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Show Mrs. Anna McGuire is at Salt Lake City and will attend Easter services at the Cathedral of the Madeline. . Mrs. Austin Larek is rapidly recovering from her recent operation op-eration successfully performed at the Bingham hospital. Tom McMullen, coach of the high school basket ball team entertained the team at his apartments in the Bourgard building on Wednesday evening with a ham-waffle dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tietjen, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dahlquist and Bren-ton Bren-ton Lynch were also invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. John Ragno of Copperfield will leave with their family for Oakland, California in the near future, they have Jbeen operating the Copperfield Candy store. John Vietti and Dominic Pezzopane were Salt Lake visitors visi-tors on Tuesday. Russell and ' Alfred Anderson visited in Salt Lake City on Monday. , . Mrs. A. S. Dale of Rushville, j Nebraska and Mrs. John Horst of Salt Lake city were the guests of Miss Caroline Rasmus-sen Rasmus-sen on Thursday. Bingham Society Mrs. Eugene Morris- entertained enter-tained the Civic Club at her home in Markham on Thursday last, she was assisted by Mrs. W. Myer3 Twenty guests enjoyed en-joyed a delightful supper. Mrs. Alma Jones returned from Salt Lake City the past week where , she visited with Mrs. Mary Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowman received a visit from the stork this week who left a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele and Mr. and Mrs. James Ner-din Ner-din motored to Pleasant' Grove' the past week and were entertained enter-tained at the home of Mrs. Andrew Thompson. The G. G. G. G. Club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Louis Buckman at her home in Markham the past week. Luncheon Lunch-eon was served to twenty guests. Mrs. Joe Kemp has been spending a vacation' with her mother, Mrs. Martin Thomas at Midvale, Mr. and Mrs. A. Parassentti motored to Salt Lake on Sunday and visited with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Carter, popular residents of the Highland High-land Boy district for a number of years left camp this week and expect to spend a year visiting vis-iting relatives and friends in the counties of Cornwall and Lancashire, England. They sailed on Tuesday from New York City. Their many friends wish them a pleasing vacation. Mrs. C. M. White left for her home in Reno, Nevada the past week after spending a pleasing vacation here with her daughter Miss Florence White. Mrs. A. E. Williams spent several days in Sandy the past week visiting her mother, Mrs. Norval Stuart. Mrs. K, C. Tanner visited relatives re-latives and friends at Salt Lake City this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Manwaring are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy this week. Mrs. Manwaring is at the Holy Cross hospital, both mother and son are doing fine. Miss Lucille Jenkins one of Salt Lake City's accomplished violinists is visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Neil O'Donnell. Eugene II. Jenkins spent the week-end in Provo with his family, Mrs. Jenkins will make her home in Bingham in the near future. |