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Show 4-H Members Return From Eastern Show Two 4-H club boys, two 4-H club, girls, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ly-man Rich were back in Utah this week, after spending the last two weeks in the east attending the national dairy show and demonstration demon-stration contest at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Calvin Weeks, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Weeks and Barzee Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, both of Smithfiled together toget-her with Miss Phyliss Turpin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy fpui-pin and Margarie Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shaw of Murray composed the group, which through ther outt- standing merits m the state -n projects, were awarded this trip. "Faced with exceptionally keen competition, the group from U-tah U-tah proved its merit when all the members placed high in the white classification of judging,'' Commented Mr. Rich, dairy specialist spec-ialist at Utah State Agricultural college. The blue ribbons were awarded to a boys' team from Oregon and the Girls' team from Colorado. Following the contest, J. L. Kraft, donor of the trip to out standing 4-H club memDers oi all the states in the union, spoke at the banquet at which time he awarded prizes for all winners in the competition. During the period spent in the east, the group from Utah made side trips and visited many places pla-ces of historical importance. They inspected the Kraft cheese plant where the 60 different products are produced in the two and one-half million dollar building. . Following this they viewed the . Pennsylvania state capitol and ' museum, and rode to Gettysburg Gettys-burg and surrounding points ol historic interest. The group visited Hershcy City, abnt 15 miles from Harrisburg whore thry saw the workings of the city planned to accommodate workers in the Hershcy Her-shcy industry. A trip to the nation's captiol was next in line of their travels and the group toured the city and ou, lying points, seeing places where history of the country had been and is being made. They returned to Utah October Octo-ber 24. |