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Show E. R. CLUTE, Manager, DRIVER MERCANTiLFCOMPAN'Y Wholesale an.i Retail 21-t Voutl: Haiu Sl-eot, SALT LAKE VllY. T ths Foople i,i tit ! Country we wi'l guarantee a having oi ten per cent o.i their GROCERIES if they will send their orders to us. In buying liom us you do not have 'o pay the second profit It-cause It-cause we buy our goods us cheap as tl.e jobber, and can therefore s cheaper than those who are compelled to trade with the' bcal jobber. "TTT'C also liandle Oats, Wheal, Corn and Seeds will pay i g'l ' market price lor all kinds of Grain. 3T REMEMBER T!!E PLACE, 214 SOL'TU MA1X STREET. j NOW OPEN "Sites-and "Sites-and ANATOMICAL MDSaI 53 tO 5 Qff-SOCTn TEMPLE STjrPQSITE THE TEMPLE-g) Young Bros4. Co. 58'Main Stjre'l, Salt Lak- City. I ' " .. hot tale and Retf.il Dtalers in . domestic Scwiinj TOacfciiUr, CbH3cxBxo8. piano's, ' . ; pacficr& Organs, " ' ji!usical lOcrcbanoise.' SEND FOR OUFi LIST OF 7 EN CENT SHEETMUSIC AMAGXIGiCENT EXHIBITION OF WAX FlGJREs, B01H . single and in groups, !'-presenting dift'erent events and persons of the same charac ei as the Eden Musee ot New York city, And Chicago, Chica-go, with an Anatomical Department added. The finest works of the best artists, both in Europe atid America, ha ve been procured rcgaidless of expense tuswv, eewXis I i-enson him Co. ' Commission " "fiDcrcbants, CIt:: :t. avd Uiar. Fruits ?".d 7c.ytc.c:., Quite? Fsy, Cr.c-ess and Jrcai-iesi f. IU. l&anscn, fiDar. CD S. West Tetania St., SALT LAKE CITY 3-amcs ipetcrson Is c -h'Sin .- out line of SPEIMG end smirjis' v. - .GOODS At Remarkably LOW PRICES Call at encc. JAMK3 PETERSON, Prop. THE fvlANTi ROLLER svl!LLS L O U1S F. BECKl.ll, Lessee. JIAKCFiCTUBEB OF THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUIL Orders and Correspondence Solicited ' Custom Work a Specialty. A WORD To The Public From Hbe Bmetucan Ctotbtng Co. OXE DOOR EAST OF CULLEX HOTEL, We luave bought a $10,000 Bankrupt Stock of CLOTHIXG -J tSeiv York City and icehavo not got room to put tlicm iu, this store' Therefore we will offer our entire stock of CLOTHIXG, HATS, CAPS, FUBXISHIXG GOODS and BOOTS and SHOES at WH OH. 13 SB -L H.E3 COST for Thirty Days to make room for ihe new goods- 'or People this is vo HUMBUG but a GEXUIXE SALE OM iXD BE COXT'IXCED und call for one of our souvenirs- E. h WALTER & CO,, Ait' i aj ii:g tee highest piie8 for jliiiAIX, LITEHX SECi, LITTER, EGGS j AXlt. rOlTJRY, j Xo. 70 W tiist South Street. i Salt Lake City, - - Utah :Dlf?Ar.iliil-- S Caveats, and Trade-Marks fcbtaiiwd, nd all l'at-J cut Bess nets cr.Uued for moderate fets, t Oue OrncE 13 Opposite US. patent office J t f remote from" YVa'sIi!i!c;ton ' J . . J .r-end model, dravn.jr or photo., with descrip- , i criarVe. Our fee not duetiu patent isticcured?1 1. t Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents,'' wirii . .' . E cost ot same m the U. S. acd loreiiin countries; ? sent free. Address, . J !Q.A.SF!07&CO.! . ? Opp. patent Office, WashImgton, D. C f W J. B. Stacy, Surgeon Xcnttst. First Class Work Guaranteed. Rooms 2 aud 3 hmk Building. MANTI CITY, - . UTAH 25 W. Second Soutk Street, SUT. LiSS CITY, - - UTAH, manti'tinTshopI- UOBEUT VJirmz; PGP.--. , : . Manufacturer of Zin anb "copper Xiiarc, ' iRo.ofing,; ' ant Guttering, etc' Severing ano Sparing Done on . - Sbort 'O-lotice ' : . ' .' r KKEPS OX HAKD A VVLL LINE OK" . 'STOVES TKORE Jl) iiiijjlV. , ; ' - Ob' EVERY UISCIRPIIOX. 'Croers M HDail iproniptly Btteuo io. ' . : MAIN sTRKKT '- . . ' ftlAXTI ' - .Ii5racc5 for deformities, Elastic StocKings, -t-russcs, Etc. SEND, FOR ClRCl'LAR. . M Main St., Salt Lake City. VJTA. T.R SID, , Probate Attorney' t and Land Agent AMI kinds of probate business promptly prompt-ly attended to, titles secuted 10 land under un-der ihe various entries. Cilice in ' court house. THE MANTI j mm 1 Lb.jf 1 J i r 1 W W J LlliiTyJ Li U Li itieicantiie inatnution. In.a.aUr!.!!-.:; lOiiinr large and varied assortment of ladie E- ( Bonne TrimmiLg F 1 ei xo i as aiisses a-t' Childi ens Straw L an. suiux er Appurel of ill U s. iii.o.ius u-' aud E Sii!uv:i.bo, (r,m li,iK,leo!i,uh!r'N, ! I Hcse Glov Si 7ei yr t 1 f63 Plain an 1 I 1 t (. , er0) ln ( re I 41 2o per yard 3 " P r 5 rd CallU6" - j - 1 f - -' -". :; pure Bruos ant at tbc Ctt H)nt0 Store |