Show Barney Googe Is 10 I the lonc that thu body ff ory- ory body sings and aDd thi th lox fox trot that eye everybody dancea In the their mirth compel line line hog style yle Jon Jones and Stare Hare the o oa tong one a areal real Ie Ien n eor on a Colas Colas- fu- fu bia ba Record A 3 And you can cm be lure sure The Georgians are re fint Seat under the wire waro in n n tho their unique rendition of 01 the th trot fox A At Columbia Colombia D i Hiding a arash rash wont heal it Attempts to conee conceal complexion blemishes es usually fail ful ail and only serve serveto serveto serveto to draw attention to the defects Underneath plaIt most unattractive skins is a clear dear pleasing complexion all complexion that is i needed is the It is surprising how bow oRen often a use of Ointment and Resinol Re Soap will clear away blotches redness and androL rom ss and give the lon S 1 ts iL and charm Aak Ak seer cIru lor for Resinol l 1 ALHAMBRA 4 I r I r i I pr titI I The Coolest Place V in in Utah j I 4 Beginning I I i 1 Saturday I 1 l j I ifF 7 b Indefinite Engagement I You'll You I H Nyer et A L D fN HMAN 1 I I I The simplest way to end a corn is cornis say Jay Stops the pam pain Ill in- inStantly Then the thc corn loosens and conies comes out Made itt III clear liquid and m iii thin plasters The I action IS the same I At sour our druggist I Blue jay I iL I I me is We iet Hair can it Does Docs Does your hair hir fall faIl out There is ii Absolutely no excuse for that condi condition tion We can ean and anil do promote a steady Y and growth ia lii all cases of falling SILT hair Grateful men ned and women of this City elty and state w will l gladly back baek lip ep this We have Saig MAD MADE HAIR GROW for them an and will tie do the for tor you yon Come in for fog tree free and j W r rite s-rite for Cor further farther John ft DG 19 First National Bank Ogden Utah p |