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Show KVNU voick ok xoi:tiii:cx utah i,oi;a ; j, FRIDAY .()E.MIii:i: 1, 1940 12:00 U. V. World coverage News 12:15 The Crystal Bottling Co. presents: '-Singm' Sam" 12:30 .Man on tne street. 12:45 Parade of Stars. 1:00 Pipe Organ. Concert. 1:15 Rhythm Rarnblings 1:30 Hollywood Brevities. 1-4 5 Music In Modern Mood 2:00 Music of America 2:15 Vocal Musings 2:30 Concert Master. 3:06 U. P. World Coverage News. 3:15 Rhythms af the rangi 3:30 Instrumental Fancies 3:45 The Monitor Views the News. 4:00 Matinee Melodies 4: SO Donald Novis Sings 4:45 Musical Novelties 6:60 U. P. World Coverage News. 6:15 Matinee Classics 5:45 Supper Melodies-6:00 Melodies-6:00 Logan Hi News Cast. 6:10 U. S. D. A. Farm Plasties. 6:15 Eyes on the Headliners. 6:39 A look at th local sida of the News. 7:00 Eventide Echoes. 7:15 Popular Varieties. 7:30 Moods for Moderns 7:45 Musical Library. :00 Swingin' and Singin'. 8:15 Treasure Chest 8:30 Headlines of Today. 8:45 It's Dance Time 9:00 Evening Melodies. 9:15 Vocal Varieties. 9:30 Swing Soiree. 1:00 KVNU ?oodniKht SAXUliJLiAi: A'OVJiMIiEIl 2, 194C 7:00 U. P. World Coverage News. 7:15 KVNU Alarm Clock 7:30 Sunrise Serenade. 7:45 U. P. World Coverage News. 8:00 All request hour. 1:00 Sidewalk Sidelights at Preston, Idaho. 10:15 Preston Rhythm Varieties 11:00 Moods In Music. 11:15 Tunes for today 11:30 Miniature Musicale 12:00 U. P. News 12:15 Song Styles 12:30 Man on the street 12:45 U. S. D. a. Farm Flashes. 1:00 Pipe Organ Concert 1:15 Just Relax 1:30 Hawaiian Echoes 2:00 Music of America 2:15 Vocal musings. 2:30 Hit Review 3:00 U. P. World Coverage News. 3:15 This Rhythmic Age. 3:30 Pipes and Strings. 3:45 The Monitor Views the XT 4:00 Your music and mine 4:15 .Modern Rhythms 4:30 Movie Merry Go-Round. t;00 U. P. World Coverage New 5.2 5 The Bronzemen 5:30 Swing Classics. 6:00 Swingin' and Singin'. 6:15 Spanish Strings 6:30 A look at the local side of the news. 6:55 Football Roundup 7:00 Musical Novelties 7:15 Popular Varieties. 7:30 vocal Variations, r S:00 Marches and Overtures. 8:30 Around the Camp Tire 9:00 The Dancing Party 10:00 KVNU Goodnight. SUNDAY XOVEJinEU 3, 1940 10:00 Morning Pong. 10:3 0 U. P. World Coverage News. 10:-! Harmony Hall, j 11:00 Concert Master. I 11:30 Musical Roundup. 12:00 Half and Half.. 12:30 Roy Darley at the L.D.S. Institute Organ. 12: -15 Pacific Paradise. 1:00 Hollywood American Legion Leg-ion Eand. 1:15U. P. World Coverage News. 1:30 Christian Science Devotional. Devo-tional. 2:00 This Rhythmic Age 2:15 Tin Pan Alley. 2:30 Matinee Melodies 3:00 Hit Revue. 3:30 George E.SoIolsky Talk. 3:45 Prof. Farrell Presents! 4:00 Matinee Classics 4:30 Movie Merry-Go-Round 5:00 Sunday Evening Musical :00 KVNU Goodnight |