Show Tile < tnlaol > n South MeAlttter IT I Oct IIIt u 1 rumored that United States Commit sinner David W Yancej ol Talequab In the Cherokee countrt hat been tpoded by the social ol Indian crlmlnalt l < oln at the CatooAbt which hat for a long time been the ter left Of lawabiding and eipeclalli lavt enforcing people of that country To an Attoclated Irett rcpretenta live Commissioner Ynce Yancey denied any know ledge nf the matter and Says he feel certain that the toclett whoc n I Ittcnce he doubts hat no member who could juttly charge him with Improper r or excctilvejprotecutlon or punlihnienl which apparently It the cause fur the complaint tIt < t believed to hate been one of the CaTooAbt members who assassinated Thom U Midden a llraggt Station about six months ago |