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Show F CHICKEN IN WINTCn. J Well But Concrete Mouse That Will m Cefy th Cold. J-'.B -l wmilil like to lenrn hrw to ff""M to Lull a concrete limine fnr lBi- rhlr!,. ns In winter I uainl ly k(l H ut ?tl) rhlcka on Ym sr.l ing ilm at about t! ree month i oil I bi'lro ihr to keip than- In winter win-ter I "!' w how to bntld a suit-aW suit-aW "' un of concrrte md give nn oetpnli; of the probable coal. Til' eh'cktn houae rprern!ed In thf ScroTi anylng ctil It tl?l feet, tt ft t (( -t high on tho south side ami (let lln-i nn the north aldr. It la halt rf crnrretp, th walls bunt fIrrrli th'ck, with Mneh Kirn i Imj J Is lathed and plastered. Port FrCnt Vlsw of Cencrate Poultry 1 1 eus J. IStrl cement lent used Instead ut IJie In fie litu-r. Ily uvlng Port-lafd Port-lafd v-aienl in tho plaatrr the rhlrk-CIS rhlrk-CIS will not pick tie plaa'cr off The deer la ef concrete and wcrdrn fleer Is hid on lop of It. This will keP the rats from gitllmt under the fleer or troubling the chickens In any The coat of tbe concrete war would b It tnrtels nt Portland cement, i making the concrete one of cement to nine of gravel, days' labor for one man stul It yards gravel. The oilier material and labor wculd airount to abont 111 lor lath and plastering and J If for windows, door, roof and labor. TM tss'de ran be sheathed up with Mtchcd rluff If des.rcd Instead of , btlnt lathed and pll'tered. bii'. II e will can he more easily krrt fn-e from vermin If plastered. In on er tn I pet tie sunlight Into the chicken ' t.ousa. the windows should not be mrre than ono font from the floor It higher than that the raa of the sun I will sot strike the floor aa It should. Tae walla ire built between planka. ! Thla la done by standing txl Inch LprltMa every three or four feet, both a - n Daw- I rr Eictlon of Crcund Plan Showing Construction Con-struction cr Wall. A : by I In. slmpetngi 11. lath "ft I biier. O. in. hallow pac Ll. wood. kr.ck, , euiuele wait. en the out and Insldo of wall, and op-posllo op-posllo each other, leaving twelte Inches btlwetn the outildo and Insldo In-sldo uprights. A lit: loch plank Is now placed en edge both on Inside and uulaldo ot wall with an Inch I nedge between the planks nnd tin-rliihti. tin-rliihti. Ily using a small irreaJ at ck Is Inches long betwe n tho planks It will keep thorn In their place In falsing tho planka loosen tho weitgas and rnlso the planka allowing ttim to lap down un tho concrete 1 i-S or 3 Inchee, drlvo In tbo wedges and proceed pro-ceed as btforo. |