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Show i - n (N-Hk-- o !t;:s v y? c; . r- - SUCCESSOR TO MIRROR-MONITO- R MORGAN, UTAH, FRIDAY, APRIL VOLUME XV. , K NUMBER 40. 1, 1910. x UTAH STATE NtVVb BETIIIQC3KTR3B THREE HUNDRED MERRY-MAKERMEET DEATH WHEN DECORA. . A TIONS CATCH FIRE. S Little Republic of Liberia in super of Ground to Pieces by 'Dread ifritaii and France. ' " Washington. ' Door Had Been Nailed up to Prevent Admittance of Scorea Anxious to Attend, and Dancprs Were Cauglrtffc in Veritable Fire Trap. 'J Hungary. The village the adjacent district have been thrown Into mourning by a terrible- - disaster at the former place Monday which resulted in the death of 290 persons And the serious injury Mate-Ssalk- a, of Oekoerito and ot 100 others. A public ball was held In the coach at the hotel. It was a great decorated with structure, tinder-dr- y June branches left from a previous entertainment, to which were added for the occasion other decorations and Chinese lanterns. The fesfrom tivity attracted pleasure-seeker- s all the surrounding country and the building was so packed just before the bal commenced that the single door that afforded entrance and exit was nailed up to prevent the admittance of scores who clamored outside. While the dancing was in full swing a pine branch caught fire and fell to the floor. It biased furiously and almost Instantly the dresses of several women burst into flames. The fire spread with astonishing rapidity. A dreadful panic ensued, the revellers losing their heads completely. Many of them, with flames shooting out from iheir garments, rushpd toward the barred exit, where a surging mass were jammed together. Women and men fell and were trampled under foot Those In front vainly endeavored to tear open the door, but were crushed helplessly by the pressure of the crowd behind. f Soon the roof crushed fo, the blamon the bolplean ing wreckage failing victims, sothst-oian- y ,of . these who house barn-lik- e down by beams or burieh der debris. When the door was final! ly broken open some few persons escaped, but most of these collapsed b fore they got far. Inside the building were heaps of charred corpses. struck Hh STRICKEN. JUSTICE BRE Aged Member of the Supreme Court Dies From Attack of Apoplexy. Washington. David Joslah Brewer, associate justice tf the supreme court of the United States, died Monday night at 10:30 oclock from a stroke of apop'exy. His death occurred before he could be carried to his bed. Mrs. Brewer was with him when the end came. The end was altogether unexpected. David Josiah Brewer, associate justice of the United, States supreme court, was born in Smyrna, Asia Minor, June 20, 1837. He is the son of Rev. Josiah Brewer and Emilia A. HISTORIC OF BY ACCOMPANIED OUTBURST NEW VOLCANO Pressed upon one aide millstones which threaten to grind it ff the map unless the nation has ths rapport of some power commensurate in strength with Great Britain and France. That is one of the principal conclusions expressed in the report of the commission to Liberia, American .ransmltted to congress on Friday by President Taft with a s peoial message. After reviewing the Internal langers which threaten Liberia a well as those crowding from the outside. the commission haa made the following recommendations: 1 That the United States extend Its aid fo Liberia in the prompt settlement of her boundary disputes. 2 That the United States enable Liberia to refund its debt by assuming a guarantee for the payment of obligations under such an arrangement the control and collection of Liberian customs. 8 That the United States lend lta assistance to the reform of the Internal finances. this nation atd In organizing And drilling a competent constab-gl- . 7 o.- frontier police. of Adjeiniag Villages Are Btricken, Many Homos Haw' Ing Bean Buried Under Mate of Moving Lava. Pepqfe Tarf Castania, Sicily. Mount Aetna la again in a state of violent activity. A movement within the pronounced crater began Wednesday night, steadily increased in volume, and the gravest fears are entertained of the results if the activity continues in Its present form. The lava flow had already reached the vineyards above San Leo and seven miles from the crater, and had buried many peasant houses. It came in several streams and united In one great mass about 20 feet high and 1,500 feet wide. Its velocity was estimated at three to four feet a minute, varying according to the condition of the ground. ' The are populace, terror-strickefleeing from their homes. There have been fifty earth shocks, and there la continuous vibration and trembling for many miles. Everywhere the villagers are carrying Images in procession and are Imploring mercy. Twelve new 5 That the United States establish and maintain a research station there. craters have been opened up. . g That the United States reopen NEEDLE88 SACRIFICE OF LIFE. the question of establishing a naval Senator Owen Saye 600,000 Are Yearly coaling station In Liberia. Victims Needlatsly. COMMITTEE OJtf HULKS CHOSEN. Washington That six hundred thouStalwart Party Men Chosen Without sand Uvea are sacrificed annually la this country on the altar of ignorance Dissent From Insurgents. and neglect of sanitary laws was asWashington. By a unanimous vote, serted by Senator Owen of Oklahoma the house on Friday adopted a reso- la a in the senate on Thursday lution naming a committee on rules, In speach of hla bill a desupport composed of six Republicans and four partment of health, withcreating a cabinet ofof in the Democrats, pursuance ficer at lta head. Mr. Owens addrei of the Norris resolution. was based on jhe theory that the vstj oua health agencies of the government M sheuldA concentrated. Ha declared aeTU with proper attention to the prevenWalter Smith, Iowa; Boutell, Illi- tion of contagion and to protection Fas nois Lawrence, Massachusetts; the use of polluted water and against sett,' New York; Smith, California, impure and adulterated food, human Republicans; and Clark, Missouri; Ufe could be greatly extended. In adAlabama; Dixon, Indiana; dition to the 600,000 cases of fatal Fitzgerald, New York, Democrats. annually, Mr. Owen asserted an After brief discussion, which made average of 3,000,000 were constantly Afc er oi record that the meim sick In this with preventable; the resolution bad diseases. , country bera , in t ' HV been selected In party caucuses, the WORK OF house, by a viva voce vote, adopted the resolution. The speaker declared 8coret of Families Placed In Jeopardy the vote to be unanimous. by Cowardly Assailants. Roosevelt Views the Sphinx. s Chicago. again beCairo, Egypt. Up with the sun on came active in Chicago Thursday Colonel a restful after night, Friday, threw a shell loaded with Theodore Roosevelt and his party ear- night. They into a gymnasium under dynamite ly prepared for a visit to the Necro- construction in the rear of a saloon wonthe are where polis of owned by Robert D. Lincoln, on the derful tombs of various kings, of Thy west side. and of the Apis bulls. The explosion wrecked the! gymna Thursday night the aphlnx was slum, shattered the windows in adand Colonel viewed by moonlight, joining buildings and threw passenRoosevelt said the weird sight had gers in an elevated train Into a been thoroughly enjoyed by himself The shock shook the elevated panic. strucand his family. It was the most in ture so the feared passengers severely terestlng thing he had seen during trains would be toppled over and only his trip to Africa. Friday night Col the presence of mind of the guards onel Roosevelt and his family reseriouB consequences. prevented turned to Cairo, dined with the AmerMr. jddings, and ican consul-generaLabor Unions to Enter Politics. later' attended a banquet tendered Interest In the labor Philadelphia. him by Sir Eldan Gorst', the British situation centered on Thursday here consul-generin Egypt agent and In the convention held by members of labor unions to form a new political Locomotive Blew Up. party. About 500 delegates attended Newburg, W. Va. A new Baltimore the meeting, from which newspaper a & Ohio locomotive ran away on men were barred. At the close of the and long grade here Friday night, convention it was announced a comcrashing into two other engines at the mittee of eleven, headed by John J foot of the mountain, blew up, scatter. of the Central La Murphy, president Ing fragments of all three over hall ar a mile. Five persons were Injured, bor Union, had been chosen to new two of whom will not recover, G. M, range details of organizing the A contribution of one day's pay Frasier, storekeeper here, was cut by party. to finance the new organization will be at while of locomotive the fragments the station, half a mile away. The asked from every member. bell of the locomotive flew half a Problemi of Forester. mile, and crashed through the roof ol Mont. The most ImporMissoula, a bouse. tant subject considered at the meeting of national forest supervisors in this Rockefeller Fighting Fire. Tarrytown, N. Y. John D. Rocke- city on Thursday was that of opening feller, Jr., and his wife turned out agricultural lands within the national Friday afternoon to fight forest fires forests for settlement under the homeon the Rockefeller estate in the Po stead law. The discussion dealt prin cantico hills. Under their direction a elpally with the problem of properly force of guards succeeded in diverting and fairly classifying the lands and the flames from outbuildings, but tbej determining which are strictly agricould not extinguish them, and a cultural and suitable for settlement night shift was kept at work. Front The burden of opinion was that it an unexplained cause, the brushwood would be difficult to tell Just where at' the edge of the Rockefeller forest and how to draw the line. caught fire, and the flames ' sooa 8layer of Policeman Convicted. spread to the timberland. Sait Lake City. Lucian E. Driskell. 1 Ghouls at Work. the slayer of Nightwatchman C. C. most La. unusua Riley, was found guilty Thursday The Forest Hill, robbery In the history of this section night ot murder in the first degree by of Louisiana was perpetrated Frida) the jury hearing his case In Judge night, when the body of E. D. Gainei Thomas D. Lewis' division of the Third was exhumed, and gold teeth, a dia district court The verdict carried mond ring, a gold watch and cuff but with It however, a recommendation tons taken. The body was sealed it for clemency, which means that the a tomb here more than thirty yeari murderer must serve a life sentence at hard labor In the state prison, unaxo. less ths Supreme court Interferes- - pro-visi- 7 1 Bomb-thrower- Sak-Kar- l, DAVID J. BREWER. Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court ' Field, sister of David Dudley, Cyrus W., and Justice Stephen J. Field; his father was an early missionary to Turkey; was graduated from Yale college in 1856 and from the Albany law school in 1858; established himself in his profession at Leavenworth, Kan., in 1859, where he resided until he re-- , moved to Washington to enter upon his duties; in 1861 was appointed United States commisioner; during 1863 and 1864 judge of the probate and criminal courts of Leaven wo, th county; from January, 1865, to January, 1869, was judge of the district court; In 1869 and 1870 was county attorney of Leavenworth; In 18 0 was elected a Justice of the supreme court in of his state, and 1876 and 1882; in 1884 was appointed judge of the circuit court of the ' United States for the eighth district; was appointed to the position he held at time of his death to succeed Justice Stanley Matthews, deceased, In December, 1889. , r , if 0 Liberality of the Great Preacher Watl Exemplified by Priend Whe Knew Him. Yibrjt i ta begin during the week os a new distillery at Murray.' SEVERE EARTH SHOCKS. y France and beast by . Great Britain an the other, Liberia la Between two TWO ANEC00TES OF BEECHER 4 CON FLIQT In a . Two stories of Henry Ward Beech fight in saloon la BULGARIA ANTICIPATES WITH TURKEY AND 18 PRE Ogden, James Moran was thrown to Vre told In tbe Christian Work. the floor and sustained a broken leg. Bev. Frederick Lynch, pastor of PO PARING FOR WAR. v The city officials of Logan are waggrim Congregational church, ta hla Regular department, The Optimist:" ing a war upon peddlers accused Of I Mr. Beecher had been addressing am selling groceries without having first mbusi association of Congregational minim Bulgarian People Have Become I secured a city, license. ' ters somewhere la New York ititq . With. Idea That Their Army la The ladies of the 8now academy in - Invincible and and when be had finished hla addreen Expect te Ruoh , Ephraim have abandoned their "rats" we said he would be glad to answer te Defence of Macedonia. since the law was passed by the stuaV questions If any of the younger dent body to discontinue uBing them. had anything that perplexed sewaa George Delaris, a Greek, them. a Immediately, clergyverely stabbed by Jim Taulas, a counParis. Another dangerous crisis la man arose and mid, Mr.young Beecher. w In a brawl drunken but tryman, during the Balkans has been narrowly have la whittle church at 8 The injured mans condition perhaps only temporarily avoided, acOgden. very estimable man, but the moment d la regai ded as serious. to dlplomatlo t begin preaching he tails asleep and cording Paving of the sidewalks in Spriag-Ytfl- circles here, whore for months it baa snores, so he disturbs ths whole con' is to begin at once, fifteen blocks been an opea secret that Bulgaria gregation and absolutely spoils ths efbeing included In District No. 1, was determined to try conclusions fect of the sermon. But he Is tbe only which wag ordered paved at a recent with Turkey over the question at rich man we have, end be Is the main meeting of the city council. Macedonia, either to win the provinoe support of the church, and we darn According to an opinion expressed outright or, at least, to secure auto- not say anything to him tor fer.r wo In the Utah State Woolgrowers Bul- nomy for the rest of European Tun might offend him. Now, what would you do la such a case as that! Mr. letin, Issued Thursday, the mice of key. wool will be practically Bulgaria for years has made treat Beeper admitted It was s puzzling unchanged sacrifice te equip the army which aha situation, and thea he said: during the summer ot 1910. The Gunnison Valley Power com- now possesses, always with the idea of around it la Plymouth chur 1 pany has been incorporated at Gunni- inevitable war with Turkey. The Bul- way; give my sexton ord son, the purpose of the company being garian people have gradually become close watch of the V.'msn asleep to-- furnish electric light, , beat and Imbued with the belief that their army the moment be to go right up end ip ms on ton pdwer, most of which will be disposed la Invincible, and the acquisition of . - h . her own Independence has left Jhm heck." of in Sanpete county. Ths Is other Gw of saaao brothstory dissatisfied their with Christian As the result of an unbalanced mind, ers In Macedonia, should they remain caaion Another minister arose gat G. M. Quincy, also known as Jim said; "Mr. Beecher, my congregation of Scranton, Pa., committed under the domination of Turkey. They baa delegated too to ask this qu estion rrt sow uletde by taking thirty grains of also realise that they cannofJong uf you: We bsve In our congregation A ot Its on the the burden tain room at a in his nitty rooming strychnine one f the and moat lota bln house in Salt Lake City. present footing. For the king, also, a men you everpurest aaw. He Is upright, honmean the con- Emil Bradley, 53 years of age and successful war would est, generous,, the heartiest supporter of 8 of solidation the dynasty position 8 miner of Murray, died in 8 Salt of tbe church we haveGo friend oC Lake hospital Tuesday from spinal imposed upon the Bulgarian people by the poor, the beloved of little children, and the n meningitis, brought on by n piece of the powers. For both tbe king veritable taint but be does not bn be Here the doctrine of the, Trinity. Now. quartz entering tbe eye of Bradley people, therefore. It appeared te ' "" "Now er never. ' about ten days previous. . v where do you think QrwiH go after death?" Mr. Beecher' was equal t The beet growers of Box Elder PRESIDENT WINDER DEAD. ' tba occasion. Hesitating a moment, county are now demanding 15 per ton I never dnre any whe for beets from the Box Elder county First Counselor te President of Mor- he eajd: any man will go after death, but growers, further complicating ths fight mon Church Succumbs to jwherever this man goes be certainly between the Amalgamated Sugar comPneumonia. has my best wphe.", . beet and the growers, pany Lake City. John R. Winder, Salt James H. Crawford, colored, who Killed by Four Gllla of Brandy. ' F. shot and killed another negro named first counselor to President Joseph An Inquest was recently held ID Christ Jesus of Church of Smith the ears C. Ci Lockhart, in Ogden three of Latter-da-y Saints, died at T9 Wigan. MaglandcU Jor, been ago, died- - on , Wednesday of pneu- Oclock bad died under very extraordinary cljv Sunday night on was Crawford acquitted monia, came suddeny cumstances. It appear that the land- , Although the end and Insanity. pleas of tbe venerable man, lord of a hotel bad engaged eight men Charles Phelps, 53 year of age, and unexpectedly, of 89 ears, waa in full to remove a number of cases of spirit who has served two terns in state of the age from one cellar to another For tyno of his faculties. prisons for murder, is wanted by the possession R. wife 'His and soffi John Winder, reason or other he left the men alone, authorities at Buhl, Idaho, where oa he and they helped themselves to some bedside whs were his at Jr., to Sunday, March 20, he stabbed overproof brandy death John May, a young man 35 years peacefully passed away. It 4 believed that ths men drank ' Mr. Winder had While bejprtuffer-inof. age. four gllla each ' The remit waa about from a lingering at tuck of acute The Provo woolen mills are now adof them died ot cute aico-- ' four that vertised for sale to the highest Udder pneumonia for mpfFihan two months, hollc poisoning, while tba othera recovered A at auction on April 13. There seems his physical "strength and wonderful examination ' off the times threw several mentality an of few In Irritant a now no showed doubt that to be signs poison in : months the whistle which has so long malady. It recurred, however, and, the stomach. courand his patient suffering The medical evidence was to tbe efbeen silent will again call tne oper- despite age, tbe disease became the master, fect that those who escaped had prol ators to work. the man yho for more than half ably been better fed than tbe othera. To fittingly celebrate the comple- and a has been so eminently who died. Inasmuch as the effect of ab . century tion of the Western Pacific railroad N of the rohol on. the stomach la lessened by and the new Denver & Rio Grande prominent in the upbuPding Mormon church and Salt Lake City the presence of food. Taking into con-- , Lake Western union depot, the Salt Buccumbed. federation the, nature and potency of Real Estate association Is planning a President Winder was born at the spirit, it la a wonder that any huin to take place rousing celebration, on December man being could have survived the or England, Kent, the capital city. tbe Mormon deal. 11, 1821. He entered Threatening to blow up the First church in 1848, coming across the National bank with a package of dy- plains to Utah In 1853. As th Romans Did. The life of President Winder was namite, which he said he held in his Anyone who has made a trip to aea hand, if any effort were made to ar- one of strenuous activity and replete has seen the ingenious, propeller rest him, Cornelius Mannix attempted with stirring deeds and events. shaped appliance which is thrown over Bishop Winder was married four board at the end ot a long cord, and by to bluff an Ogden "plain clothes times and Is survived by his latest means of wblcb the officers get an ap man, but failed in his purpose, and is wife, Marie (Burnham) Winder. He in jail. speed. This is was the father of twenty-thre- e chll proximate Idea of their not a new idea, for In ancient times tbe Orders for the double tracking of dren. Romans had a similar appliance fot the Oregon Short Line north from ascertaining their rate of progress at Ballinger Not Forced to Testify, Farmington to Ogden, are considered sea. dragged little paddl They as significant of the abandonment of Washington. The Balllnger-Pincho- t their ships, the revolubehind wheels , the Weber investigating committee, after an exof which enabled them to estiwhich was calculated to eliminate Og- ecutive session on Saturday, unani- tions mate the distance wblcb the ship had den from the route of through trains mously decided to deny the request of traveled. from Los Angeles to the east. Attorney Brandeis, representing Louis Plans for the erection of a large A. Glavis and others, that Secretary Both Take Wrong Courea. "This would be a better world," aaya steel plant and foundry for the con- of the Interior Ballinger be called as struction of cars to be built in the Og- a witness for the , "prosecution at tbe Philosopher ot Folly, "If the man den railroad yards of the Harriman this time. The decision brought out a who has been married one year would' lines are being considered, according protest from the attorney, who was talk less about It, and the mao who slightingly denunciatory of the cab- has been married ten years would to word given out from sources. The plant is to cost $300,000. inet officer and was stopped by the talk more about It" After battling with an attack of committee. An Embariasslng Question. diabetes for Shot Down by Robbers. nearly four months, Mrs Monroe was carefully explainCharles M. Freed, aged 67 years, presSalt Lake City. George W. Fas-sel- l, to her small daughter Margaret ident of the Freed Furniture & Cara grocer, was shot and killed by ing what she must do that evening. Comdispet company, succumbed to the Four men pany would be there for ease at his home in Salt Lane City a robber Saturday night. dinner and on Wednesday. Mr. Freed was one entered his place of business and or- Margaret was going to be allowed the a clerk to privilege of sitting at the table. She of the most prominent business men dered Fassell and hold up their bands. Fassell was listened very attentively, and faithfulof the capital city. Lora Lauterbaugh, 18 years old, who slow in obeying orders and one of ly promised to obey. During the first part of the meal disappeared from her home in Chi- tbe robbers shot him. The four men cago a few months ago, was rescued were arrested within an hour after- she never spoke, but remained quiet the clerk who was and thoughtful, but it seemed a long by the police of Ogdn at the home of ward, and K. Kamado, a Japanese gambler. The present at the robbery has identified time to her before the' dessert came. girl had been enticed from her home Harry Thorne, 23 years old, one of Finally a large dish was placed near by the Japanese by promises of luxury the bandits, as the man who fired her of which tbe contents looked most and ease, and was living in direct the fatal shot. The robbers secured appetizing For some time she gazed poverty when rescued. about $50, which was found In his at ft, and when no longer able to reSamples of soil from every section possession. Thorne and a compan- sist the temptation, she reached over of the state will be collected, jested ion named John Hayes, have con- and put her dainty flfnger deep into and the character shown in colors on fessed, Thorn admitting the shooting tbe Jelly and cream, then licked her finger and continued to smack her Ups the map to be issued iu the next anwith great satisfaction. Before the nual report of the Utah conservation Destructive Prairie Fire. mortified mother could say anything; commission, if the government joins Colo. a After Holyoke, burning with the state in gathering this imMargaret remarked: path forty miles long and of varying "Say, Mamma, is' this the portant information. width clear across Yuma county, prai- which the cat licked the cream jelly of Articles of incorporation of the Iron rie fires starting near toe town ot and you said it didnt matter, there Mountain, St. George & Grand Canyon Yuma several days ago, on Sunday was more cream? Railroad company, capitalized at $24,-00across the state line Into 000r have just been filed in me ter- night sweptwithout Times Changes. Nebraska, any apparent dimiritory of Arizona, and similar articles nution in intensity. The damage In Good reasons must, of force, give will be filed with the secretary of this vicinity alone will reach $50,000. place to better. Shakespeare. state of Ut?b in a few days. free-for-a- U e - r v- t) ( ' self-defens- e 1 g post-morte- cut-off- semi-offici- |