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Show ! Lie e;-e o? the trained observer the I doa'euulaess of tho result. It Is re-. gar-lot i.s nn iniiusiiist coincidence that Sen tor 11:1!, the i:iorni."g after lie had made a rpea-li in New Yoik denouncing political turn cents should have found himself eating breakfast iu a Washington Washing-ton hotel at the sam? table with Mr. Wayne HacVoigb. of Pennsylvania, who is uiie ef the most promiuuut turncoats of the present campaign. Senator Hi. I is iu one respect like S"uator (-)uay in bis political methods-he methods-he seldom consents to talk for publication, publica-tion, except cu, the stump. While he was in Washington, on his way to Virgiui.i to make speeches, the newspaper news-paper men tried every imaginable schema to get something definite in the way of an epiuiou bearing on the result of the present campaign from him, but none of thitu succeeded. They also trial to find out why he jumped on ilat-Veigh in that New York speech, wilt u other members of his party were lauding him to the skies for haling de-elated de-elated for Cleveland, but all they got ivas: ' I do not know Mr. MaeVigb at lib." .Mr. Blaine returned with his family to Washington this week, and from the nuuiber of prominent callers he has had since he get home, it would soem that those who announce 1 that lis was out of i.olittcs when he rtiiteJ from the C abi-net, abi-net, last samsucr, were a little prtiua-;ura prtiua-;ura I; looitsl.ie at tin, wiititig as if ae vo'a'o very uiaca tu poii'icj and your cori'tSLOiidcii: u-jv. j taat hi is exerting lae lufliiciiCt. ho i esjtstcs in lav, r jt the clectioa c-f ;!: republican ticket, atid the j.re.Ui-:ia has already been niide tha; if Pjcsithnt Harrison is reelected, re-elected, Mr. Blaine wiil resume the State portfolio. On the other hand tta.no is a rumor ia ciicuiaiion that the coniiiig v.iio.-.r is to be Mr Blaine's last jta WasLuigi-i:, auil iltHX he will here itw rcriuc p.-. uautiiUy ia iiaine, and r U-:i:re sf a.e i e.iiico-hisio: ica! ordar. n j author La-tcm gtc:.: eao-hto tiraipt him :..'... devetiti.; ..ii.aia to authorship, bat vhe e.-:..cc-nt of a j political Ufa is L..:ii to Iva up when ouce t sted. Washington Letter. Washington, Oct. 2Sih, iS32. There if no partisanship iu the s; m-palhy m-palhy which every manly man aud womanly woman feels for President Harrison, who is to-day at his old home for the purpose, of burying tho remains of the woman who for more than thirty nine years was a loving and faithful wife to him, the companion who rejoiced re-joiced in his triumphs and condoled with him in his defeats in the great battle of life. Ho has received it from every qnartcr of ihe world raid from every class of peotile, since the der-.t h 0 Mis. Harrison; cablegrams from the crowned heads of Europe and from tin Pope o the mighty church of 11 rae, a--well as telegrams from humbler utiir-viduals, utiir-viduals, at home and abroad, ail biing-iug biing-iug one message-sympathy for the man upon wUom this great losj hz fallen; it Is stronger than political prejudice, . as was demoiiittrabd when the democra s reniovetl their 1 au.paign fli from Fciiusvlvania avenue ave-nue until after the funeral of .Mrs. Harrison had been held and her ie-aiai ie-aiai s v.ere removed from the city; it is strei.ger man tno aesiro lor social en-jovment, en-jovment, us bhowa by the numerous announcements of postponed or abandoned aban-doned euttrtuiumsnts which were to be held this week; it iu short, aa strong as huuiauity itself, as pure as a maiden's virtue, as sweet a love, as ennobling as patrioiie.m, and almost as holy as religion. re-ligion. Tho world 13 better for thus ha' WJJ shown ymoainv. and uv an-1 1:.-nh 1:.-nh n 1 e p uiio c h s i i h. e o n Jed I j a t human comfo: ter. .Mr. iinrnsod ttii: :v bolter for having received it. i ,- a ec ttl f the 0 d t i soon be forgotten to see a ua-oeo j , SDC-citve of creed, class or poit-v.-- in tears ov-r the grave of a worn in. If "tU hotii.st man is me nomest wmk ot OoJ.'surny a pood woman ran Us cexi m Divine nobtatv. V II rr 1 i t tiouse, v.as as private ai it c.,ul-,l be made. lac serw-.-is v.i-ie tun my t-oo-ii ldtvhiioy terii-.u Cnurcn. and tne nt tenuaio';. w I uit 1 0 n tmu of t t 1 J I r f u 1 a J f t c 1 ' rer 1 u' 1 . of he t 1 c 1 1 t 1 (J , ; ajj taut t i I I 1 t Illj ' v 1 t OL fi lracev. Wi,o stas retjUtStj-i ij ivsos. litre. la I o t j i s ji ut now tuat her leuiams have b,J-",'t t -s-. u j awav 11. i P.d has lieuun liuli!!)? I in a wu? that indicates very plainly the j nearness of election day. and also to ' |