Show OGDEN MOURNS ogden mourns tor thomas duncombe dee the business man the educator and the farmer alike grieve at the sadden taking away of one who has done so much or each of them coming into utah in 1860 thomas 1 dee has ever since that time been a resident ot this city has seen ingrow from a village to its present size has asen railroads built through it bringing prosperity and greatness has seen the desert bringing forth and where once all was barren fruit and grain blossom he has seen the settler come from other sections and other lands and in weber county find a home not only has thomas dee seen these things but ha has in larger measure 1 than perhaps any man in this city today brought them about to bis energy and to his enterprise in the placing 0 capital do ve in the city owe much of our prosperity and in no less measure is the farmer of this section in to him our street railway system railroads and beet sugar factories bear witness to this but ogden owes the late thomas dee a greater debt of gratitude than this in years to come when new projects and extensions of our present facilities tor traveling and money making that his enterprise has given us have crowded from aba memory the financial enterprises of thomas dee a diew generation will just be waking to a sense of its gratitude to him for in his work of education thomas dee has laid this city under a debt inexpressible in material terms ha has given us what no mere gifts of money or physical improvements could line up with from the day in 1870 when he was elected school trustee from the third district until the present day he has been the one potent factor in this cites system of education he has been the one roan to introduce reforms to keep the city schools abreast ot the times to see that the children had proper accommodation and the best tuition and at the same time to deal justly with the tax payer so that no complaints were ever heard of burdensome or badly used school rates since 1890 when he was elected trustee for the third ward of the con soU dated school district he has been on the board 0 education sine he has been president of the board the last school building 0 any size in ogden has been earned after him his death mourned by all should be especially mourned ty those who learn and who teach in the schools while he has helped to build this city in every way possible by bis clever finan ciering hla earnest church work and in education it Is on the latter that prime emphasis should bo placed here his personal service as a self sacrificing citizen came in here the tongue of the critic who might say that thomas dee worked for money was silenced for while his various enterprises profited him as well as others his educational work was purely and completely a self sacrificing effort on his part ha saw clearly hla duty as a citizen he rendered not alone what that duty demanded but arduous services which stamped himas a man of rare virtue a nobleman of nature |