Show SAYS CLAYS HORSES WERE STARVED AND HAD DISTEMPER editor morning examiner in thursday mornings morn examiner C M clay explains bow his bunch of hospital stuff as be calls them became sick and the treatment they received we admit there was an artesian well in the pasture but as far as uncut alfalfa knee high was concerned it was knee high fo the dead ones now this nice pasture contains something like twenty acres and tor ten days prior jast sunday those horses bad nothing lo 10 eat but what they picked from the field on sunday rooming they broke into a small hay stack and of the stronger ones had teed although the sheriff who was out to the pasture monday will bear me out in saying that at least twenty were unable to get to the stack and nine lay dead some of which had been dead several days many had their heads swollen and large running sores under their necks rendering them unable to eat or drink magpies were eating the sores of horses who were too weak to drive them away th will also say that there was no feed whatever in the pasture and horses were so gaunt and hungry they could not stand without reeling several beet handlers and idle pedestrians as mr clay puts it visited the place after the sheriff had been out and decided that five out of nine died of starvation and the recent cold nights froze down the big tender alfalfa why we neighbors suffer such a loss the adjoining fields are green yet and full of feed As to the way mr clays boys carry horses on dry feed on friday october 20 they fed the eight living horses about pounds and on sunday after a good roasting from dr condon they came out and fed about pounds more now carrying poor helpless dumb animals along on dry teed quite cheap yes some were car bruised some cut by wire and a great many with their bones nearly through their hide I 1 for one dont believe an one scared them through the partition fence but think pt three wires separating a half starved bunch of stuff from a hay stack As for shipping colds it was genuine distemper with well developed cases all in all it was a pitiful sight and after a roasting from the good doctor and also the sheriff it took them three days or till wednesday night to dean the mess up mr ajay states that his son promised to care for hem and put apy out of abo way that in his judgment should bo killed that son must have good judgment at least not the who looked at it monday As for starving eoma people they could speak for themselves but I 1 do willfully accuse mr clay his boys or hla agents or whoever had charge of the rightly named bunch of stuff with starving those horses to the last inch of gome of their lives and tbt county sheriff and twenty other honorable citizens or more who are familiar with the facts will stand with me in he accusation I 1 am one of the slanderers slander ers myself and as tor mr clays bare keucks I 1 for one am arcady to settle with them I 1 desire through this that the public ahall know who s the liar JUlDA Mj |