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Show Cache Holsteins Bring High Price Western Sale Results Reported Eleven head of Utah Holstein cattle sold for an average of more than $550 each at the first annual Western States Holstein sale in Tulare, Cal., November 13, A. Wendell Fuhriman, sale manager and herdsman at Utah State Agricultural Ag-ricultural college, reported today after his return from the sale. Mr. Fuhriman spent two months choosing 67 head of cattle for the ; ' sale which established an average sale price of $658.58 the highest average for a consignment sale in the United States since 1922. The top cow in the sale brought $2500 to set a new record for the Pacfiic coast. Of the 25 heifers, seven males and 35 milk cows sold, 11 were included in a Utah shipment ; which included two animals from southern Idaho. Top cow in the Ub shipment was owned by Harmon bay of Draper end sold for $775. Sale ; prices on other animals in the i shipment were. Utah State Indus-' Indus-' trial school of Ogden, two heifers ' at $500 and $350; Robson Brothers of Ogden, heifer calf at $500; ; Mervin Thompson of Ogden, heifer hei-fer at $450; Ross Gordon of ' Smithfield, three head at an av- erage of $575, with a bull calf i selling at $810; USAC of Logan, ; heifer calf, $700; Paul Condie of i Preston, Idaho, two-year-old at 1 $625, and Wallace Brown of Lib-' Lib-' erty, Idaho, cow at $450. , The sale will be sponsored an-I an-I Dually by the California State I Holstein Breeders association to bring select cows together at one sale for the convience of dairy-lj dairy-lj men wishing to improve their I herds. Mr. Fuhriman was chosen U as manager because of his experi- ence at USAC and at the Carna-a Carna-a tion Milk company farms at Sea-la Sea-la ttle, Wash., where he took show , herds and consignment sale ani-,1 ani-,1 mals to leading shows and sales throughout the nation, si |