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Show ! County Registration- T I -ij iii l eie conn ty is the. first county f 1 1 the Utah commission jvuaa compieta statement of , the 'recent registration. Chester, total rsgistration P i 1 in r ne of a. Ephraim', total registration 3-"'3; and increase of 29. 1-Bvette. total registration 45; a decrease of ;;. Juuutaih Green, total registration I22: an tncreass ol 15. Fairview, total 1 11 I '4; an iuctease of 29. 1 (iiinniHin. total registration 177; au in-1 in-1 crease of ,15. Mayfield, total rugistra-i rugistra-i tion li;: an increase of 9. Mauti, total I resistration 3 1 1 ; an increase of 29. Mo-i-roni: total registration 177; and increase ot . Mt. rieasant,.total registration Till: nu increase of GU. . Milburn, total registration 42; an increase of 3. Petty total registration 57; an increasa of 20. Spring, total registration 164; an in- crease of 4. Thistle, total registration 1 :;(i iiii lucre 2fie of 0. Wales, total regis-j regis-j tration Ot): an increase of 0, Junction, ! total registration 39; a decrease of 5, ! Total an increase of 273 over last year. |