Show III1NII I II IlKMfKN I Utah IK t Iii I Inks InnN 1 flUIH i I in lhiiii lninih lu llu Hlft ul Wn lreHui adaUililer Mi M 1 I llirrl him writ 1k i I urI I ur-I sal I Ilty 1 biillebellKi I IIOH e I ii I r ir nleronie llton are h1I1 nil lure uuw Nome hate made 1 ijinii a I ius i > 111 ihe lIly I Mr ad > I Mm s Ihmrd hay lucn l spine Ln i Ir l Mime tune lull art itpirlidn Inili Iniivrnlililaurilltig II I1 1 nulling It profrvetlrig In ylsI l ih IJKI and luanr are dinting their potaloen 1 Tin re n I a pjod crop bilL no uurkl I I < Mlt number of our MIIIIH Udu I aunt I litlwiiell nllended th Inn mill mil-l HMr Itnliiilliy ol MIKIII hI t rIlo Mr llilbt It I tfoloii uIt r nil I i n lo Ihe Indluii Irrrlluii u It Ill II la I t with of abotiul I in i I Iu I r M I n > of situ vlwII 11111 I v l ii I Irv I and report having had s gad the l j I onaluturahle utltfaiillon rxllu hr u a result of gaining rvprv itulrull us Ilr n tiuiy liokel Phil it su It should Ir Hie office tllouhl be dilril iiud UK friendtof Ueorge OUeii 11 IT plm i > 101 l bit nonilnallon for nior k i I iih mlhlalet Cur till prtllhm u a H 1 jiinlinvtl tvmt V few reclaiered here this InIo ind 1 u It I tufe W lay llure will be I om ur Isit an will do II on llu Ill i hi I uur Ito i ilulm our lit mini + hero Are A I l u itHA frim bin I btnlmg IIIbo will nt i gut fere lo nglter Wllb tau tun u pllom III ihu 1dls burr ntflilerud I W B I |