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Show ENGLISH RAILROADING. I SmaU Number of rassoriiters Killed During Last Year. I The official summary of the accidents I and casualties which occurred in 1891 -ob the railroads of the United King-u King-u iuat been issued by the board dom ha ' this H aPPearf of of trade.' Fro. "8 carried during 800,000,000 passengo-. ea .,BCC'j the year only five were K. dents, the smallest actual numov. proportion recorded since 1873, when sis were killed. The number of passengers pas-sengers injured in accidents during the year was 875. Of men employed by the railway companies com-panies 12 were killed and 153 injured in accidents, a much higher proportion. The list of passengers killed and injured in-jured by trains (otherwise than in accidents) ac-cidents) is much heavier, including 98 dead, 737 injured. Of these 16 were killed by falling between carriages and platforms, 14 by falling on the platforms plat-forms or the line, and 15 by falling out of carriages during the traveling of trains. Crossing the line at stations was fatal to 23, and 98 were injured by the closing of carriage doors. Causes other than train accidents killed no fewer than 537 of the servants of companies or contractors, while more than 3,000 were injured. The greatest loss of life occurred among the men who were walking, crossing or standing in the line of duty. The deaths from these causes were 140, while 115 were killed while walking on the permanent way or in sidings. Shunting operations killed 94. Forty-.two Forty-.two lost their lives while walking on the line. |