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Show 1- WV.M.I.M.' iVMW.'.WWI.'.l. 'lNVVW I LOCALS AND PERSOHAIS. Mill t'fincet Votmn!! Ii bora Itoui Eviniton. "Milouey'i W'rdJ ox Ir" nxt VJ-oe.iUy VJ-oe.iUy nltflit. Will Cluff mi Intrrrltnluj our merelnnti jttltrdAjr. v The .eiiiHinlt Implement company ll paying c.iili for bl Mri. Hurry ThniuM and twlty boy air lien from I'Ark City tltltlnj rl-Mlvci. rl-Mlvci. Allreil Ctolt ol lVttivon wai btre tl Dntoftli wee Tliltlnj lilt UollitT 1 l'rink, ' Mx FaJilln bin Utn on the ilk Hit the nit t?n tlayi with a levcro attack otlajtlpp. Mti. Will KJriiondi ol Srwtnlih Fork arrltnl here luntlny ctcnliiK to viilt her mother Mn. L. W. Wllllami. ' Mm. M. K. Naylln arrived lore from Kemuierer, Wyo , TneiJay dIw1)1tIiII lor lometltne with btr ilitcri. I'rol. W. C. Cllve ami ion Clifford, and I Alex Campbell ranie out from Salt Lake lait Saturday to tukepart In thvconmt. 9 1'rlcei for Matnney' WeddUit Par " Flntlotirirontrom, "6 centi; balanw ct chain, 60 cenli, general ntlmliilon V centi. I 8. J, Fuddlei bai accepted a poiltlon at anlitant foreman ol a iteel gane on the U. r. and commenced hli workTuet- I day morning. I Alex. Moffat, luperlntenJent of the I Ontario, wmlon froir l'ark City Tuei- daymoroinEonbuilneiiltb the county I coinmlnloneri. ( ' Mm. J. A. Smith nnd two cblldreo came down from l'ark City Saturday mornlog to attend conference and villi frlendi In ber old borne. I. When you want pleaiant phytic try I' Cbamberlaln'a Stomach and Liter Tab- W" let. Tbejr are eaiy to take and prodocel Spr"Bc!d by John Borden A Bon. IB We appreciate very lunch the remark! VU ofl'ieit. Taylor at the recent confer- V ence wbereln beadvlied the people to Bj lupport tbelr home paper, and we bope Kr tbey will take tbe good advice. H The conceit given by tbe nellef Society K' lilt Saturday utgbt wai largely attended Hp and the ladle realized about MO from tbe proceedr. AH took their parti on tin ft program nicely and were well receUed. m, Alldlieaieiltartlntbe boweli. Keep tbera open or you will lw tick, CAb-B CAb-B O.WtETS act like nature. Kecpllm B and boa elt acthe without a ilckenlng griping feeling, blx million! people H take and recommend CASCAUETS; try tj lOcabor. .ill drucf Itti H "Maloney1 Weldlng lay" Ii the jj name of the iliow to be given nt the f- i Opera Ilotito next Wedneiday nlglit. f There are ten people In the company nnd , a good performance Ii promlted. f1 We cull the Attention of our readon to t- the (ollonlngadi In thli luu, each of , vrlikh farnitbei intereillng reading 1 Coalville Go-op, Cnih Ilargaln Store, turn in It Implement Co., nnd Dexter - Ilroi. W. A. C. Villi tint reilgned aetltt ant mperlntendent ol knndny nbooli in tbe Stake and Frank Uni hai been y appolnte-l Jn till iteail. I.iUl Ntffalw S ' reilgned ai luperlntendent of religion I. i claiieiamt 0. It. Weil bai been appoint ed In bli place. One of the unfortunate lctimi of the railroad u reck n few mllei eait of Granger i laitSuiiilay night naillert bberman, a , brother ol Mm. C. I. Wbeadon of thli city, lie wai engaged ri mall clerk. I Mm. Wbradon left Monday for Cbetenlie ' to atten I the funeral. . . About 250 torn of bay belonging In ; lllihop Angui J. Cannon nai burned Tueidiy morning on bit ramh in " Enjdenllle. It ii auppoied that I n ipnrk from the Itlo Urande engine I darted tbe Are. Thebiywai being bai- r ed and the bsler ai alio burned. We undrritaud that the ba which win lued nt 2,000 i partially Inmred. A meeting ol the ituckbolderi ol tbe Weber Rmerxolr, Powir A Irrigation J company retldlngMn Summit county, wai held In tbe city hall Monday to eleet tno tlirectori from thli county. T L. Allen and .N'ephl Sargent were eleot- c- ed. Tbe directors will intet In Morgin I neat Monday to elect one director at I large, preildent, lecntary nnd treaiurer I of the oouipauy. Caih paid for wheat by the Summit IinpleaientCo. AieeiMr Peter Martin and wlfo were down from l'ark City lait Saturday on a Villi. JoeJohnilon wai down from l'ark City the firtt of the week vliiting bit IM rente. Ex -Sheriff George I.I n J my came down from l'ark City lait Friday with election tappllei. Thomas (iilchrlit bai lieen very dan-geronOy dan-geronOy III thtiweek.nndattblewriting Ii verr poorly, llli many frlendi hope hlniedy recovery. Attorney Frank Kvani left for New York Tueidayonbuilnen. He ll ac-eomi.anld ac-eomi.anld by Ida wife and Wllniar Evani of the I'ertland Cement company of Sa't Lake. Tbe party will take lit tbe vVorldV Fair and return borne about lc A. Tbe county commliilonen were In eeilon Monday nnd Tueiday canrairlop the election returui and trnniactlng tome other tontine builnen. A tettlement wai ateo made between tbe conlractori and the architect for the new building and everything tettled up latlifactorlly. Next Thunday Ii Ttiankig'vlng day and it ibouM be celebrated properly. It Ii good to have a day let apart once a year on which the people can give tbanki for the many MeulnRi they receive from their Creator. Appropriate emcliet ibould be beM nnd tbe people made to reallie more folly tbe importance import-ance of Ibeday. An entertainment will be given on Saturday evening, Nov. SO, under tho. amplceiof the dlitrlct ichooli.and th'e meani realized ill bo med for tbe pur-poieof pur-poieof buying booki for tbe icbool library. There will be an opertU entitled en-titled "Tbe Nympbi of tbe Elementi" and a cantatta, "Tbe Grpile Girl," and a One evening! entertainment Ii prom lied. The mnilcal farce comedy, "Maloney'e Wedding Day", which will be preientid at Coalville Opera Home on Wedneiday, Nov. 23td, bat been conitructed wjth Jbe KiU.obJec.Un flew of making Tplo happy. Tbe average life poiteiiei enough aorrow and tribulation oflttown, (without ilttlng In a theatre to Lave It reproduced to tbe detriment of one't ncrvoui temperament, tired brain or reitful reipoae. Thli clever comedy preienla a collection of comedlani, ilngert and danceri who uie every nrtl-dee nrtl-dee In their bumorout compoiltlon to make you langh and that they have been tucceiiful It evidence In tbo pbeomen-ally pbeomen-ally laudatory notlceilbey have received from the pren everywhere. The comedy ii liberally embelllihed with catchy longi nnd clever ipecialtlet. |