noticed window lhat morning, h'J-imen the of up the shod cast by .did not look, eery refined, neither In the journey. In' the mule fthe during on but now, Banner not In feature, kw ,! Wwvvy sA 4 taw fasslng ties to him An the tiarfOW forgotten and the trea gradually I landed he looked quite feroclosu. them. The oak t a low grow-trehe and Mr Maasle recognited and ft tnut have have been did thl each other, and It wa plain that year alnce It began ab many turned many, the lor away not please her, Iron." that from him with a hudder, a though ahe sorbing The -- curiosity- was sent to MV Eendt, had been a serpent. owner of the aeallng schooners we aeen that have must navvv The and Winchester, and he placed it revere afraid of him, and no doubt thl - On exhibition In the Bowhead saloon on walkhut he aome satisfaction, him fare I have been 30 year In street. I on quickly and In illence for neither Clay aald California, and during Bendt, to speak. of o. dared trust ourselves curious have time that teen many from distance little a were we U1se I seen have however, Never, things. 1dm, however, Mr. Maasle whispered to equal these horse or mule waa anything Come tolookronnd antteelfhe shoe Imbedded In jpte tree. It look to Hit lying down- - I turned my head and me as though those pieces oi Iron were aw that the tramp wanonhU feet and in the wood for cenjurie Instead of gen I then grasped my following ua. and eratlons.' companion' arm, and she turned to look also, A CuricOi Watch. Jut then the tramp stooped and picked up something which looked like a In the year Ijty handsome and curl- thick stick or a hedge stake, and, with ous present w tnj toGeorge III. by Chi ht hi hanJ, he came oV a quicker Arnold, a celebrafd London watch w t- - eatitt; pwe, al though intending Uv overlakw maker. H w wa and about the slxe of an In a turned mMrc mv At this ring, pale, three :ent piece. Though and trembled with fear, exclaiming! five pennyweights, Oh, heaven, he mean to murder u It weighed loss th a babe well! w of aa It inno"en? different piece, thl and composed jo kxjtly, the first ruby kht shall we do, Jennie; what ahall we and wa provided with For thl little me cylinder ever mad dor - "Give me the babv, and let tt run for chanlcal marvel A told received from mar Uvea!" I cried, feeling sure that the the King a present joo guineas. tramp reallf Intended to dona harm. But, In her great fear, Mr. Mtssie could not trutt her baby out of her arm D(sr 4 Lightiung. The safest of al places In a thunder and Instead of giving It to me she pres d the little thing all .the closer to her storm I an Iron edstead. Lying on tsreaat. Thu we ran down the lane a thla one I In a Ind of metal cage, which acts a a 11, tnlng screen. This feet a our leet would take us, not d Is contrary to a va generally We our back look to pursuer. upon accepted Ing knew the tramp wa following, because theory, as metal of ill kind and forms It ree could hear him. shouting after u In generally avoided nder the belief that load end angry tone. It teemed that t attracts" the el trie fluid, m aa Trees, experlent shows are very dan trying to frighten u. but we eraw on and never paused a moment to geroutplacet to 1 Iter beneath in thun lated trees more ao der storms, and heir what he ld. The farmhouse toward which we were than a clump, eo dally If near water. hastening wa not yet in sight, but we An oak tree by tlv ldeof a pond is ed awiftly onward, hoping coon to find by elects Ians a particularly assistance the to and water nd damp ground are gain Jhere unafei.but erluge of ft Inmates;', Foe awhile the tramp to be avoided quit as much at trices. ceased to shout, so I glanced around to If the storm I Ilrectly overhead It he w a still pursuing us, where would be safer He on the earth flat a poo he raised his weapon, and fiourlsh-t.- g than to stand u, Indoors the safest it about hta head thoutcd all the place next to th ron bed I the mid-- a room In the mid. louder and more angrily nd made a die of the room, oao re determined effort to overtake us. die of th house t ater than one at tht Mr. Massie wa almost exhausted bottom or top. I I draughts and air with running, but still she refuted to let currents should v avoided, and all sue have the baby, although I waa the bright objects, tu at mirrors and pic-- be kept ts clear of younger and stronger and beter able ture frames, shoo to carry It. In her terror she seroed to as possible. tancy the baby wa aaler In her arm than It would be in mine, though I felt wre it would have greatly relieved her At the time of e taking i the cen-- i tf ahe had alowed me to take the Infant tus of 1899 ther ere 15,000,000 adult from her. Almost breathless with the hlte male Inha'ftnt In the United warmth of the baby and the exertion State and lgc4 negroes, Chinese, over the age of f her Sight, ahe panted like a fos that Japanese, Indians a Sa pursued by the hounds, and the peV- - 11. . hU way. tin nri a, g . AbMtwareap-AswbW'hws- grew-aroun- e, -- Bow-hea- x. con-Idere- d eif 1 1 -- u flfn pe, h. knd ' , nr Htrirkf With ' rot limbing , fi..r retiory yy , H n r- - iI ! (itad-ton- at c tele a e, ..(..Furiti, CantcrS r .'nn i pt-a- orOmOF f 'roo, 11.1 y 60ISF EAST JS tUi jnr Vr ill k Oil A l'jWHei .'Vina mr-s- e THINK - rji the rector of rece-- WHEN YOU Haw Arch'bsl,! Farrar, , nim-- h i.'itxy H'., Balm tcknowle&ed to b tba moot thnmoeh cure for NsaaJ Csurm, Cold lu Head aad Hof Fever of aj tvmedtet. it ohm and etronore tha turatl paosagtsi. sllava polo sad intis marei ion, heats the adrao, proT ecu tba mssubrmue from colds, restores the scares at Dmaewto or by taaiL g taste and smell. Pnioattc LLT itKDTHCK.-s- , 6 H arteo airivt. iiew kaclb - THL tin mss u s it oi. 11 Mr. tin Hrii jit UN IOH PACIFIC FROM SALT LAKETO DENVER.... HOURS hours quicker man ai,y other line OMAHA 3D HOIRS hours quicker tn.m any other lrne. ST. PAI L 474 HOURS 12 than any ofer line CHICAGO '47 HOURS J hour quicker than any other Bne. ST. LOUIS 4,7.4 HOURS 11 hours quicker than any other line. Through trains Carry- Pulitnan Dining carsada-earte)- , Ifiullman Palace Sleep, ers Uullman Tonal. t SleeDers, Pullman party occupied the Gladstbne pew near Buffet Library and Smoking cars. Free the chancel. Directly the service began Reclining Chair cars and Elegant Da v and while the rector. Rev. Stephen Glad- Corchex. Leaving Salt Lake Cky at 7 a ni. and stone, was reading the absolution. Arch-bishoBenson, who was kneeling, was 7 p. m. every dav in the year. City Ticket Office 201Main St. aeen to twitch In the arm for a few minand then utes, collapse altogether. it. 8. TAGGART T rav fss. Agent. Henrv Gladstone.findlng the archbishop D E. BUKLKY. Geir-A- g t. Pass. Dcp't. a to had had dangerous seizure, called A ltw. the clerk and olhers, who carried him A special from Ou. 12. Chicago, to the library adjoining the recorv. Doctors were hastily summoned. Tbe Indianapolis, Ind, says; The Nonzon-formLt- , the organ of the populist party, stricken prclat- - ra. gasping painfully a paner which has a national circulation for breath. Applications of ether and and has been unrelenting in its fight for other means to induce artificial respiraarid Watson ticket, ith no. tion were resorted to. Mr. Gladstone, the Bryan for fuxionists, is in control of the quarter w no Tiad left the church the rector, with the doors of the office w ben the archbishop was carrried out, locked against its editor, Charles . returned and announced the illness to Matthews. were in who .the congregation, awaiting Editor Matthews was arrested v ester, painful suspense lie askec, for their on a charge of profanity, and durday" prayers and efforts to rally the distinthe few minute he was in charge ing and he guished pa'ient proyed vain, of the police hunting up bail, other offidied in a few minutes. cers in charge of Mrs. Cuthbert VinHenry Glad-ton- e whiperedthe news to the rector, who announced the arch- cent, tooUpossession of the office. Mrs. 1 incentVbwsbhnd, formerly owned the bishops death, tfie new causing a pro found sensation among the worshiper paper, before it was moved from Kansas to this city. She confronted Editor in the church. The hymn Forever Mattnews Saturday-wlt- h a bill of sale was with the Lord," sung and the Dead March was played, ail present standing from the present proprietors, who had . all along supported Mr. Matthew In his and showing themselves to be fight for Sewalis withdrawal and a Mrs. Gladstone conveyed the sad strict middle of policy. Mat. newi to her husband who was greatly thews asked for $400 back salary and for salary due the other shocked and distressed. Afterward, employees on the event, MrGladione which Mrs. Vincent could not pay. H.e then refused to turn over the paper and said; He died like a soldier, ' The official medical announcement of had Mrs. Vincent ejected. the interview U ft During was due the death the coroner stated it charged to apoplexy, Th? medical attendants .h! the editor Used fyofanlty, for whic Itcur in the opinion that heart failure Mrsyinccnt hJhlm arrested. retain control of the caused the death, but that this was di paper toqf by applying for a receiver. rectly due to the seizure. Mrs, Benson was present at the time I nlesr this Is done the paper will apof her husbands death, and she after, pear this week for fusion. ward went to Hawarden castle. The bells were tolled 'and references Case f Kleptomania. were made to the death of the .primate Nashville, Oct. 12. At Columbia, of ail England in many of the churches TennMary Moore, a white woman, of the kingdom tonight. worth $50,000, and the owner of 600 acres of fine land, was convicted of steal-InOrsras (aa( Wiped Out. xix turkeys from a neighbor and Vinta, I. T.jOct. 13. The notorious to one y ear in the Green gangoC desperadoes xas given penitentiary. An appeal walmmediateTy taken to the a hard blow today by United States Marshal Samuel Rutherford and hi supreme court. This is the finale of a most remarkable men. Bill and Edward Green were career, unrivalled in the history of the killed, Arthur Green, the youngest criminal courts of the state. Ten years brother, was shot and captured, and the woman and her husband, call-inMilton Barker was also taken into cus ago themselves stone, came from tody. On Sunday Marshal Rutherford bought land In a good neighborlearned that the Greens and their band hood and lived a secreted life. Immedihad planned to rob the postoffice and ately thefts became numerous, Incendirailway station at Oalagah and hold up fire followed, rumors spread abroad, the passenger train due there at an ary the husband died, vigilance committees early hour this morning. The officers were formed, criminal suits Instltutsd, intercepted the outlaws late last night but came to nothing. At last neighbors at a crossing on the Verdigris river raided the farm house and found a about five mites from Oalagah, killing young woman, daughter-in-laof Mrs. wo and capturing the others. Moore, Imprisoned In a room and subjected to the foulest treatment. Indlg-natio. For raaterfrltli(. became Intense, and as the stealSalt Lake Cltv, April 11. Deputy U. ing of the turkeys was a clear case. It S. Marshal Swan made a trip to Parson was resorted to get the Moore woman recently and brought back with him E Inlo the penitentiary and break up her G. Slye as a prisoner. Information was nefarious operations. filed against Slye by United States District Attorney Judd several days ago. London, Oct. ta. The British ship charging counterfeiting, which resulted Yeoman from San Francisco, which arIn the arrest rived at Queenstown Saturday, reports It appears according to the complain! having experienced heavy weather durwhich U substantiated by four ing which she lost her lower and top who reside In Santaquln that sail and had several tails split. Her Slye made and uttered quite a number captain wa injured. of bogus $5 pieces. Mr. Swan found the defendant wholly Tl?1 L Opportunity. unexpecting thb vls.lt- of the officers on receipt of ten cents, eaah or stamp and also found a number of counter-letter- s generous sample "will be mailed of the tools and implements of va- moK popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Elya Cream Balm) sufficient to demonrious kinds used in the business. strate the great merits of the rented? The prosecution also have several of ' ELI BROTHERS, the coins which Slye is alleged to have 66 Warren BU, New York City. made and passed and which are very Eev. John Retd, Jr., of Great Mont, Falla, and Imitations of the poor clumsygenrecommended Elys Cream Balm to me f uine $5 gold piece. - hui statement, - r Tttaaosi. vf cure for catarrh if need as directed. n The defendant was arraigned before United States Commissioner Twomey, and, waiving examination, .waa held to the grand jury In $1,000 boniia, failing ZJE7iHStSbaMia tt eknowledged and oontalna no mercury which he was taken to jail. nor any Injurious drug. Prioe, COfrRatfce' ! -- V,tonl have the hundred mtnjtrs In climbing staircases put pent strength Into his legs, expanded his chest and saved hi heart from fatty degeneration, hut they have given tone to hi stomache, and his system gets the full benefit of the food which is required tor its nourshment. 1 hours-quicke- a m nr'ntin your Nat!e Christian womenin China have Read and think in order to ha maJt cul'Hate intelligence and resourceful- formed a society to discourage the cusness. with the object in slew of being tom of compressing the feet of ch'ldren. hi counselor and hislrlend, and above Ostriches are fa!!v p'ucked once lhat word means much.' evt-r- e'ght months. The average yield all his 'chum London Woman h one pound of feather each. Thr emperor of Germany- - stands Window Mirac'.s'.' Th Csnton twenty- first In the direct line of succesWhat wa- - the final o.itcome of the sion to the British throne. Canton" Wj duw Miracle?" It will be A recer.t pamphlet on British railways remc-n1- ' that about four years ago, tfrtbs thaMhere are 39J depots and Caho-iie- s hv tb- S. Louis Republic, the within the limit of London. of Mlnnent'.aand Iowa, and in fact, The normal temperature of a human of the whole United Stae., were more being Is 9854 degrees Fahr.; that of a fish miracle. or Jess excited over the only 77 degrees. It appear that at Canton, a little town Testing Krupp gufls hat cracked all of In Southern Minnesota, a picture wa the houet la Eaten, the German city in Catholic church, The faithf-t- l claim I) which the gun factory it located. A letter addressed to "K. Pan" was rebe able to ee two of the shadowy In a of and other a the cently forwarded to Ita destination, Cape ages, one of woman resea. Ann, from Dunston, Mast. to to them which child, appeared A tree near Jackson, Mis., it said to ble the Virgin and the child. The fresk within lest than a week after bat havedled a for while, caused, much. excitement the Interest finally waned without the being used a a gallows by a lynching vender being explained, a far as we party. - According to the very best authoriknow. 1 ties gold wa first mined In Egypt lifthg year 1800 B. C. Strong Fish. Artesian well were first sunk at Some fuh are possed of great strength. The goose fish It an odd denlen of the Thebe in the time of Timerlon, about water. It hat a mouth well armed with 3,000 years before the beginning of our era. ; teeth, which opens nearly the length of The 81 ton gun at Dover. Eng , re' its body. This I about four feet long When It lays egg the number is be cently threw a ball a distance of nearly-eigh- t and a quarter miles. tween 40,000 and 50,000. The devilfish Is so powerful that thereare Instances From the time of St. Peter down to of small vessels being carried to sea by theyearit53 the Pode of Rome all them when they get caught in the an wore beards. chor chains. Two finny monsters aKo There are two places on the earths remarkable for their strength are the surface where there la but' one day and orpedoesT which have enough elcctrtc- one night throughout the year, Ity In them to Kill a man, and dogfish, The first person to make whose tec h arexo strong that 5 hey can a business was Barbara Uttman of Holbite of! a steel hook. The giant cuttle land, In the year 1550. fish Is a native of the coast of Newfound, Quito is the only city In the world land and the North Pacific waters, and Is situated on the equator. There that they are able by their immense strength at 6 oclock tiie toweloe a fishing boat and drag it to the the tun rites and sets around. ear bottom of the sea. A leading geographical authority claims that there are 300 mountains In Dogs aad Crocodiles. the United States which exceed ic.ooo When an Egyptian dog of the Nile releet In height. gion wishe to drink at the rivers edge, At the beginning of the century Philhe know exactly how to do it, and at had nearly to, 000 more Inhabl same time escape being bliten by a croc- adelphia New York. The figures were than tants his little piece of odile. In working out and 60,489. strategy he runs a short v ay up the yo.iaS The expressions Hallelujah" and river and howl for some time. The have been Introto said are Amen" immecrocodile, attracted by the sound, Christian into duced worship by St that to crowd place, whereupon diately D A. about 33a the intelligent dog hastily runs to that Jamea, part of the river which the reptile hae left and drink In safety. Registration In Kansas City for the presidential election, just completed, Tks Cs.tss.Alw," South McAlester, L T., Oct. 11 It is show a total of 31,530 names of voters ,rumored that United States Commis- on the books- a against 47,310 In the sioner David W. Yancey of Talequah, sprifig election. In the Cherokee country, has been -- (.oh Stahl, republican congressman spotted" by the society . of Indian from the York, P . district, who failed criminal known as the through a spilt in the district confer which ha for a long time been tbe ter. ence to obtain a renomlnatlon, la out in and especially tor of all a letter withdrawing as an independent 4 people of that country, candidate. This leaves Frank S. E. To an Associated Pre&a HoilarT republican, , aad Charles A. Yancey . denied any Hus kies, gold democrat. In the fields knowledge of the matter and says he ot Harrisburg, Pa, Judge McPherson feel certain that the society, whose ex. handed down an opinion holding that Is the regular Istence he doubts, ha no member who C. L. Magee ot Pittsburg. could justly charge him with Improper democratic candidate for the senate in or etcesslvejprosecution or punishment, the thirty-thir- d district, and deciding which apparently 1 the cause for the against the certificate ot James E.O'Don-ne- t, complaint, t It believed to have been who claimed the nomination Ca Too-Abe one of the members Thla make Magee the repubii. who assassinated Thomas H. Madden 0 can and democratic nominee and leaves Bragg's Station about six months ago. him without opposition. -- - sta-tio- -- n-- w Bys Cream Is she A robbi-ho- p ) fa!, avyj. and suddenly a' it ly o lock ric had 4'teuded 'he early communion The Arc bbKhop of Canterbury arriyed Havyarden Saturda, t y ening on iiiy re'urn fr- m a vieit in the north of Ire-taMe appeared then to be in robust heal'h, and express. ,i to Mrs. Gladstone his gry gra'lfication oyer his Irishour He arose early on Sunday and attended the earlv communion with his wife and her was bitterly cold ether,- - The-and Mr. Gladstone did not attend services, but at to oclock the archbishop and Mrs. Benson, Henry Gladstone.Mrs. Gladstone, Mrs. Drew and Dorothy Drew went to the morning sery ices. The whole if w , . H.imiirtui! yl: t;r- ' S ,p!i n cal1--hat nmo. I., a food, M ' trad of beinp dy povrt digested, has been milnly fermentrd in h.' k'uinailir, and has caused i.ncomfortab'e feeling-- , him various which he has been in the habit of attributing 'o ev erv thing bet tht ir pt p r cause. from rc 1 - T"e Re Canerbur' hundred tjir - - rvit-c-s Fled to the II to oclo k LITTLE CURIOUS NOTES. Of course there are men who are always out of sorts, spoilt dyspeptic bears The Gull of Mexico ha risen one foot with sore heads, wno require strong since 1850. minds to manage them, but there are Upward of 4,000 corpses were crevery many others who only want judi- mated In France during 189 to be treatment the cious. sympathetic Is made of cotton rags Blo.'.'ng paper Avoid best husbands in the world. In soda. which have been ooiled bei-'silv, ay old ay ing IHy things or of An ai or 100,000 pocnj of snails erage trying to make cotivf rsatlcn, husband are eaten each week it. Pari. on ome remark - all-g- ct tnc , . rr wa- -. tne I more or If after the JLike 4ladtvr. & Brdc-- - ' fifty In the morning anil !oub'!e-tfo 'be ifernonn mwit-irait ha- - M Keren day rv all the xoofi that will .1 fird ...Xcislxyyy..- - t..w?r Can IIvH mmI lBf a Krn a fipfi-tr- r ArtJ pssasA matt; bys jst hjl fsr.Ajt h.ike been . t, jilaei ta-- o fn k ,r , be hU f a NMiit a HfbOti n tiot's . t RtL I , f, - Why dont you work? a.ked Mr. Ma.h when there . s - c s' You look strong and healthy. he ESSU remedy wkicb i epilied f fi. mouy log qokkiy Auetirtmdttgtvee wnv-b- r some catihlng ovI Hev voice. , n It wan t. r t nibrel!.: re,..-.And.aurc tha' ten ooratinnallv. Only had h she ib turn. burtv he had refused to serve t an - Men, w i h In her a 'arm IL native who be'ged hard for a piece the ramp, to notice. - Hv. h mge. failed ,.id she and a drink of milk- of bread wtj -- in Aa w- - . In-i- whwvw.eOO'M' CATARRH Sudden Death During Service LOCALCiSEASE at Cburch. IlCBa becomi pieeeaat r v h lei ite.r'i ji wit, Ba 'h., M v e . e.l follow?,! tnlw t it e up u ii very eh.rkv eit' e a Tl i hr him of ; an ti,pi..r So dud' f r hr tein n.i. imiuthan ht.j ahe did H'wi-- more u.uallt a Maii', eaclaiirilngerity, but then there wa" - There i but ooe leglilmate way, say s a famous doctor, of making the heart strong. That fs by taking regular, systematic and sufficient muscular exercise Mih climbing heights or stairInto a-cases en-prominent feature. Let a person j ho finds ht pulse increased v beat in a minute after fifty o a climb a hurydrtd a'icase mounting s'alri ase day aft'-- r day for a month or more, ' ! he wid nnd that th exertion i- - 4ms-be- at to the normal h.es not. nxie'le of w gre.t )uines di (I- - 'lie w'oie famflys prdst-n- t i i ,re far gr. ater. A friend of mi-- , a nii'llonairr, ,v row nea-lvy th-- i . nnfideticc while tie yva ,.i m i". 1C nigiit over h's smoking-roowhe-hehe could next fire wonder survive terrible cri-i; day over Ms head and yylit I, ya mignt Irs.i tu s iiia.roui bankruptcy, to th extent of il 2rv,ttoo r with so, his wife came wh.ning into the room tiiathe batcher must be paid to and the amount of the d.ty iiexsi.-hrrs lull wss undtr to! -l! is on sul. occasions that a man m i's a he! fjl wife one who will tell hi. n about or read al md the last good novel, who will say : Come, let us goto the theatre tonight; you teed change of cctw. and above all, one who knows just when her husband requires nothing more than to be left alone. It Is women who get on their husband' nerves that drive them to take bachelor holidays when they ought fojte getting' more wife companion-ship- . enjoy ment from the - 1 !h (havistMsek er. -- -- v-- t VrrJt r "4'h.vf'!rri;t ARBHBISHOPOFGANTERBURY m Very Healthful. br-d- -- CUMB1NO. Soys Emphatically that a Doctor On c nc-Sr, ELrc putable p little heed of tram- s at Massive l.u taire ji'fl! and few of tho did gel H .1" wved at mi ' mwt 'M.P'Wh ''f.o-erkr-' the,. wer.3ftftwwxMiispAjMeasfaragwgRwcsiinie or the p " sieexly l were r I rtner The ST AIK MADDEN MEN. Women may be charming, wholly devoted to their home and theirhu. band, and yet be ao tartle, thought-les- t and aggravating aa to drive husband to the extreme of mlerv. "Any ok.ervant bachelor conIJ recall the number of Instance of women who from in rre wan) of fact and fnlelligence are almot dri in ;fethe!r husbands mad on their nerves. They forby gettin get tha' busy men require absolute rest, ciiUnge of sre.-e- , change of ub-- - !z" n WHO WOVlfcN flushed splraion trickled down her TRAMP. ed -- - lace-makin- g 1 g representa-tlve'Commlsslon- d. 1 p trniai,r deeply-affected- the-roa- ti -- o a n g d g Ken-tuck- j f n f Ior - . 1 1 at X 4 .4 |