Show BIKES ON A RAMPAGE motors refuse to go when they arc badly needed for the first time this season the motors went wrong Tat the saucer track last evening it was in the last event on the pro gramme that the benzine bikes could not be made to go and their stubbornness spoiled the windup of an exceptionally good pro gramme of sprint races after considerable sid erable delay the race was pulled oft with a substitute machine but it was a long ways from be inthe race planned by manager heagren jack hume and wilcox gave a great exhibition of cork pulling in the australian pursuit after this pair had run every one else off the track they had it out in grand stylo for two miles they just plugged and then was completely plugged out when wilcox recovered his breath be challenged hums to another race of the same kind tor a 50 side bet As they are both and could not under any circumstances touch filthy lucre the be end was called ote and at the suggestion of N C A representative they may alda for a kitchen stove the summaries halt mile amateur final C redman castro west time 1082 5 three mile lap professional lawson samuelson redman hollister time 6 mile handicap consolation professional hopper scratch Bowler scratch heagren yards time 2001 5 australian pursuit amateur hume wilcox C redman distance 3 miles 6 laps yards time five mile motor paced race between downing and I 1 redman won by downing by two and one half laps time 5 POLITE dettert WRITTEN TO RAT thew york july 9 over on the west aide of the city a long row of old fashioned dwellings have been torn down this spring to make way lor some modern business buildings while they were being demolished the contractor in charge was approached one day by a workman who handed him a soiled and worn envelope which he had found behind plaster plaster the faded inscription mr gray rat prompted the contractor to read the letter it ran dear mr rat although we realize that our domela greatly honored by your presence and that of your exceedingly cee numerous and uprightly family we fell that it Is selfish of us to expect to have a monopoly of your society and we would humbly suggest that you vacate our premises and select aa your abode the residence of our neighbor number which we are suro you will find a pleasant and profitable place with most sincere assurances of our deep esteem bo lieve us most respectfully yours THE SMITH FAMILY tho laborer was puzzled but the contractor after struggling with some dim boyhood recollections was able to explain it there is or rather there used to be a sort of tradition that if he tenant of a rat infested house asre to write a note to the rats couched in terms of extreme politeness requesting them to go elsewhere and post it in a rat hole the rats oblige the contractor remembered way back in his childhood days in a country town writing just such a note politely asking a rat family to transfer their attentions to a neighbor who had been vindictive and firmly believing on their temporarily disappearing that it was the note that did it the contractor took ha letter home to show his small boy that letters to santa claus were not the only odd epistles and that there were other places besides chimneys which could serve as mall boxes EXPRESS loyalty TO CZAR st petersburg july 7 an 1 report Is published this morning tha reception by the emperor on july ath of delegation from various provinces th members 0 which assured him of the loyalty of the russian people and asked for the continuation ot tho wara anat the organization on an historic basis of an elected assembly to participate in legislation the emperor in the course of his reply thanked the members of the delegation for the sentiments expressed and eald he was glad to see their recognition of the fact that the could not be strong or solid unless it religiously preserved the old blocs adding perhaps god is punishing us for having sinned in this direction in conclusion aha emperor appealed for their aid in establishing reestablishing re tho peace and tranquility of the emparo and in avoiding errors and defects in the execution of the great work he had projected for the welfare of his subjects |