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Show WFA Extends Dairy Payments Whole Milk, Butterfat Included in Program The war food administration has extended its dairy production payment program to include sales of whole milk Hid butterfjt produced pro-duced in Januaiy and has in. cu-rsed the rate of payment for all c's-iiy producers in Utah, OrviPc I- Lee, chairman of the state AAA committee announces. The payments in effect since October 1, are des'gned to offset the rising production costs snico Sopteniber 1942, a:id to effect a more favorable pr.ve ratio for the production of mi1 and dairy products in order that producers can maintain production at high wartime levels, Mr. Lee explained. The rates of payment in affect dui.ng October, November and December were 35 cents per hundred hund-red weight on wn-Je milk and 1 cents per pound of butterfat. Fur Jam ary these nave been increas3d to 50 cents on whule milk ani 6 cents for butterfat. This places Utah with the stares receiving Vre h.ghest rates in thi nation. Tre average rate for the nation for January is 40 cents a hundredweight hundred-weight on whole milk deliveries and 5.1 cents a pound for butterfat. but-terfat. As for December 18, the payments pay-ments based on October production produc-tion in the nation reached $10,534,465 for a total production of 4.000,408,500 pounds of milk and 39,863,607 pounds of butterfat. The number of producers who received payments totaled 1,246,907. Utah ranks sixth in the 13 western states in the amount of money paid out and the number of producers receiving payment. 10.318 Utah dairy farmers received $112,057 on 306,453 hundredweight of whole milk and 119,227 pounds cf butterfat for October. Applications for payment on November and December production produc-tion are being accepted by county AAA offices now. The major part of the payment for this period will be made during the week of January 16. County offices will start making payments covering January production as soon as possible after February 1, Mr. Lee said. |