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Show LOWER YOUR HAULING COSTS With LYMAN'S Job Rated TRUCKS Every Make and Model Thoroughly Reconditioned and Protected By Our Lifetime Guarantee. 10 Cents Per Mile on Truck Purchases and 5 Cents on Passenger Cars, Will Be Allowed Al-lowed All Out of Town Buyers. LYMAN MOTOR CO. 830 SO. STATE SALT LAKE TEL. 4-8481 0I1LY1 THEATRICAL ENTERTAINERS Coast to Coast Theatrical Agency, 502 First Nat. Bank, Salt Lake. Entertainers furnished for all occasions, from the biggest star to the smallest entertainer. HOTELS When in HKNII. NEVADA atop al Ch HOTEL GOLDEN Kcno'a lamest and most popular hotel. TYPEWRITERS Large stock a sod machines, all makes. Special prices for school opening. SALT LA KG DESK EX., 35 W. Broadway, Salt Lake City. HELP WANTED REAL OPPORTUNITY to go In the automobile auto-mobile business without capital. We will finance you. No Investment. Write, with references. ref-erences. K. S. R.. P. O. Box 1555, Salt Lake. INEXPENSIVE MEALS Too best food in Salt Lake la served by The MAYFLOWER CAFK t 154 South Main POPULAR PRICED Luncheons, Dinners and Sandwiches CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Wheat tested for protein $1.00. Chemical analysis of Foods, Stock and Poultry Feeds. PETERSON LABORATORIES 3955 So. State SI.. Salt Lake City. Utah AUTO COURTS CASA BLANCA AUTO COURT 1489 So. State St. Routes 40 and 91 Exclusive, dignified, steam heated, tile bath room SURPRISING LOW WINTER RATES BARBER COLLEGE A TABLET Tl EASE PA! tJ Of NEURHU With Genuine Bayer Aspirin ; """ i r I jmssr & j i f ' ' V 1 p I T. f - pi a 1 "X 'V on I n re: Get this Famous Quick Mill , today without thought of pm We feature the fact that Bayer As- H Eirin cosls only 1c a tablet, to dim I ome tie point that there's m reason even for the most bedget-minded bedget-minded person to accept anytiuj less than genuine fast-acting Baya e; Aspirin. For at the most, it costs M i 5, few pennies to get hours of reiia from the pains of neuritis, rheum ' tism or headache . . . and get itrt ' all the speedy action for nkki Bayer Aspirin is world-famous. Is Try this way once and yonl know almost instantly why peoi thi everywhere praise it. It has rapiair replaced expensive "pain remedies' (j in thousands of cases. Always is for genuine "Baver 8 Aspirin" by its full A J name when you buy f tyl . . . never ask for j J J "aspirin" alone. y hi 1 TWBUitt.! 11 11 ir tha , w New Class Now Starting MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Barber tools furnished on new plan. 170 Hcecnt Street Salt Lake City, Utar. PIANO BARGAIN Checkering, Autopiano. Kimball, Story & Clark, Crown and many other makes J49-60 and up. Write us for more details. HOME SERVICE COMPANY 45 West 3rd So. Salt Lake City Hides & Deer Skins Wanted Shtp your Hides. Pelts, Fura, Deer Skins to KAUFFMAN COMPANY Highest prices. 632 So 3rd West St. Salt Lakti City FREE! $225.00 Course OF ACTUAL TRAINING IN Airline Radio Operating OR Radio-Television A Contest Based on Reasons for Choosing Radio as a Vocation. FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY PHONE, SEE OR WRITE TODAY! Western Electrical College 425 Atlas BIdg. SALT LAKE DONT BE BOSSES BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RBJEVE J CONSTIPATION THIS MODEM" jja When you feel gassy, hwdnchj, W 80sio due to clopced-up bowels, do a! ffJ, Info do-take Feen-A-Mint at Soil C, morning thorough, comfortabU i"-. helping you stort the day " ., ffl t normal energy and pep, f'',"S ,'"!(( millionl Feen-A-Mint down' "J- 1 your night's rest or interfere win next dny. TYy Feen-A-Mint, the " . gum laxative, yourself. It tnst f. handy and economical ... a E FEEIM-MINTw HOTEL BEN LOMOND I OGDEN, UTAH .n Ap-- "4 is? c " S I ,i ' ' - 'U3 j - ;.' 350 Roont 350 Bstbt . $2.00 to $4.0 Ktmilj Roomi for 4 persons - M.00 Air Cooled Lounr and Lobby Grill Boom Coffee Shop Tap Booir Hume of Rot7 Kiwmis Executive txchanee Optimists "20-30" Chamber of Cnmmerre nd 6 Club Hotel Ben Lomond OtiDK.N. UTAH Com .j row i r T 8. t'itierrsld Mrr represents tlieleaderslip" a nation. It points fl ) We merely follow- ' new heights of com" convenience, of happ"6 Xe As time goes on ioidct" ing is used more W, and as it is used W ri's the ' all profit more. advertising has- of fcrngng Pr0 N everybody co$ |