Show CHASED BY A TRAMP ItirleMailosle lived In I the country and t he WM rat another house within a Ilie 1 of the one occupied by her family The hlghrrMd or turnpike at Me called < t idtM to i it I unni r time wa much n i tonipe Pill r 01 I Till A 0 title I tre nt Mattleti ik lllle heed nf Imn ind few of Ihm 1w t at I dolo erred at our door If an V I eevercd the over ellh Ih needy or he ptrtUula I I Th fomrr 11 1 01 f Ihn CIO 1 ll r I I them Hr 1 of 11 I vrTyPecheks 10 Va 1 I d Mm of i > hI I aterstmall I 1 1Ildiv thein Imo I-mo bu then II t e ova uulI 4 hilt 1 ft o I I il tier vtlr T > erefiir th < Mil ilo 1 It Only that rrv for otil n the had Mfuteri in over a hurt turn pile native who Legged hard for a piece if I bread and a drink r1 milk You lank 1 strong and healthy Why Annt YOU workr asked Mrt MaI Mow can folkt work when there Alter anr work for em to dole on Tlierr1 nlenly lo do If ton only 1 < nit for It In a Ovals place the re flHe < Ive been looting far It for three rmntht and aint ound It yetel laid he Then look for It till you tilt find II Id the rnlite > anil with lint tlic bang 1l < 1 the door In hit fate led left him 10 totil war I Ilimiiiht om rather unfeelingly of > ln Miile lo I talk like that but die had lore In a pet over tomethlng or other th 1 mornlntt and seat not quite herself UVII about an hour alter that lie came to me In quite a Rood humor and tltnl me to BO for a walk 1 and take the littrr Playing It wrould dn tit It oV n > KM out a Ml ho of course I got re ilyi 1 mm we were soon enjxlng the levels Iraml 1 the ui Mr 1nr oinr illli warlord on ll e innIke hit htfore long we conic a narrow lane fifth ted to our nearest nethbar > who < e farm wtt about a mile awat n lane tv < H I i rl i find Ii I sectes t Ott loe 1 ptice 1 a Ant one could w > i for Tti rfore we were not a Ill lie otiortW win n Fin turnlnn a corner I wo ramel lifirm 9 learn P the nr navvy whom Mr Mle hvl > o rudely life i niUie1 tAl morning lie was IlnlC In the ihadeola thick Iiiulce and he looked up ai we patted When 1 saw him through the kllchtn window that mornlnir I noticed that he IU noll look very redolent neither In manner nor In feature but now ont gov > on-t > rtnV l < < > lu > lii7LlnlitiJn > tfOW Unej j I fancied he looked qulle crocloiu lv I litcntly he and Mrt MI ognlcd cacti other and It wait plain that this did not pfrose her for the lurnetl Assay from him vkjlj A Shudder a > though he had teen a lerrent Tile oarvy mutt have > nlhat we were alrald nt him and no doubt title cne him tome taltilactlon bill he Walk V4111 quickly and In tllence for neither nf tit had l trust Ourselves to spook WIeff we were a Illtle dMance from I lilmhowever Mri Mawle MlilipereU tame 10 look onn1 and tee If he WM still Ijlnf dooc n I turned n 1 4 head and leave that the tramp vi lie on hI < feet and iollouli a ui lid i then I drained my ah companion erni and lie turned 10 look I Joint then the tramp i 1 utooped and pick Sell uri oomethlntf which looked like 11 thick stick or a hedge stake and wild this In file hand he came 01 a quicker pace at though Intending to overtake ui At thlt inv mlmtr M turned pale ami trembled with fear eiclilmlngi Oh hmveni lie IItn to murder ua Iratli and Ibis lnno < r t babe at well What hall we do Jennie what lull voa Jor Jordive dive me the baby and let ui run for our live I cried feellniMure that the tramp really Intended lo do lit ham Hut In her great lost Mr I Mlc ouKI not I nut her bob out of her arm and Instead of lilting It to me the forclise led the Illlle tiling all the cloicr In l her but Thus we ran down the line I as fast as our leet Mould take use not daring dar-ing to look back upon our puriuer We fcnew the tramp was following brciin we could hear him Shouting alter ui In IiMid and angry tonei It Seemed tin tin was trjlng to frighten ui bill wc van on and never paused a moment hear what he Mid The farmhouse Inward which we losere battening was not jet In light but we fled swiftly onward hoping soon lo And refuge there and to gain the Allthllnte of lit mullet Tor awhile the tramp eatl to thoui to I glanced around to cell lie was tllll pursuing ui heron he-ron he ratted hit ueapon and tlourlth fog It 1 about hit head Shouted all the louder and more angrily and Insole a iore determined effort to otertake us Mrs Manic was Almost exhausted fill running but Hill the refuted to let 1 saw have the baby although I was the younger and stronger and heler able to carry It In her terror tlieienied to fancy the bib > was ultr In her alllll tlun It would be In mine though I felt Store It would have greatly relieved her If the had allowed me to take the Infant irooi her Almoit bieathlett with the warmth of the baby and the exertion ef her flight the panted like a fox thai If U pursued by the hound and the per an plrt ion trickled cioxn h I I ll 1 he1 din like rate on a wi idim pan 1 Yel the did not mean to give In and the pretence of the t shy seemed lo make her Al Ih more defcrmln I I 1 the late which Hie tramp etldet lt Intended In-tended for ui I tt just beginning to give i > 1 0 MI when I heard m misrets e Claim Thank Oot e > re here at I lett And 1 on looking round I taw Ihfm house few hundred aril r 0 a > Th farmer daughter wai 11 fonrri inl 1 npprarel u d > il I X ItK lie tunning 10 wand w-and i < roarhed the IOP it A Ilk 1 fIhklne the tramp wo I ar u trI t-rI whrre he saw n h 1 I 1 111 < I a wer e Ini I lierr all IrK while I hh I ll for h mi nn wllhi I an follollI u Joe UMO w 1 r Then etf 1 un had In hit I ml 1 I r h b 1 > Mrt lillsoMr 1 exclaiming no Ir r > 1 Yer take game catching Andlure emu 1110 It was I r inloelln hlrh the lia < l drop I is im lng iheiramp nlrillenlnlirhln I her alarm the had failed In notice Ftellange l |