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Show f. Ipand Worth a Visit i (Hpiclal Corrcapondrnco I TJ no country In the wcrl.l haa na ttbctd o prodigal of scenic gifts "J iL l"1,"d ri'l"n" "' New ItM. wiere man has done ao much to enhance the enjoyment of prod-Igil prod-Igil natursl bounties The south Itlind boasts of a magnificent Alpine rater, which Include a the latgest glider outside the Arclle regtona. fjejaa aore wonderful thin tlwe of Norway, the unrivaled Otern and llnl Irrjgorgea. the hlgheat waterfall In IhC world ind magnificent lee-eold InlBs. while the mirth Island rrldea Itsgf ot tbe largest geyser In the unl iet, nsrvrloua boiling springs hot lakes, tMlnrt snd aellte vdrannes, all In th- Taupn mm which elves Itt nine l.i tun m, th, r wonder. Lake Ttupo. lh. 1,1 i , M, lt ini.nj eea. liuptMoita II I- mi . I by the traorl Warrior bo havo tvir principal t. -. to Its plciur -.que rtu3' r sre f w hiratia ao gi in ral stttacllona as this ir laki, which It-situated at urr of IJ.Ouo feel above sea It la twenty live miles long in and n halt wide, snd when northwester blowa across Its if ninety fathems the aurfice i tho aspect ot an angry and it sea. i Vlewj From Ttupo. onniulp of Tiupo lien nn the roro of the like, and fnr Itt chief ittrictlon has the old Maori redoubt, situated on n high bank of tbo broad Walkato river and rich In mimerlet cf tt.rrlng doings In tbe dtyt thtt ire gone. Close by ono frequently fre-quently tees n Maori canoe paddlod across tro river, which here emerges frori tho cleir like and tfaipei Itt ' cnutte in a rapid ruth through rugged ! gttH snd broad ilalnt to the sua j T" Wtlkato senet at a dividing 1'nc between the L'uiopcan nttlcment of Tauro t n nnu tho native villngo of Tapuie Htruru on tho helghtt above, which In the war pcrli d of I tin aame iharactor ahowlng thai these caves acrviil as btrih and death places and the fiullflcil abodes ot the Maoila, who dlatlngulahed them by iiamea aa they do houses and even trees In their customs jf '-dny. Close l Karangahape cliffs la a native na-tive aettlement which numbers among lit ritldenta the old chief llltlrl Just quoted, llltlrl la a warrior of proud anccttry, the here of many valiant Utiles. Led tht Defense of Orakau. In 1161 he led the brave but hope-lets hope-lets defense of Oraknu pa, which fell to an overwhelming llrllltli fnrce tin der Oen Cameron. Illtltl's father and other rclstlris were killed, but be nnd hla sister Ahumal, who was badly woiinlrd, eacsird Tl-"p sole siirtlv ora nf the ilHastmus light still enter tain travelers with Hie account of how I tin y hi 1 1 tho fort against tremendous tn'.N snd finnlly aurcecded In break-Inn break-Inn tl n itch the line of military In tin Ir daring bid for life Ahn-nal, who i l now a ilntiliti d up old decrepit, is linwn to have shot two soldiers on Ibut orri'lon, for the ManrJ women trcq'ii ntly bore arms with the men. Cetlchtful Scenery, ' In summer time the tlstely I branches nf thn Christmas tree wsva I tin ir gorgious crimson bkiasnmt nliovi- the clear blue waters of the lake Alorg Ihe cutlers thore there ' It al-o a perfect featt tit flowers all peculiar to the place droves of tilth til-th c ctcrgreent are hero featooned with delicate lianas, nnd In season braiitlftid with Ihe blossoming float nf Ihe wild ctt nulla. Then there la the woniltrful jellnw kowhal, which showers tho lako nnd banks with a j ahawl of golden petals and which i won tbe enthusiastic notice oi Hud' j nrd Kipling In the poem which ro- rort'ed his lait to New Zetland. According In R illogical data the lake nf Tauro waa mire an Immense volcano, and n final touch nf variety la lent to Ita remarkable surroundings by the alretchea of pumice depot t which at Intervals coit many inllet of the turroiiudlng country. Natives With Ctnea. 1105-71 wat a fortified and memora- bio rampart. Looking serosa the llko toward the touth tin traveler can tea at tho hick of Rotoalra tho magnificent mow clad volcsnoet of Tongarlro, Ngiuruhoo and Ituapehu Theto rplcndld pinks are Invested with a mnaslvo drarery of pcrpeluil Ice and mow and from their summit there It a ccnttint Itaiie ot iulr.huroui ttcam and trcolo in vagrant va-grant clcu.1t and irlrei Until qulto rrocntly theto remtrkthle mountains wcru held nt rucied by tin Maoris, and on tho etrle ilttrt of Ihelr mow-ripied mow-ripied craters and glic al rrceirei they offered homi;o and prorillatlnn to their deified nnrHors tho gdt ot tfcclr race, Reclon of Cave Dwellers. Caves abound In Ktrangahapo and ill of thorn at one time or other lerved as living placet for tho Tauro ictlvee, who were oavo dwellers to a rery great oxtent. Just twenty jeirs go, when giving evidence at the na-llvo na-llvo land court ot Ttupo, the old warrior, war-rior, llltlrl Te Paerata, tald: "I was born In a cavo at Kawakawn At Willi a ha there It a oave rallrd Orua walkaha belonging to two tribes. Tbo chief and hit ftther nro burled there. At Karangthapo point thcro It a cava which was uted as a pa (for-tren) (for-tren) and called Omumutu." Thcro snanr nlher .'otcrwitlng recordt cf |