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Show SPRING CITY NOTES- IL-.ve ,.a s...,.; our m.- tit-pot . fhe !.:'.!! is raui'iu;f our f .i;ncrs to ,-Iiliie. Politics aro - ell, ju-ft slightly booiuii; g at present. There -Tas a dance in town last nlgtil It cam; near ending ia a row. Coal hauling seems to occupy tl.e time of some of our citizens. Tho Co-op. was closed for a ooplo of days this iveek stock-taking. Same Chester "bloods" disturbed -in-peace of our burg tho othtr nigl.i. Marshall Justesen arrested them. They forked oyer some fifteea or twenty shekels to the city to soHie for thti'-fan. thti'-fan. "Joe" Justesen no longer adorns the inside of the Young lien's Co-op II-has II-has retired from that institution, II t - place "behind the Gaunter" id filled by Lauritz 0. Larsen. The street supervisor is at present engaged iu improving soma of the crossings on Main street. The. road which lead:) to our no not our, but the R G. tV. depot is being repaired. We intend bavtnsr a rosd whether tlm rati-nav rati-nav com amy bus n uetiot or not. ai-csr Lmise L trsn. v. i.-j t.r ii.iv.-.r t.--.-i-i 2 Larsea, d ed Us, night. She & 1 hi .i-ii sick for some tiiae, ami d-rrin-i ,s; i.w tiajs. s'nff.trid iLbia.-iy, until death c-nse to her ri-Uaf, The fcu'.rLl is tote held to -uioi row, Smu-I Smu-I i. n N r I and family have the sympathy of Hit entire commnnity in their sad bereavement. bereave-ment. T1K G.'.'.. KiiUay has baeti ruu-nitig ruu-nitig through Sanp.-te for a;outtv,a years. As some of the cities donated to the company sums ranging famjaitt to $10, ii was gsueruui euauh tw btliliftlteu respeci.ible depots. B.irii..; City was not fertnnate '!) enough io et among thoso liberal uonateis. Aj i. Cstuactoe thi railway compaay noes not coasiaer i: Wer.'uy of a house sui'.a- bie icr thpo: ia lests. We have always heard the K. G. W. spokvU of as an enterpris.ug company. p. rhaps it is out when, the citizens are compelled to donate the cash needed to build depots f.,r r-.ll...... ,1 .... , if. u iumj euuii.'auy ns UOUIKUOW where the enterprise comes in unless it i en the part of the citizens. We were piomised a depot last spring. Oi t I e i t of a boxcar and keep3 company w itn the old one Ihe agfnt nttdtd some o t r p r road are romp-lit d to remiuii in th; waiting room. The fault with this h i I 1 t a storm. Of course this is pleasant, es-p es-p cially during warm weather. During the Kriuter, thoagh, it i-t haidiy an evidence evi-dence of "enterprise ' tora weairtiy r-.i'-way co .oration to compel lili f stand ont in the cold, bocause cf thr-abseuce thr-abseuce of a suitable depot, which could be erected with but lit.le exortim. on tue part of the company. John Hardy. Spring City, Oct. 29:h, 1SS2. |