Show LOST ON TIBURON whre li wa t Year sAgo washington oct the party whose probable loss on tiburon island 13 reported from araz waa not sent out by the government prof W H holmes ahlet of th united states bureau of ethnology sayi prof grindall Grin doll doubtless went to tiburon on his own account and that the report brought back several daya ago by J B hoffman a member of the party as to prof grandell and thosa with him having perished of hunger and is probable there la nothing or a whit man to eat on the journey there and bacce wiloh lla through an unbroken desert hundreds of miles long prior to prot W J w dialon in 1894 prot say Tl buron was almost unheard of prof mckea dispelled the notion that BO white man could go to tiburon and return alive his party wag well provisioned and bad a good supply of water they were armed to the teeth tiburon leland ehg bacig ol 01 th gearl indiana off atoa coart of sonora thona ands of milaa from civilization liza tion until a lew years ago remained unexplored tha inhabitants are ane only indians la tha Ameri aaa that have the the la abat it was years aga they havo balther guna metal |