Show HARDINGS I sum EA R T STR STRAINED SAYS BULLETIN SAN FRANCISCO July Tuly 30 By fly The Associated Press President Harding spent a fair fair- fairly fairly fair fairly ly comfortable night according to a bulletin issued at 11 a a m in tOday by Brigadier General Charle E U I Sawyer Saw er his personal physician Ills condition is acute and he has ha temporarily overstrained his vascular cardie-vascular system by carrying on his speaking en- en enI en engagements I while Ill Iii the buiLd buiLd- tl i added General Sawyer s statement issued after alte consultation I lz which two San Francisco ph phi si- si clan i-clan clans participated said sOlid it would be necessary for the president to have complete rest during the thc toms mp-toms period of his hi acute acuto acut s mp- mp toms The president at i 9 o'clock this morning the statement saId had a temperature or ot puts purs and respiration 33 The statement signed b bi all of the physIcians ph participating In the tho consultation follows The president had a fairly comfortable night with several hours sleep His temperature at 9 i a m was pulse respiration 33 The al symptOms following the diges diges- digestive the tive disturbance which ho he ex- ex ex experienced on the boat U S S Hnderson Henderson are no now nos loc In Inthe inthe inthe the gall pall bladder region There Thero are no peritoneal symptoms the lungs are clear The white blood cells It elti It 82 12 per cent Clears His are tune tune- functioning satisfactorily and thee the the are arc no of the ncr ncr- vou ner-vou s stem tem except those asso- asso cla asao-cla cia elated f cd d with eith Ith fatigue uRis Hl condition Is acute and he temporarily overstrained hi his vascular vascular cardio-vascular system by car car- car carrying eying on his engage engagement ment ments while ill It TV alIt III b necessary ary for tor him to two hace com corn complete complete rest during the period of his acute symptoms symptoms- l |