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Show which had been fired by smokeless powder iroji a liiHfjp.aiae rifle at a ppood of 8,100 ft per second; and another v as of a bullet which had been pierced vitii 11 number of hole?, UiTotiL'h which (lie lU'hS wri-i seen, demonstrating th-.t I the i-lnnoirrai-h had been taken i;i itine two-hundred thousandth of a second. A tione-cutler culler, captblo of turning turn-ing out lti feet of well finished cornice I or ruonluing iu 20 uiinutea, has been i mailt ia Rome. Tho gonoral features of the ltachlno aro very simitar to thoee of ihe metal planinp; machine. SCIENTIFIC ITEMS. SUCCESSFUL COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. In the ingenious photographic pro. cess of Mr. F. E. Ives, of Philadelphia, three negatives are simultaneously taken by one camera on one plate. Light filters cause one of the negatives to be made by eueh light rays only as excite the fundamental red sensation, aud in due proportion; another by such rays as excite the green sensation; aud the third by such rays as excite the blue violet. The plate may be shown by either ot the methods. Usiug it as a lantern slide, the three pictures are reproduced re-produced through colored glasses and superposed upon the screen, giving a remarkable representation of the original object in natural colors. The same effect may b ) obtained by viewing the plate on a heliochronioacope. This is an instrument about the size of a stereoscope, consisting of three optical systems, with red, green and blue glasses, 8iil showing the three images, exactly superposed, when they appear as ono in natural colors. A modification of the process gives color prints ou glass or paper, bit they areleaosat-isfactoiy. areleaosat-isfactoiy. li'PIlJLV TAKEN PICTURES. Some noteworthy photographs of dying dy-ing bullets were exhibited by Mr. C. V. Boys at the laU Royal Society conversazione. conver-sazione. The pictures were produced by sparks from a Layden jar, which was discharged by the closing of an electric circuit on the passage of each bullet. A wave of compressed air was photographed photo-graphed in front of the bullet, and another in the rear, with a wake still further (iahlnd. In some pictures were shown fragments of glass aud papei torn from sheets perforated by tht bullets, the glass particles flying off t the rear as though from an explosion One picture showed an aluminum bulle |