Show EDUCATION BOARD objects TO TEACHERS BUYING SUPPLIES contracts for heating central school and connecting Quincy With sewers are awarded from saturdays standard when the board of Education assembled in regular session last evening but three members were present on account of the illness of judge thomas D dee and the absence from the city of dr joyce athla number however constitutes a quorum and after dr conroy had been chosen as president pro tern the regular routine business was taken up the contract tor the establishing of a heating apparatus in the central school was awarded to halverson brothers their bid being as against bid by A W meek mr meek however secured the contract of connecting the quincy school with the sewer system his bid being the bid of halverson brothers for the same work was these parties will be given until monday at 6 p m to execute contracts tor the work A spicy bit of interest was added to the meeting when in the course of approving a large number of bills mr conroy a member of the committee on occasion to disapprove of the method of permitting prof blakeslee of the high school to purchase chemicals tor use in the laboratory at that school the bill presented it was claimed was incurred some time during the early part of the last school year although it had not been presented to the board until this week while it was conceded that the bill was correct the objection was against anyone purchasing supplies aside from the supply committee and the clerk was instructed to notify the professor that there must not be a repetition of the matter A resolution endorsing a move for the board to borrow the sum of to meet current expenses was adopted by the board after the finance committee had reported a deficit in the treasury account of miss anna curruth of who had been tendered a position as teacher in the local schools sent in a communication stating that the contract sent her had been delayed in some way so long that she had accepted another position and was unable to accept the offer the bond of P A rs akson who was grancea the contract for the remodeling of the central school at a previous meeting of the board was presented with the names of J stanley dee and john pingree as sureties each of whom signed up tor the amount of and the same was approved by the board the building committee reported that the improvements at the five points and central schools were well under way after which the treasurers treasur ers report tor the month of juno was read and ordered filed the report was as follows receipts june I 1 cash on hand june 16 grade books sale of high school books tuition 2300 sale of out 2000 june 30 amount due treas aurer 1 disbursements warrants paid during the month there were four applications for the position of teacher and the same were referred to the teachers committee A number ot bills were then approved after which an adjournment was taken |