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Show THE NOBILITY OF ENGLAND. PnrecE Georok, of Wales, wears a beard to please his mother, of whom he is devoutly fond. Whenever Mr. Gladstone goes to court he wears the uniform of an elder brother of the Trinity house. ' Queen Victobia is having some carpet made from patterns designed by her deeply lamented husband, the prince consort. TE5OTY30N has never appeared in the house of lords but once since he took his seat, and that was when he voted in the minority for a reform in the franchise. fran-chise. The earl of Berkeley, who took his seat, in the house of peers recently, is the first of his family to sit in the lords since 1810. There has been a disptite over the title. Pkince Alfbed, of Edinburgh, is studying law at the university of Munich, Mu-nich, but will have to finish off his education edu-cation and "eat his terms" at the Middle Mid-dle temple, London, whence he will emerge, as his uncle, the prince of Wales did, a full-fledged barrister, en-i en-i titled to his stuff -gown and ready to go on circuit, - |