Show for roosevelt and the regulation ot 1 rates chicago oct 27 the rival interstate commerce law conven tlona resumed sessions in ball and Stud hall today all prospects of consolidation of the two conventions seemed to have vanished at iha steinway hall convention J C keel caused laughter by declaring thata he believed that texas bould go republican at the next national election if president roosevelt la a candidate tor reflection texas is the greatest democratic state in the union but her cit leens are tor president roosevelt I 1 ho runs for president neat time I 1 think texas vill be for him on this freight rate legislation chairman hushes appointed sin executive committee to servo for the ensuing year headed by E P bacon of wisconsin the finance committee submitted a report requesting that a fund otlo be raised to send a delegation to washington during the next session of congress to work for the passage of the desired legislation the plan of the committee was wa s approved and of the fund was raised by contribution trib ution made by the delegates CHILEANS TAKE A SHIP san francisco oct 27 the kosmos steamer beko arriving yesterday from the south brought the report that the german ship steinbeck had been appropriated toy the chileans Chi leans it was reported in dispatches some weeks ago that th steinbeck ha gone ashore at ii appears that the captain and crew abandoned the vessel anen she seemed to be beyond saving and adiar standing by in email boats for 48 hours they went ashore A party ot chileans Chi leans went out to the vessel and took pos scalon subsequently ly when the steinbeck scorned to be cafe the crewe attempted to go on board again having taken possession of the ship at some risk to themselves after she had been abandoned the chileans Chi leans refused to give her up and they were still in possession when the beko left valparaiso the steinbeck has a valuable cargo on board HARD FIGHT OF FIREMEN new york oct 27 in momentary danger of being killed or maimed by the frequent explosions the firemen fought earty this morning one of the worst alres for weeks and which destroyed the elx story building at nos 18 and 20 desbrosses street occupied by the crown cordial and extract company and others the loss is As the firemen were raising their ladders the reports of the explosions ot the alcohol and spirits stored in the building were almost constant every few minutes a heavier explosion like the report of a 13 inch gun would rock the entire building the occupants of the building included the dexter manufacturing company thompson mag mfg co D A van horn a manufacturer of cut glass and julius cohens california essential and distributing company the last two firms were completely burned oui BIG CAR EQUI new 27 the new york central railroad placed orders yester day with several COM panics for a total of freight cars calling for the expenditure of about says the times this order exceeds that placed last week by the pennsylvania railroad tor care which until yesterday was the largest order for equipment ever placed by a railroad in this country the orders placed yesterday are for delivery all through the year these orders it is said do not represent the total of the centrals requirements quire ments in all probability more cara will be provided for today contracts for this record breaking amount of equipment were let yesterday by alce president brown of the new york central the equipment will be divided between the new york central the lake shore and southern none of it is ia tended so far as Is known to the manufacturers tor the lines west ot chicago except the cars ordered from the pressed steel car company the order calls principally for wooden cars of he gondola and box varieties |