Show NO SIGN DP REMORSE IS DISCERN ABLE IN LETTER tells authorities she did not want t 0 swear dr harddng into penitentiary notwithstanding the fact that she is placed in a predicament that would try most girls or her age little coba hartog bears up wonderfully well under the strain that she has been subjected to since the time her name became publicly connected with that of dr harddng and seems to take her incarceration in a philosophical way aside from a few tears shed by the girl immediately after the dramatic scene in the municipal court room on friday when the refused to corrodo rate her previous story that would probably have sent dr harding to a felons cell when her father told her that she had defended a scoundrel and that he would not take her home again the girl has not been known to complain of her lot and the indications are that she will stand the confinement in the reform school it she is sent there with as much fortitude as she has shown during her stay at the jail to the authorities since tho ni inary trial of dr harddng that ended in such a fiasco she has stated that she did not want to swear the doctor into the penitentiary instead she seems prepared to endure all the punishment that will be meted out herself the story of hypnotism that has been mentioned in connection with the case ignot given any credence by the authorities who think it merely a case of mad infatuation upon the girls part the result of which ehe does not contemplate it Is hardly a case for pity and yet who could help but extend a one so boung yesterday sunday usually a droll day for hose confined in jail was perhaps a long one for this young prison fer it was one during which she had time to think of many things that led up to her imprisonment to her it brought the that she needed other clothes and with this in view she requested pencil and paper of the authorities she then addressed a letter to her parents not a letter of bitter remorse but a letter asking that other clothing be sent her As she sat thinking with the pencil in her hand and the paper before her the sketched the bust of a young girl bowed at the side to permit tho addition of a cats head with two front paws hanging over the arm this picture adorned the letter she sent to her parents what could it mean the cat Is used as an emblem of jealousy but who could be jealous of coba hartog today perhaps it was meant for herself being jealous of those who were ac freedom and enjoying the comforts of the family homo the letter was signed your naughty daughter coba today she languishes in a cell awaiting the hearing before juvenile judge alton dr harding was still in ogden yesterday enjoying the freedom tor which he may well thank little coba hartog CHINESE WANT TO JOIN ARMY victoria B C july 9 twenty victoria chinese have applied for admission to the fifth regiment canadian artillery of this city the militia commander unwilling to admit the chinese has referred the application to the minister of militia at ottawa As he militia act states that all british subjects over 18 years of age are eligible cpr admission to the militia the chinese insist they cannot be refused enrollment in the regiment |