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Show i than In any other county In the terrt-1 terrt-1 tory, wo could certainly make a fine showing with our mutton. Oar agricult ural, mineral and industrial resources to gether with our fowls, our rare flowering flower-ing plants our choice fruits, our house-. house-. hold and farm implement?, photographs . of our irrigation and water works ays-1 ays-1 tern, and various other articles too num. erous to mention, we could make an exhibit that wonld reflect credit on the entire territory. If we are going to make a county exhibit we should organ, ize at once. Who will set the ball rolling? A COUNTY EXHIBIT. We cull the following from the Salt Lake Htrald of the 20th: The directors of the Salt Lake connty World's fair exhibit association held a meeting in the chamber of commerce at 10 o'clock yesterday. Connty associations will be formed all over the territoiy and each make its own exhibit at the Columbian exposition. Now Sanpete, wake up and shake thyself thy-self organize a county association and make a connty exhibit at the World's fair. Sanpete county with her numerous resources should be able fo make an ex h'blt second to none, especially 1b this true with regard to agricultural products. pro-ducts. Every eitizen of this countj ought to take a special pride and interest in-terest in this matter, and if they do wt will make an exhibit that will astonisl the rest of the territory. The sheep in I dastry will be a eonsplclous feature o the territorial exh'bit, and as It Is car rledon more extensively la Sanpet |