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Show Old Otlomon't Fhlloiophy. "You may talk about tho pbllotoi nf Socrates, or Tom Walton, or any nf other of thn wise men of tho world but there Is nn old darky down In my vale who hat Ihem alt beaten lo a tre-you-well," raid Mr. Tbnmot P. Seott ot ttoar Home, (la "Old Sola-t.oii Sola-t.oii hit name It Holoiran, nnd be t rightly named It always In trouble. Solomon.' I said, 'why don't J on try to do better! Yoii'ro a likely sort ot man. nnd J on could llvo well If jou could only behnvo jourself. srd kiop a steady Job, Intleid of drinking bad whisky and keeping joursolf Lohlnd I tho bare half the time' "'Goodness rre, boss.' rapllod -iloln-rron I maJcs rooro money dolnp tbli l way Now jou too Us llko tU When I worki hird I makci 8 a month and my boau end when I ge'i i arrettod the mtglstrito tiyt to me that It will bo slO or thirty dayt. Now according lo t. at, how Lin I al-l al-l fcrd lo work for IS a month when I'm worth ti more a month In tho I Jill!' Washington Post. |