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Show , PERSONAL Mary Pickford lost her suit for $3000 against Waterson, Berlin and Snyder, theatrical, producers, which was carried to the New York court of appeals. The film star claimed illegal illeg-al publication of her photograph and name in connection with a song entitled "Daddy Long Legs." Woodrow WilBon, former president of the. United Suites, has asked Gov. W. E. Sweet, of Colorado, to appoint Huston Thompson, to a set in the United States senate to succeed Samuel Sam-uel D. Nicholson, Republican, who died Saturday night. Thompson now is a member of the federal trade commission. com-mission. Premier Bonar Law is suffering from a mild throat affection, which Interferes with his voice ; otherwise his health Is good. He intends, however, how-ever, to take ten days' complete rest from political affairs during the Easter recess. ' Representative Albert M. Vestal of Indiana, is expected soon to undergo under-go n operation for frontal sinus, but his physicians said they did not consider his condition as necessarily serious. Herbert P. Coates of New York state has been selected to be attorney attor-ney general of Porto Rico, succeeding succeed-ing Salvador Mestrie, whose resignation resigna-tion has been accepted by Secretary Weeks. Dr. B. F. Harding of Mansfield, O., a cousin of President Harding, who, with his wife, has been spending the winter In -Florida, died, following a lingering illness. Queen Mary has taken a deep interest in-terest in the blind and has visited the National Library for the Blind. She took blind children cm her knee and asked them to read aloud to her from Braille books. Mustapha Kemal Pasha, Turkish leader, received a dowry of $i00,000 when he recently married Latlfe Han. oun, it has been revealed. Extension of vocational training and medical rehabilitation to the 18,000 vterans of the world war serving serv-ing sentences In federal and state penal institutions, is planned by Dl- rector Hines of the veterans' bureau, who conferred on the subject with officials of the department of Justice and representatives of the American legion and Disabled Veterans of the World War. Leonard R. Steel, 45, of Buffalo, N. Y. founder of the L. R. Steel corporation cor-poration died suddenly on a westbound west-bound New York Central train near here early Tliurseday. Mr. Steel was found dying in his berth by Ernest Mattey, his chauffeur. Milo D. Campbell of Michigan, who recently became the dirt farm member mem-ber of the federal reserve board dropped drop-ped dead while playing golf at the Columbia Country club at Washington Washing-ton D. C. FOREIGN Death closed the long career of Sarah Bernhardt at her residence In Paris, Monday. Mme, Bernhardt started her stage career at the age of 12 and three generations have seen the famous woman in more than 200 different parts. She was 78 at the time of her death. The reparations nightmare which is paralyzing the economic development develop-ment of Burgaria, has been ended by arrangement between the Stam-Jbouliskl Stam-Jbouliskl government and the reparations repara-tions commission headed by Sir Elliott El-liott Colvln. The French embassy In Berlin was bombnrded by a torrent of verbal insults in-sults and patriotic German songs by a noisy mob which completely filled the lower part of Unter den Linden. Detachments of mounted police, armed arm-ed with long sabres, came galloping to the scene, and the police reserves with rifles, were rushed up in motor trucks. After considerable difficulty the mob was dispersed. The archbishop of York Monday christened Baby Lascelles. the infant son of Viscount Lascelles and Princess Prin-cess Mary, In the presence of King George and Queen Mary and other members of the royal household vf'.gers and tenants and dependnats of the Harewood state of Viscount Lascelles. Police reports of Pekln, China, for 20 days in February disclosed that the municipality furnished 461 cotfius for persons who starved or froze to death in the streets of the capital. Of these 347 were unidentified. The police state that this constitutes a record for such deaths. Captain Roald Amundsen, head of the Norwegian Polar scientific expe-dtion, expe-dtion, has announced that he has wired his attorney in Christiana to dispose of his home in Norway to raise funds to meet debts Incurred by the expedition. More than sixty Russian refugees who arrived at Manila with Admiral Stark's antibolshevik fleet after their fight from Vladivostok already have obtained employment in Manila. Reports from eight mills In Cn-maguey, Cn-maguey, Cuba, province Indicate that more than 2,000,000 arrabos (twenty-five-pound units) of sugar cane have been burned during the last week. The belief is held that In some cases the fires were sturted Intentionally, but the majority are supposed to have been due to carelessness.. |