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Show Cakes Locked Like Books J Am an Illustration of the thrift a"'' i frretlgtt nf tbe houaekeepert tf I'm early period. Halter P. Clarkg i'1 I veteran town clerk of Richmond. Ir" U ta atory. aaya the Prorldeact Jr-bhI: Jr-bhI: Hla rather, David Clark, " In Prntldence at one time, and kvlcg obliged to atey over right, tor " tfcore daya the meaaa of travel waa by hone aod wagon or horifittb, which wat necewaarHy very aloe; "e rut up at a tavern, and In tho loom he occupied were four bade, for tere wat lot much tract) waatai It the bcdroouia of the old-tltM taveraa Before Be-fore retiring fnr the night Mr, Otrke and a friend who wta with hies greek up aa acqualrtance with anoint? occupant oc-cupant of tt o tame room. The Mend Of Mr. Clarke hlt.red lo hlg not to loll the nirarger where they rirat from ami tn try to Und out whence he had rnmn. ao they Inquired of him whore he had come from, tit he told them ho had Jnat been dot In South country. In the town t Richmond. Rich-mond. Ho raid that when beAtlied In town It waa nearlrg duak, he drew up at a tavern and taqn rei of the lindlnrd for lodglBK for the tkht. The landlord replied In the tUnna-live tUnna-live and tent a boy to take hit arte, at he waa on boraebaek. The rrft tie-man tie-man went with the boy and re-awed the aaddlebagt and brought thealnto the homo, and, throwlcg them down , In the kitchen atepped up to the flro . piece to warm hlmeelf Over the fireplace fire-place waa a mantel thelf, which wat nearly half aa long aa the room Ittelf, rnd upon looking up -e taw on the thelf hat he auppoacd lo be a row of bonkt. While ha waa wondering why there waa inch a number of bnoka In this tavern more book, he thought, than were In tbe entire town tbe woman of the boute came In and alined up toe fire preparatory to cooking the evening meal, tie Inquired of her: "Why la It thai you have ao rainy hooka here In the kitchen T It the town'i library here, or what la llr' "Dooktl" exclaimed the attnnh-ied woman, "I don t teo any bookt Vhre I ore they? Show me thorn " "Right here on that ahilf," reeled the man, "over your teed ' "Dookt1" tald the, "Ob, lal them ain't bnoka; them Johnnycaket. Wo enprct the town council hero to alnrer next week, and wo're baked them Johnnycaket tot to be ready when they come. ' Whether Wheth-er to mtttook the Johnnyctket.packed neatly on end upon the ahetf. fnr hooka or not. It la hard to nay, thotian there It no doubt that the atnry did not tote anything In the telling, but by aetual count there were teventy-nice teventy-nice Johnnycakea on the ahelf. |