Show r I You probably pay j toe much a month lin r lea it ii I s probably not vcr gllld < l Try ScitWng Hat 11 I you dont like it your < > grocer gro-cer returns your money You may find tun > cctcil pleasure and profit in it A a = m t jtWIW WIl 1iMet Ht1v I 0 1u aUtlMMlo b + liing itDtl heating P I pUMURiq ol fur 1111 I a i otM IY cut bruun 1 I to and rube l like magi < H i 1 staid t etON IIIU John liod n A son DUCHESS TROUSERS rES Itvcry pair warranted The J I meet tht want of all 1ron 12 Jijo Jj 350 t 1 5IIDI f rI j wear them two month i forever I Mtipeuder button that conen owe o-we wil liar j you 10 cents If the rip at the wafotbatid we will pnj y you 50 cents and if they rip al eat or elsewhere ue will pay you Si or give you u new pair I Our cntirre line of UNTS KURSriSHINO GOODS IA oft j the best and if you have any rash you can save lo to 30 percent per-cent by trudin at the AMERICAN CLOTHINS co Park City Hr I WniTKR MnnnKpr j LON T l l maL NtllTIl K Klllt M 1 HLIl TII IAXII II r N u < s i < iii I iiiiir run N rnni I IfKlrr U hr I f tm llMl llr HuwIlK IUU I IMr h fllnl mlln t Ml IrMfnlb n I > mikilmil PI I In 0eot 1l Ill lUlni 1l tfll Ml I pn orr 011114 b rtr IIH t IUr Irtk n l xnnull uMi nh m DUulVol I I ulllllP I1an I Nu > mhrl4 < > t < Jtlir I H rKh mL11 II vrtsxl > 4 MIN 4irnit iw IHI It K I K K l lld W l j no eaytVal10i4 fa ii r 1 YS nrt i Miwh Mr n nmllw W vln 115510 M lo IMT lili I rviilliMHi n t nr flpili ami nIIImSIm4 Mid I1 l l ill H H KmhliJr Ihin Wflithi iMxtf 0111110 fro Kldwlw of CHilvril l i ii mllmiij 1lh fliriMlllMNi HnrlMrr T IM list 1 f rl lanttrotlna trlohrr 5 i0 I X TilE TUIH1 linmili COLKT or Trig 1 Lam ul mimnlt nut o < tlsaIn HM ms rrlfl ebl of Am = i T Oittw In rtiow naur why 1wdeMl nf moil Male tluHllil ml > 511 WIIHiui II Wlinn dmtnlMralif othe rutU AlAl 514405 1 w b ha lo nlnl hl p loon 1051 u 111 liTilnMiiionlJrul Ml 101 ill irr rrsl rwullf Id 0rdnl Lw lb pa5 Iyl1 M loth 101 irwwhwonl llTlf lwPof Mlll ourt hal all umiii lulrmlnl In l thr MUtvur ulil lr7110 itamow1 i > M r btf > m In MM ThtM DUtrti I 1 rtaia 001otdooy6te 1 0tn trM 0 G immiKiMiiinUythv nh lUiofuchilm Iwn iWutluiklu wit mom olMxl inefonnuHiifoiMAat DIMrtn vnin M IW nth rntm Awn In untrlll Uounit of umwli i > hm > MH why p ntOrttlmiM not b > rraiitod u ihi > Mid wtntiilMrawr la Mil th what l Iht rml 1 1015 Ib Ml4 ilfnvnol nl Ihil 1 ropy nl ihliantor i pahllh1 M MOH imi > r5 1w 11ar 11 LUr wink n Tt 1 Af rWTma 1w + pr 10051 0510 IatbiWlal 1e11e1d Hummli Ntly u f MOMTninTi xar115rrr 1 Vli of Ih IMMfM Cmrl MUldM4 niUtJil M natty II UJ LLl i 1 DCO J O DCh 1 V h 2 CII GJD I J = W D DC I 0 Co 4 fIZ 1 Z Q UJ O y UJQ CO to Q COD < toto UJO JH to Pk Q O 1 C3 O I PEOA HOUSE I FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONQ I I 1 OR TOURISTS AND TRAVELER I Rates In KeepIng With the Times Mrs Lydia E Walker Proprietress 1EOA Suiiiiint County Utah TIN SHOP loitieitmtla Tlttwnrc StovePipe Stove-Pipe Hath Tuba Garden Sprinklers Gftlvnuiieil Xiuc Copticr and Sliect Iroti Work etc made and Repaired by Joseph Jones TINNER Shop one block east of Stake House Coalville Utah Imfi1m 1 Imfi1mI I Ceraed1rod1tlrkeom > Irl f > tm bunrrundueiIMootr l r rll JOUK OrflCC 1 O OtTt U Barr NT OIryO r i 1Jl r l t 1 r iI 1 Ir I + a Iua than = i I rmuu1lIn n b o4 mHl l dmwi g hoto lih d cft 4 i tloo U U > IM II i i nleba0 i IIM at i i iiluiio OrlMnolilMllllMltiilliMeuied I A p 1 M l lowloObltta r > lean wi4 lab i US lIorlco oualrle = 111 ttddrloo oe i < iASNOWCOi I L pr PATiNTOrrKt W HIN TON 0 c f rio o Great Reduction y In i SHOES of from 35 to 40 per cent GLOVES of from 25 to 50 per cent t Childs Embroidered Bonnets Ladies and Misses II Straw Hats Dross Trimmings Feathers and Flowers Childs Waists and Boys Shirts Wo have just received a beautiful line of l Quilt Suitings BLANKETS ranging from 75c to 226 per pair We have in stock the most complete line of Furniture ever I seen in Coalville Call and examine our goods as we combine I quality with price a priceCOALVILLE l COALVILLE COO 10 P Opening in Winter Millinery OcrtobeJl 22 I pectfnlly invite the Indus o Coalville and ndjacvui towns to rail and examine the most beautiful and commute lint of Ladies and Childrens Hats and Trimmings I have yet received I have also added a rompletc line III 2 < sand s-and Children WINTER UNDKRWEAR and Riuiraut the I prices and quality to compete with fury in the town CAPES FURS CLOAKS t have made arrangements with IteiGeld one of the largest Cloak immifacturcrs in America to sell fur them by sample Cull mil examine cloaks and sample Prices quoted on Capes and Jackets from 350 to 100 MAGGIE SALMON REMOVAL I have removedmy stock to Wilson Bros old store Call and see me Have a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Dry Goods Notions Boots Shoes The lowest prices in town on Ilottr aud Mill Stuff Itefore placing your orders for 1urm turc HoutchoM Goods Stoves etc call and get my prices 17 IUCS GOODS AT IDWHST lIUCltSg Vo Je VIiol1ttQ MRS M E RHOADES = i THE IILLLi ill jrOilgmjVy i fprimiml COALVILLE UTAH WILL SELL THE BALANCE OF MY SUMMER SUM-MER MILLINERY STOCK AT HALF RICE NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR A H T CHEAP Best Weber Coal I OLD CHURCH CULLEN J INEBI G110SS s Care 1 e 2100 lb Cullen Mine lumi 200 2100 Ibs Old Church lum 175 2100 Ibs 1 Stove Coal 80 I Good l wheat or oats taken ill excliaiiu i for ml Milling I and hunk house furnished free II I I W W CLUFP Projc |