Show AETNA AGAIN NEW OUTBURST bof OF HISTORIC VOLCANO accompanied BY SEVERE EARTH SHOCKS Jc jAca of adjoining Vill villager agea aro are 4 arfi hav ing bm been burled buried under mass mas of moving lava s castanda Ca stanla aft sicily mount A aetna ani la is e again ili n a state of violent activity A pronounced movement within tho the crater began wednesday night bhend lly ily increased Increase dla in volume and sriv est eat fears are entertained of the i results if the activity in its ita present form the lava flow had bad already reached the vineyards above san leo andali and ill nakazo seven miles n iles from the crater and had bad burled buried many peasant houses it carao came tn if several streams and united la in one great mass masa about 20 reet high and 1500 feet wide its velocity was waa e estimated ls at three to four feet a minute varying according to the condition ot of the ground the populace terror stricken are fleeing from their homes there have been fifty earth shocks and there Is a continuous vibration and trembling for many miles everywhere the era are carrying images in procession and are imploring mercy twelve new craters have been opened up |