Show I I I TWO MELD DEAD FOR j MOTOR IR THEFT I Hooper Young Men Admit Borrowing CarI Car I I Say Officers i I Willis Jones 20 and a year 17 old companion both ot of year 1 Hooper were arrested early Sunday by byl I I Deputy Sheriff John Hooper and later may be bo charged with frith the theft of an automobile belonging belon to George ZInia of or Hooper The officer said that the Zinia ZIDIa car was waI stolen from Hooper early Saturday night and was returned at about about 4 o'clock In the I morning Clews were followed by the tho officer officer I which led him to the arrests They are s said ld to lIa have hate e admitted borro borrowing l g the Ford cord carThey car carThey I I j They were released upon their ban on recognizance until further In- In in investigation is made o 0 the case Deputy Hooper Sunday arrested Charles skeen of ot Plain City on a charge of ot operating his car without license plates He will appear inthe In Inthe Inthe the city court here tomorrow I moo 00 |