Show for small gi girl rl I 1 IS the dress in above illustration la is for a girl about 12 years year sold old it la is of embroidered net made up over mer lawn tle the skirt is finished at the bottom with two ruffles of tho the material edged with lace the blouse has haa a platted plaited shoulder collar also edged with lace and ornamented linen ted with little buttons the yoke Is made of hands banda ot of vaten valen clannes insertion arranged diagonally and a narrow satin ribbon forms the girdle the attractive model illustrated la Is of 0 blue velvet trimmed with bonds of 0 embroidery which forms forma the collar and cuffs the girdle and the border of the skirt in front are straps bordered with ft a heavy slip piping and ornamented wl alb b buttons of the same |