Show I 1 believes monkeys do not know much TH T a instinctive amita Y tation Is all the monkey has in edentia er ian imitations ito lations are not among his I 1 equipment physiologically lie ho h closely related to the greatest mind the be world has ever known but that Is a where the wise man stops in hta his drawing of parallels such are the conclusions of prof PV IV T shepherd of george ton university ll 11 has haa had add a dozen Ls sorted monkeys yit cased caged in the labora inborn ory lory of the university for months trying to get from any or all of the them what a layman would designate a gleam bleam of intelligence these little copies of the human being were invited to do dozens of stunts such as trained animals are taught hut but the professor made no wort to compel them to learn them ile ie simply madia conditions such that it II tl ey had had any reasoning power they would have been able to figure dut ut a way of doing the desired stunts without any further assistance from him but not ono one slowed showed what to the professor would be evidence of at the reasoning power not one showed capacity tapa city to watch the professor dola doa ze ertain r maln t thing and then do it himself because he be liked the result not one of them for instance was able to trip the lever that released a peanut although the professor showed them often how to do it all however held forth dirty paws begging for the peanut not oud even made what the men who study mental phenomena call a tal in error T the b a arl la Is that the ui monkeys have no memory of things g in the sense that they are able to call up a pt picture c ture place person or thing there is a no question that they are able to recall having seen been a person when that person stands standi before them in other words they are tho the equal of at any of the domestic animals in that respect ile he can not even subscribe to the darwin belief that they have imagination such as darwin thought dogs doga have because of the evidence before him that dogs dream in much the same way that human beings do professor shepherd did not enter upon the experiments with a view to establishing a theory or to disprove a theory advanced by another but simply to find out for himself the mental capi capacity city or want of capacity of the lune lumen nolda available for hla his ex perl mental work the professor is convinced that when a monkey scratches his head bead very much as a man mail does when he Is perplexed it Is no evidence of thought on oil the part of the monkey roon hey ills idea Is that it Is a purely physiological phenomenon perhaps due to the similarity of 0 construction of a man and a monkey another thing the professor feels warranted in saying is that the monkey mankey is not any more imitative than many other animals ile he shows that monkeys that have had a merry go round in their cages that revolves when they jump on it will continue t to a jump on a contrivance of that kind that is fastened so that it will not revolve and continue to go through the motions necessary to make a proper merry go round perform its proper functions just as aa if the first trial had bad produced results |