Show WILD GAME SEEN ON TRIP RIP TO BASIN BASINI I r T S Baker in to charge charee of oC the bureau of public relations and ami R RE RK E 1 Gerv Gery assistant district forester from the Oed Ogden n offices oC have havo re returned re- re returned returned turned from an Inspection trip to the lakes country In that Utah Utah They re port ther there Is nothing definite yet In re- re regard regard card re-card gard to making makine that section a game ramo preserve but there are arc quite a 0 number of ot bIg ble horn shee sheep mountain goats goals eer In the region to form form a a nucleus for Cor stock stock- stocking stockIng stocking ing the preserve Mr Baker also alco said ald se eral ev era roads Into the tho lake coun country ry are arc under construction and a the place will be bo made a recreational l center In th the near future |