Show JAPANS NAVAL REVIEW the san francisco chronicle says it was a marvelous marv clous showing of her strength which japan was abla to make when admiral TOSO lined up war ships in yokohama harbor on monday for by ohp emperor every ship was in and span condition although most of thorn had been in active service arom the beginning 0 o the end 0 the war just closed and had repeatedly borne the brunt of battle A large proportion of them had participated in the two days battle of the sea of japan among their number also were several important prize which when hostilities began wera among the finest ships in the russian navy these are now bearing new names are flying the flag of the land of the rising sun and are manned by japanese blue jackets while their former are prisoners ot war awaiting deportation to their native country as one of the conditions of peace flost ot tese former russian war ships were raised from the boti torn of the harbor of part arthur aber the surrender these ships illustrate the lony of fate those which had not been sunk by japanese guns were subi merged by the russians after every part of their complicated machinery had been smeared with grease for its protection in hopes hat they would be able to recover them themselves after the close of the war wien floated they were soon put in a condition to proceed to the japanese navy yards under their fa steam the efficiency of the equipment pt these yards is proved by the quickness with which they were repaired and put in commission and still abo navy yards of japan contain many other formidable crippled prizes where the scars and wounds they received in battle are being hurriedly removed there are still other sunken russian ships at port arthur and ln the sea ot japan which the japanese are confident they can raise and filially enroll under tto Mi flag IE all of the russian ships recovered and recoverable coul dhave been lined up in the naval review the latter would have been a much more impressive display than it was As it was it demonstrated the tact that japan hag suddenly come to ac front as the foremost naval power in oriental waters |