Show col james gord on en of mississippi p f IJ S A jj y vc X 4 0 X I 1 4 I 1 X k SPEECH IS UNIQUE senator gordon makes striking address on leaving senate talks of war record and pleads plead for erasure of mason and dixon lne line tells of pity for i millionaires i washington having attal attained ned his bis lifetime ambition a sent seat in the united states senate senator james gordon of mississippi the other day bade faro fare well 0 to o big fellow senators in an address that held them spellbound tor for 20 minutes so deeply touched were many senators senatore that they violated one of the most strict of senate nilea and applauded the figee veteran from mississippi after a scant two months service time enough however to win the hearts of every one in the capitol senator gordon gives place to le roy hoy percy the choice of the mississippi legislature to nil the term of the late anson J ln senator gordon chose its as hla his text love lova one another which ho he called the eleventh commandment ills ilia quaint phrases his bis homely simplicity and his bis wise sayings amusing though he was a at lt times especially when lie he read two of his bis own ponies earned the sympathy of every person who heard him when he had concluded senator depew of new york briefly expressing the regret of tile he senate at his big departure described tile the address addrean as the most remarkable ever heard in the senate and said it would go down in history as such euch for dramatic interest the scene in tho the senate has seldom been equaled in recent years yearn As one who fought until the very last senator gordon asked that ee seo cionni feeling bitterness bred in tho the civil war be forgotten As one ona who tad bad owned slaves he be implored against breeding race hatred by agitating the negro question and hero here ile he read his poem my ily ole black mammy hominy As one who had bad been a millionaire lion lio alre who now la Is both poor and happy he be denounced the flannel mouths who stir up envy and hatred against the rich inong among a those who are less lucky we have a few dollars lie fco said that always want to be mahln a tusa fuss rii cyre not even cussin cuss ln 1 I was born a raulte millionaire mid laid co gordon but I 1 never was happy until I 1 got rid of my surplus money I 1 spent much of it on my slaves indea and the rest of my funds I 1 spent pent like a gentleman and got rid of tile the entire incumbrance cumbrance Jn 1 I 1 have listened with interest to the speeches here and the more I 1 hear bear of them the sorrier I 1 am for the millionaires aires why if there Is a fellow in the united states that I 1 am sorry for it la III rockefeller Hocke feller because he be brig baa more money than anyone else that is life his fortune lie he cant go on oa th estreet with one of his grandchildren grandea ild rein unless he be is afraid that some one might kill him why I 1 know that he be loves one of those children much better than he ha loves lovea all the money he has got 1 I think mr feller Is a good man al an I 1 see bee his big employed emp loyes loye peak well of 0 I 1 him and I 1 am told that he be never had bad a strike I 1 era am told also that he be he has haa given much money to churches and education now I 1 dont suppose that everybody will like that but those who dont like it con can put it in their pipes and smoke it id like for mr rockefeller to come down to ala mla r and run his bis pipe lines through my land lie ile could have the right of way for to r all the lines he wanted for I 1 know that in n my time coal oil has bai i i been reduced from 40 cents to ton ten cents per gallon galion tho the most touching episode was waa ills hla rebuke to heyburn of 0 idaho who te e livered the bloody shirt speech against the bill authorizing the war department to lend tents to th the C confederate veterans reunion nt at mobile A lo 10 next april let the senator from idaho como come down to the mississippi prairies let him como come to my home said bald the retiring hero of many a battle of 1881 I ga and I 1 will show him such southern ufa life that when we return together hero here I 1 will take off my hat throw it in the he air rind and hurrah burrah tor for grant tn in front of his statue in statuary hall and he be will take off hla blo hat throw it in the air and hurrah before the statue of robert if lee 11 and afterwards keyburn fley burn stepped a teppe d across to the democratic at side do shook book j mans and said bald in a an n u undertone a der tone it ill do it ile he then told how bow when five yeam old he had been presented with a toy board which was wag checked oyer with different objects some 0 of thorn them good and some of them bad ono one of 0 th ghego eso objects was wa the capitol ot of the united states and ills big mother had told him he said that it lie be would bo be good and would live a correct life he might imme day hope to sit in the sent seat ot of the big man who was pictured there she never told nie me a lie and I 1 knew that what she ehe sold bold was waa true I 1 knew that I 1 would some nome day occupy the sent beat of that big roan man and god cod helping me I 1 got there yesterday yesterday re ferring forting to the fact that tor for a time bw be had occupied the seat beat of at the presiding officer referring to the fact that he bats bad been bee a confederate soldier col car don a aid I 1 1 I 1 fought at ama bled but r X die however I 1 addled tre fro quent fluently ly lie iio then told of some of big exploits in the war and bow he had captures captured gen coburn of indiana and gen gem shatter he amid had fired at him liver alv different times during the confederate charge without filing bitting him ile ho said that whenever the union and vented erate soldiers met they were wera always good friends asserting that he loved the negro lio be said eald lie he wanceil the mason anil and dixon line obliterated frons from the map of 0 the united states because lie t want any more strife A few blab mouthed people down dow our way talk differently he said but they are not worth cus bussing cussing sing they ars arr not worth wasting invectives upon paying a tribute to soldiers of at both the north and south col gordon said eald you may as well try to storms the heights of heaven and pluck the diadem from Jehova hs crown as to take awny from either of them ha ala glory ot at the ho records of the iho two mew mea who stood flood under the tree nt Ap tox tax and brought thu tho war to a close this thin la Is the flucht body of men that bever I 1 ever associated with he continued speaking of 0 the senate itself and he be beamed upon his colleagues |