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Show : THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM, UTAH . : ., .... jn" j When you visit Salt Lake come and see us. We Handle every-thing for men and "Oddfellows" Sol's Clothing Shop I 68 West Broadway, Salt Lake City -i-T '.. J, California Hotel Board and Room ' ' : ;.: . j STEAM HEAT AND BATHS Italian Cooked Meals ;j JAMES I ROLANDO, Prop. MAIN ST. BINGHAM- - Family Resort A Quiet Place to Eat a Light Lunch Free Dancing Soft Drinks SCARCELLI AND FRATELLO 58 West Broadway Tel. 3046 Salt Lake City D. Pezzopane Fancy Imported and Domestic Groceries. Foreign Money Or-ders and Drafts Notary Public, Steamship Agt. Banco of Naples Correspondent f ; Know Where Every Dollar of your income goes this is important ! The way, start a Checking Account with this bank, " deposit regularly, pay bills by check which gives you a complete record of every dollar. - The man or firm who does this brings system and 1 success to his business. Bingham State Bank 4 BINGHAM, UTAH OFFICERS L, S. Cates, Pres. Sherman Armstrong 1st Vice Pres. C. E-- Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F, Tietjen, Cashier When in Salt Lake and " in need of Fish delicacies " call at m J Bratten's Fish I I Market ; Close to Stage Office 213 State SL ! Say It With j i: Flowers : Give us your orders for all kinds of cut flowers, potted plants and ferns ii NEIL O'DONNELL V Phone 17 SERVE BREAD 9 Have you ever sat down to a table where no Bread ; ' was served? How flat and tasteless the whole meal seemed! , Bread is the one food indispensable, and the only food of economy to-da- y. GOOD BREAD is the Bread you eat twice as much of because it's so delicious. Fresh every hour. ; STANDARD BREAD CO. 536 Main St., Phone 187 BINGHAM CANYON Strength and Your Foundation Solid foundations are necessary for tall skyscrap iers or they would fall Men who would succeed must have a " safe and sound start or they would fail and go backwards. Start to succeed by saving NOW at - a The Central Bank of Bingham Bingham, Canyon, Utah Matt Contralto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long of Short Haulage Service you can depend upon Phone 124 Main Street JOHN ELVERSON Painter and Paperhanger I t Call or Leave Orders at f The Modern Hotel l Main Street ELM! MEBCAHTILE General Merchandise Fresh and Cured Meats Lark, Utah Jerome EOURGARD The Old Time Meat Market at the old Stand where you can always rely on getting the BEST of MEATS FISH and FOWL PHONE 5 ALWAYS THE BEST John A. Warmack CANDIES & CONFECTIONERY Fountain Goods of All Kinds Everythig in the Tobacco Line, We came West to take a Chance BROADWAY at West Temple 80 West 3rd So. St. Phone Was. 8131 Salt Lake City ; WALNUT CAFE UA Little Better Than Good Enough" Private Tables for Ladies j 62 East Second South St. Salt Lake Cily, Phone Was. 10254 ' JACK'S PLACE G. M. Gregory, Prop. Soft Dnnksanj Eats Phone Wasatch 2881 77 West 2nd South St. Salt Lake City Did It Ever Occur to You That the average person would rather go to Salt Lake and pay double to hear the same music than to attend the same recital here. That impudence in a child t is that which seemed cuteness a few years before. everybody is anxious to IThattouch o.f.s.pring fever. the key of success is gressor ig hard and the travel is heavy. ..... That team-wor- k is what counts in eve.ry.u.ndertaking. That the Bingham Stage line is arriving on schedule on its every trip. ... That it is inadvisable to put a man on his feet if you think he" has an idea to kick you when he is. " ; ..,. That one shouldn't try to kill time it will finally kill you in the long run.". . . That a man's wisdom is shown by having a great deal useless until to say and keeping silent. you have found the keyhole. ... That conscience is the watch-dog that bark.s.a.t sin. That you should take your wife and buy her that new spring "adorable" hat at Mrs. Parsons' millinery store. . ( That there are more heroes on the screen and stage than there is in real life. ; That the Indians of Utah get more publicity than do those of any other state in the Union. m m m That "Kid" Tappero surely did some hard slugging on Mon-day night. That a court has ruled that "Petting" is not grounds for a divorce, it would seem there are sufficient grounds for matri-mony though. " That as the frost and snow begins to thaw it is advisable to clean up your yards before the health officer compels you. That with its new fire truck the Bingham fire fighters are ready for any emergency. That some of the camp's pop- ular business men are getting "itchy" feet. t That competition is acknowl-edged by the brightest men of the day to be the life of trade." That checks would have no value were it not for the con-fidence in men's honesty. That if everybody stopped telling "in confidence "what he heard in his friends house there would soon be no rumors or slander. That a true American never needs to put on a mask or wear a shroud. That Madame Bernhardt who used her coffin for a bed on many occasions will now to the regret of her millions of admir-ers make it her last resting place. . That Franck Croy is wonder-ing how the fish are growing at "Shady Rest" since he left them. . . That even a judge has no sympathy with a woman who uses obscene language. That money talks but to some of us it merely nods as it goes by. J 4 That providing Adam was a ' myth don't you know others that are like him. ; That Mr. Bryan says that "Wealth is a disease." the poor ' will be blessed however with the ', fact that they are immune from ; one ailment. . That the way of the trans-- Fresh Air Cures Coldi. If yon have a stuffy head cold, 1I down In a room with windows open covers enouKh to keep you warm and consciously breathe deeply for ten to fifteen minutes. Try to fill your lungs from the bottom up. as It were then force the air all out, and start agnln. You will find the stuffy feeling vastly relieved. Headaches, that "tired feel-ing," Indigestion, melancholia, constipa-tion, and countless other disorders, may bo benefited or entirely relieved If you will but make a real effort to help yourself I Without sufficient oxygen w9 stag-nate and become swamped In our own waste products. If you would be well and alert and capable of doing your best day after day learn to clean your own blood stream by th dally use of air It's free, too! Just try It C. Richmond, D. 0.. in the Health Bul-letin. Moving. "The editor of the TumllnvIHe Torch of Liberty gives his brother-in-law- , the Hon. Pete Puterflsh, a nice funeral no-tice, don't he?" asked a neighbor. "Eh-yahl- " replied Gabe Gosnell of Grudge. "He writes durn nigh as piti-ful about him as if he had been a good flog." Kansas City Star. |