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Show SOCIETY j WEDDING BELLS Ono of the prettiest fall weddings of the week was that 30lemnlzcd Tuesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. C. A. Smith, 2020 Adams avenue, when their daughter, Violet S . became the bride oC Edwin Sandl-ford, Sandl-ford, President Charles F. Mlddletnn officiating. They were attended by the sister and brother of the bride The brldo looked ery charming In a gown of white mcssallno with pearl trimmings and carried bride's roses, while the groom wore conventional I black Tho bride was formerly head lady at Ward's, where she had been I employed for quite a number of ears and the groom In shipping clerk at Plngree Bros Shoe company. Following tho ceremony a wedding reception was held, to which one hundred hun-dred guests were bidden, where all ionjoed the sumptuous repast that had been propared. the main decoration decora-tion of tho table being tho huge wedding wed-ding cake, which crowned tho center. Tho rooms were very boautlfujly decorated dec-orated with cut flowers, ferns and evergreens, and during the evening punch was served In the sitting room under a canopy of cut flowers and oergrcons, by two little girls dressej u white. Tho following guests were Invited Mi. and Mrs. C. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sandlford, Mrs. Ann Proph-ot. Proph-ot. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Unsworth, Mrs. Alice Rcy, Mr. and Mrs Timothy Kendall, Mr, and Mrs. W R. Mai tin, Mr and Mrs. T. H Martin, Mr. and Mr?. A H Martin. Mr and Mrs. Ro Cowan Mr and Mrs Theodore H Weaver Mr and Mrs. Clem Martin. Mi and Mrs Hall. Mrs Susan Mum-forJ. Mum-forJ. Mr and Mrs James Norden. Mr ., H , J X- II T .11 Mil I I H I Pf -l IIIWII UHLJJLJ TB and Mrs. C W. Ward, Mr and Mrs Howard Nelson, Mr and Mrs Enos Rowland, Mr. and .Mrs. R. Butts, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hudson. Misses Zella Denicrs, Rose Smith, Zella Martin. Myrtle Rowland, Myrtle Sandlford, Nelllo Sandlford. Mamie Morrison, Rhoda Stltt, Eva Judklns, Emma, Myr-tlo Myr-tlo and Allco Unsworth, Lydla Martin, Edna Rowland, Maude Cowan, Mabel Smith, I.ona Martin. Lavina Rirle and Emily Gross, Helinn Nylander. Miss Roche and Mablo Rirle Meaars Parley Par-ley Ray. Lawrence Arthur and Clem Martin Joseph Mlckelwaite, John Mumrord, Charlie. Carl and William 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 iii 1 1 1 11 1 iiiiii 11 1111 1 111 11 1 11 111 mi Smith, Bud Harberson. Nephl Hopkins H William Brache, David Ahem, Slmeoi H Sandlford, Ivan Rowland, Andrew am! H William Martin, Arthur. Clom and Jot 1 Smith, Clem Martin and Robert Hunt- H er Those present of tho out of town H Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dr.- H vld Unsworth, Miss Mary and Miss H Leon Unsworth, all from Salt Lake. JH Mr. and Mrs. Sandlford were tin JH recipients of cut glass, silverware ano H numerous other beautiful presents. H They aro now living at tholr cozy lit- H tlo home. 220 Thirty-first street where M they will bo glad to receive their many friends. JH |