Show INSURANCE the insurance investigation in new york has proved conclusively that life insurance properly supervised and can bo given for 50 per cent leala than the premiums now exacted and his fact associated with the investigation on all the harraman Harrl man lines as to the of old line insurance carried by ano railroad em aloyes brings forth the query Is harraman Harrl man having close communion with mr ryan holder of the majority block or the tho equitable about to cater into an that powerful insurance company will civo i arii n ia c at coat that is at a figure less the enormous commissions pa to ass 1118 to all ot the amounting la many cases first years premium and a big per cantago of all premiums paid thereafter A few days ago this paper announced that the employed emp loyes in the shops in canvassed as to th ogden were being amount of old alme insurance carried this was tho first public statement the following day a similar announcement came from omaha and sacra amento indicating a general investigation since then the question has been flaked what Is the object of this movement our answer is that harriman now fully aware of the weakness ot the old line companies is preparing to protect his employed emp loyes without causing undue alarm and his plan is to first gather the data and then go to the equitable that company being preferred because of hammans association with ryan and his ability to influence its future course and demanda rate of insurance for his workmen that will eliminate graft in every form this would help strengthen and popularize the equitable at the same time cement the friendship of employer and employed to such an extent as to make strikes almost impossible especially it a clause be inserted such as has been used in insurance policies issued by some railroad insurance companies in which good behavior ia an essential to the obtaining of the accruing benefits A prominent railroad man has made this forecast tor the standard 1 I predict that harriman intends to insure his people and that is the meaning of his present inquiries it is a master stroke of good policy and being in part philanthropically inspired and therefore appealing with great force it will compel all railroads to adopt the same plan and eventually revolutionize mhd insurance business |