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Show BUTTERFLIES BRED TO ORDER. I In Demand by Rich Men to Beautify Their Lawnt. "nntterfilee make an admirable gar-den gar-den decoration, and, therefore," id a landacape gardener "ihey are being bred for lawaa the tamo aa peacock! are bred. "You bare heard, of eourae. of p-a cock farm. Their eropa are p-a eocki, and the bird! are told to rich men to deconte their lawna with Well, a butterfly farm la one where the crops are bmterniti Such firm has been let up In California, and It Is doing well. "The farm waa atarted en a capital capi-tal of JSOO. a gtatv home waa put up and 8,000 caterpillars were bought. The caterplltara In due tlmo becama butterflies TLo buttcrfilca were aold at a fair profit to a number ot millionaire. mil-lionaire. "In certain mllllocalrea' garden-i It wai rnatlble to tee during the Dimmer Dim-mer big flocks of butterflies-aorre white, tone blue and tome Iridescent Thr te were a part of the crop of the butterfly firm. "The California breeder got hts I Idea rrem I em'.on. There tor Mme yeera they bar bred all the butter rat that decorate llattcraaa park beautifully." |