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Show W. J. B. Stacy, Surgeon Xenttst. First Class Work Guaranteed. Rooms 2 and 3 Rank Building. MANTI CITY, - . UTAH "in 1Re7 Probate Attorney and Land Agent. All kinds of probate business prompt-attended prompt-attended to, titles secured to land under th various entries. Office co urt house. MANTI. . UTAH. C S. WILKEsT Office in U. S. Land Office Building. Xanb Hgent anb Httome. Land Agents and Attorneys. SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. C. Bailey LAND ATTORNEY. Office next door to U. S. Land Office, Sah Lake City. Obtains patterns tor Agricultural, Deseret aod Mineral Lands Correspondence solicited and information in-formation given. jFftetGvop 1hone$ 6 Cts. Per Pound. Wm. Breathwaite. four Eioegs west or nueruamr, MANTI, - UTAH. ! Kj -waOUWOttK-ct5.Xgf AffAgttMCHfSjg) ti.Louis.wo, reraacEMSigsg oahs.tex. r : c v c - G r, a v in a. .ts. .u .-ii-ci;.. &!?..!t iocuier itom piiQ-J.-.,.? fo. .,,n' 'ktrtt. Sih-;.s;:Ua rr.-ss Agstty, York City. KriiCHTS T Blood Pure. In use u.'.rt than iu vcniA A rwj rrostraticn. Conslipf.t:1.! rn-i ali disease 4 te Wood. 5:cr.:r.h ami I.n-r. A fcotn?ieVreomfoin.h. n-'t-t' "' j-c u:dentbv mail - t om-tAinl Hieces! .oW.-mr .oW.-mr medicine. !.. r: ttstts j-f-ir-H6i Sqaarw. J1.00; h:l-i US' ' " fcr pi-ii-. 50c.: n.r-jOc i A rcPablt Attnt " ' 7 " '' '" " KSJGHT E0TASIC41 CO., IJ5 2:;::' r.-j. .tv. |